Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Ethical Theories Essay Example
Ethical Theories Essay Ethical Theories Business 670 Legal Environment August 10, 2010 The purpose of this paper is to discuss Ethical theories and their foundations from this weekââ¬â¢s reading material. One is to describe the theories, discuss plus add one more that is not in the book. To understand l theories one needs to know understand that a theory is based on observation or testing, there is really no right or wrong answer to what a theory is. One does need to understand what is ethical? Ethical is basically the understanding of what one has learned throughout the years, the thought process of right or wrong. Sometimes we may feel that something is not ethical, but based on the facts and other details it is considered ethical. What is the meaning of Ethical being in accordance with the rules or standards for right conduct or practice, esp. the standards of a profession? One may not always agree what the company accepts as ethical, but in theory it has worked and will continue to work until one discovers another theory. Ethics is based on a set of moral and ethical values. These values must be absolute that is, you must take them seriously enough to override any human rationalization, weakness, ego, or personal faults. When all else fails, you will always look back to these core values to guide you. Unfortunately, life is not that easy and theres always disagreement about what values should reign supreme. What does Theory mean in philosophy, refers to contemplation or speculation, as opposed to action? Theory is especially often contrasted to practice (Greek praxis, a concept that in its original Aristotelian context referred to actions done for their own sake, but can also refer to technical actions instrumental to some other aim, such as the making of tools or houses. (From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia) In the reading of the chapters it talks about the four ethical theories that is discusses is the Rights theory, Justice Theory, Utilitarianism and Profit Maximization. Some of these theories focus on the results of our decisions or actions, do our decision produce the Right results? We will write a custom essay sample on Ethical Theories specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Ethical Theories specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Ethical Theories specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Theories that focus on results of a decision are Teleological Ethical Theories, justifies layoffs for the benefit of the share holders. A Deontological theory may find unacceptable that any competent employee loses his job, even if the layoffââ¬â¢s effect is to reduce prices to consumers and increase profits. Rights theory encompasses a variety of ethical philosophies holding that certain human rights are fundamental and must be respected by other humans. The focus is on each individual member of society and her rights. As an actor, each of us faces a moral compulsion not to harm the fundamental rights of others. Justice theory is the philosophical underpinning for the bureaucratic welfare state. Rawls reasoned that it was right for governments to redistribute wealth in order to help the poor and disadvantaged. He argued for a just distribution of societyââ¬â¢s resources by which a societyââ¬â¢s benefits and burdens are allocated fairly among its members. Utilitarianism requires a decision maker to maximize utility for society as a whole. Maximizing utility means achieving the highest level of satisfactions over dissatisfactions. This means that a person must consider the benefits and costs of her actions to everyone in society. Profitmaximizationas an ethical theory requires a decision maker to maximize a businessââ¬â¢s long-run profits within the limits of the law. Ethics CodesMany large corporations and several industries have adopted codes of ethics or codes of conduct to guide executives and other employees. The Sarbanesââ¬âOxley Act requires a public company to disclose whether it has adopted a code of ethics for senior financial officers, Basically saying that the company code of ethics is in place and expects all employees to follow than and not question the Code of Ethics set forth. There are many theories that is not discussed in the book is this study compares the ethical decision-making processes of Turkish, Thai, and American businesspeople, considering Perceived Moral Intensity (PMI), Corporate Ethical Values (CEV), and perceived importance of ethics (PIE). PMI describes the ethical decision making at the individual level, CEV assesses the influences of the organizations ethical culture on the decisions of the individual, and PIE reveals what the businesspeople believe about the relationships among business, ethics, and long-run profitability, scientists in Istanbul, Turkey report. In summary these theories, accept the known theories as being acceptable, although some do not agree with them, it has become acceptable in some business ventures. Many business have adapted these theories although at times have changed theories depending on the country they are dealing with for the best possible solution and working relationship. In summary, is the really a right or wrong answer to Ethical Theory and what is acceptable in the business world, which is the best theory to use? Research says there really is no right or wrongs answer it is how one perceives the theory and what the business expect of one and their opinion. References: Mallor. Custom book for Ashford: BUS 670 Business Law. McGraw-Hill Primis Custom Publishing, 38503. 2010 AUG 14 (VerticalNews. com) Sim,à M.. (2010). Rethinking Virtue Ethics and Social Justice with Aristotle and Confucius. Asian Philosophy,à 20(2),à 195. Retrieved August 8, 2010, from ProQuest Religion. (Document ID:à 2101270601). Ethical Values for Business Success By Mark S. Putnam From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia | | |. |
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Boyles Law Explained With Example Problem
Boyle's Law Explained With Example Problem Boyles gas law states that the volume of a gas is inversely proportional to the pressure of the gas when the temperature is held constant. Anglo-Irish chemist Robert Boyle (1627ââ¬â1691) discovered the law and for it he is considered the first modern chemist. This example problem uses Boyles law to find the volume of gas when pressure changes. Boyles Law Example Problem A balloon with a volume of 2.0 L is filled with a gas at 3 atmospheres. If the pressure is reduced to 0.5 atmospheres without a change in temperature, what would be the volume of the balloon? Solution Since the temperature doesnt change, Boyles law can be used. Boyles gas law can be expressed as: PiVi PfVf where Pi initial pressureVi initial volumePf final pressureVf final volume To find the final volume, solve the equation for Vf: Vf PiVi/PfVi 2.0 LPi 3 atmPf 0.5 atmVf (2.0 L) (3 atm) / (0.5 atm)Vf 6 L / 0.5 atmVf 12 L Answer The volume of the balloon will expand to 12 L. More Examples of Boyles Law As long as the temperature and number of moles of gas remain constant, Boyles law means doubling the pressure of a gas halves its volume. Here are more examples of Boyles law in action: When the plunger on a sealed syringe is pushed, the pressure increases and the volume decreases. Since boiling point is dependent on pressure, you can use Boyles law and a syringe to make water boil at room temperature.Deep sea fish die when theyre brought from the depths to the surface. The pressure decreases dramatically as they are raised, increasing the volume of gases in their blood and swim bladder. Essentially, the fish pop.The same principle applies to divers when they get the bends. If a diver returns to the surface too quickly, dissolved gases in the blood expand and form bubbles, which can get stuck in capillaries and organs.If you blow bubbles underwater, they expand as they rise to the surface. One theory about why ships disappear in the Bermuda Triangle relates to Boyles law. Gases released from the seafloor rise and expand so much that they essentially become a gigantic bubble by the time they reach the surface. Small boats fall into the holes and are engulfed by the s ea.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Writing a thesis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Writing a thesis - Essay Example The difference comes about when some definitions refer to euthanasia as the act that allows the physician to deliberately end a terminally ill patientââ¬â¢s life in order to avoid unnecessary suffering and pain (NHS 2013). When the two definitions are compared, there is a small difference between them. However, whether one will call it assisted suicide or euthanasia, the end result for both of the acts is that, they both assist a terminally ill person to commit suicide and take away their lives. This paper is therefore aimed at supporting and stating the reasons why I take the position that, assisted suicide should be allowed. Many a times, we suffer from ââ¬Ëdiseasesââ¬â¢ of life that we already know cannot be cured such as life at old age. Sometimes we end up being bedridden in a lot of sufferings and pain for so many years even after having been confirmed to by the doctors that we cannot recover from our illness and we wouldnââ¬â¢t get out of our situation unless we die. People have been involved into fatal accidents that have resulted in the victims losing certain fundamental organs of their body, hence remaining into conditions of surviving through assisted life care. Such assistance normally do not last for long, and the doctors normally already have the information about the situation and already know that the victims will die sooner or later, but after a lot of sufferings and pain. Some patients, normally after knowing their health conditions are those that would not bring them back to life, but only full of sufferings in the hospitals or at home, go ahead to sign a life ending note that states to the doctor in-charge of their health condition to assist them terminate their lives and avoid suffering and pain if the reality of the situation is that they wouldnââ¬â¢t get well again. This is normally an act that is done to them after they have given up in life, and
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Drawing and cad Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1
Drawing and cad - Essay Example In addition, engineering drawing helps create a feeling of the real issue being solve and thus is an integral part of the profession that cannot be let go or ignored. AutoCAD is one of the easiest ways of modelling a technical drawing. But, this designing tool has its shortcomings. More often, understanding the different commands in the software and identifying the proper key for any function that needs to be utilized. Modelling of the motor base required good knowledge of the following features: AutoCAD requires the operator to be experienced in several features and skills and know how, when and where to utilize them. I overcame this by constant working on my skills with several drawings to improve on the lessons learnt in class (Oberholzer, 2008).) The most challenging part in drawing the motor base and its accompanying components was during the modelling of the â⬠¦.. Getting the correct profile of the lower part using Solidworks was difficult as the software provides for modifications on the end sketches only. The transitional drafts help as guidelines of the profile. Their guidance on the outline is through picking the association with the guide curves (Pozar, & Schaubert, 1995).) Proper dimensioning of drawing models requires a user to understand the drawing keenly. This includes the main parts of the component and the purpose of the item being denoted. In this case, the object chosen is a motor base. A motor base is a mounting tool for a variety of components to absorb tensional forces. The major part of the motor base was the bracket which was properly dimensioned. The types of dimensioning codes for circular shapes and linear dimensioning for linear distances were utilized (Green, 2007). In creating the drawings from Solidworks, some limitations were identified with the software during dimensioning of the motor plate. The plate component, support steel, being multi dimension displayed an error message upon trying to dimension.
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Impact of Technology on the Work-Life Balance Essay Example for Free
Impact of Technology on the Work-Life Balance Essay Technology has done a lot for human beings. Without the development in technology it is possible that the pyramids would never have been built and neither would we be able to communicate with each other from remote places all over the world. Some say that these technological advances such as the internet and cellular phones are a boon on society and humankind yet there are also those detractors who say that it is has not simplified life in so much as it has complicated matters. While we enjoy everything that technology has to offer, it cannot be argued that there are times that we are more inconvenienced by it. There are times when one would rather turn his or her cellular phone off so that they can relax more and take it easy. There are also times when they wish they had battery power on their technological devices so that they can work more or accomplish more. The problem it seems is that as technology becomes more advanced and incorporates itself more in the daily lives of people it becomes more difficult to escape from it. The biggest difficulty nowadays is actually turning that piece of technology off without fearing that doing so will leave a person uninformed or make him feel so isolated and left out of this world which is moving at a very rapid pace. It is commonplace to see a person check his computer (either desktop or laptop) every few minutes or so just to make sure that they read the email as soon as it comes in. People bring their work with them almost everywhere they go these days. Work is no longer limited to the confines of a cubicle or an office but can now be performed virtually anywhere thanks to the technological advances that have enabled the invention of portable workstations such as blackberries, laptops and cellular phones. The introduction of teleconferencing has made travel to meetings all but obsolete and the push for more digital convergence has made it possible for people to work from their homes. The proper characterization of this phenomenon is not increasing worker productivity, as it is claimed, but rather invasion of privacy. There is no longer any place that is safe from the summons from work or the orders of a superior. Virtually every place on this planet allows people to perform work at any time and from any location. This means that since the day has still remained at 24 hours, unless scientists have found a way to alter that, and the more that time is devoted to work, the less time on that 24 hour clock is left for privacy and relaxation. Even certain studies have shown that the work hours have dramatically increased from the levels that it was at previously. More and more people put in longer hours with each technological breakthrough that is introduced. It has been argued that this is a good thing because people make more money and more money means happier people. While there is no arguing the fact that more money does make people happy, in general, the devices that have been invented to allow the generation of higher incomes has also reduced the time left to spend that hard earned money. The extra income that is generated by these devices now seems so meaningless and useless since it cannot be spent due to the lack of time to do so. Another problem is also the cost of worker burn out. While productivity is theoretically increased per worker, the added stress and workload that is given per worker leads to a faster deterioration of the human resource and means that in the long run the potential productivity gains are actually nullified by the deterioration of human capital. All of these time saving devices which claim to increase productivity were invented for a simple reason, to decrease work time. They were not really invented to free time up for other work but were envisioned to allow a person to do more with less. We should learn to keep it that way, be happy with doing more with less and do not fret about doing more with more.
Friday, November 15, 2019
Health Promotion In Relation To Holistic Care
Health Promotion In Relation To Holistic Care This essay will attempt to discuss the significance of the link between health promotion and holistic care for the patient. Firstly, the patient will be introduced and a definition of holistic care and assessment will be given. Secondly, the health promotion model and nursing interventions will be described and discussed. Finally this essay will reflect on the effectiveness utilising of health promotion models care; rounded up by a conclusion of the findings. Names in this essay have been changed to protect the patients identity and maintain confidentiality in accordance with the nursing and midwifery councils guidelines (NMC, 2008). Verbal consent was obtained by the client and her family, to use their basic anonymised details. The patient, who for the purpose of this essay shall be known as Jane, is 21 years old and has an acquired brain injury (ABI) following a road traffic accident. An ABI is defined by Headway (2010), the brain injury association, as an injury caused to the brain since birth. Jane has problems remembering information and continually repeats what she says, and also repetition of speech, known as perseveration. Jane was originally admitted onto the neuro rehabilitation ward to address challenging behaviours at home and following successful interventions was due to be discharged when an appropriate care package could be put into place. Due to the complexity of Janes condition her care package was taking longer than planned. While waiting for discharge, Jane, who usually lives at home with her mother, has undertaken many home visits. It then became apparent that Jane was losing weight to the extent that she had become underweight and it became necessary for this to be addressed before Jane could be discharged. It was important that Janes weight was addressed as after a Malnutrition Universal Screening Tool (MUST) assessment was carried out it was concluded that Jane was at high risk from malnutrition. MUST is a screening tool that recognizes malnutrition and those at risk of malnutrition. It encourages multidisciplinary working which improve clinical outcome (BAPEN 2003). At 5 foot 7 inches and weighing 53 kilograms Janes body mass index (BMI) was 19. She also had lost approximately 0.5 kilograms a week for the prior four weeks meaning she had lost nearly 5 percent of her body weight. Best (p.23, 2008) states that malnutrition is caused by an inadequate availability of nutrients, because of either poor intake or deficiency as a result of disease. It is widely accepted that adequate nutrition plays an important role in maintaining optimal health. Following a healthy diet has lots of benefits, not only physically but mentally too. According to the World Health Organization (1948) health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. Following this a complete holistic assessment was carried out. The world health organisation (WHO, 2004), states that holism is a concept which takes into account a patients mind, body and spirit. It includes all aspects of the client and carers life, for example, account of problems from both person and carer, psychiatric and physical health history, medication and compliance, social history, past and current hobbies and interests, daily living skills, driving and faith/religion. Each of these elements is seen as inter-related and as equally important so when any of the elements are compromised there will be an inevitable effect on the others (Ellis 1999, Brooker Waugh 2007). The assessment used for the patient is a trust based holistic assessment founded on the Roper-Logan-Tierney Activities of Daily Living Model. Although published in 1980 this first model of nursing is just as relevant today. The model identifies the 12 activities of daily living as: communication; breathing; eating and drinking; eliminating; sleeping; dying; mobilisation; managing a safe environment; personal cleansing and dressing; work and play; expressing sexuality. These activities identify the basic health needs with the emphasis on assessing the effect of the mind, body and soul of each activity in relation to the persons health. They note how the activities are inter-related and not mutually exclusive (Roper et al 2000). They expanded on the inter-linked relationship between the patient, activities of daily living, factors which influence these activities (for example environmental factors), the lifespan and our level of dependence. It is because of these views that this model has been utilised as a true holistic assessment. Hinchcliff et al (2008), Brooker Waugh (2007) and Dougherty Lister (2008) substantiate that assessment is an ongoing, complex, systematic and interactive process. It involves gathering a range of information from and about the client and then using that information to decide the care, support and intervention that is required. The information is then clearly documented as in line with the Nursing and Midwifery Councils guidelines (NMC 2005). Subsequent to the assessment, Jane was discussed at the weekly multi-disciplinary team (MDT) meeting, as in accordance with the NMC code which states that nurses must work together with other professionals as a team whilst sharing and valuing each others skills and knowledge (NMC, 2008). The nurse is at the core of the clients care and can therefore communicate and negotiate the clients needs and preferences to other members of the interprofessional team (Day, 2006). Following the meeting various interventions were put in place: Blood tests were ordered to check for any underlying medical causes (test results were negative). Janes weight was to be monitored on a weekly basis, food and drink charts as well as nutritional supplement charts were to be completed by nursing staff and Janes relatives who often took her out for meals. The Royal College of Nursings campaign Nutrition Now (RCN 2007) suggests that patients are also monitored to make sure that they are eating the food they are offered. Protected mealtimes on the ward would be observed by all members of the multidisciplinary team as sometimes this was not adhered to. Nutrition Now (2007) also highlights the need for protected mealtimes so that there is a more relaxed atmosphere for patients to eat their meals and that they are assisted by nurses as well as healthcare staff to eat their meals. The dietician would review Janes nutritional intake: Speech and language would assess Jane for any s wallowing difficulties: Occupational therapy would observe Jane eating and drinking before making any recommendations: Janes weight would be monitored and reviewed at following MDT meetings. Auty Rennie (2007) suggest that professionals working in isolation with a client rather than in a team struggle to achieve the optimum outcome for the client as any treatment provided could be ineffective. Janes named nurse explained to Jane issues that had been discussed at the MDT meeting and that Janes weight would need to be stabilised before she could be discharged. Also a care plan would be put in place to address this issue. Nursing staff had already identified that Jane would be worried about becoming overweight as this was something she relayed often during conversations with them. Rosenstockss health belief model (1952) cited in Glanz (2005) works by exploring peoples perception and ways to inform, encourage and motivate change. There are six steps contained in this model: Perceived susceptibility; perceived severity; perceived benefits; perceived barriers; cues to action; self-efficacy. These steps were applied to the issue of Janes weight. Jane was worried about becoming overweight (perceived susceptibility) and she was informed of the risk to her health because of not eating enough. Janes understanding and judgement of the severity of the situation were difficult. Short-term memory problems and the inability to process information and make informed decisions are common problems associated with ABI (Headway 2009). Because of this the nurse clarified to Jane how her health would be affected and that she would not be well enough to be discharged (perceived severity). Jane appeared to understand that she needed to put on weight before she could return home, it was explained that her food intake would be monitored and that the dietician had revised her diet to include high calorie foods and supplements. Jane was happy to comply with the interventions as she knew she would be discharged but she was worried that she would not be able to eat and drink enough even if she wanted to (perceived benefits). Jane was reassured that she would be given support and guidance to ensure the best possible outcome (perceived barriers). Although cues to action are directed more towards people living in the community it was adapted to meet Janes needs, she was given information in a format she could understand and also took part in Health Eating Sessions with patients from other wards. Jane was supported and encouraged to eat snacks as well as her regular meal, food she enjoyed was made available to her at anytime. She also had regular motivational chats with her named nurse (self-efficacy). The Tannahill model (1985) cited by Downie et al (2002) was also utilised. This model defines health promotion as an approach to improving health and diminishing the risk of ill health through incorporating three processes; health education; prevention; protection. Health education: influencing peoples behaviour and attitudes; encouraging positive well being and diminishing ill health. Prevention and protection: to diminish the risk of disease developing by interventions, that is, primary: Giving people the knowledge to make better choices with regard to their health, for example, risks related to smoking; immunization. Secondary intervention: Health screening for early detection, for example, smear tests, smoking cessation. Tertiary: Managing established disease and preventing complications, for example, rehabilitation advice after stroke or serious injury. Protection: through government policies: public health and health promotion programmes can improve health, reduce disease risks , manage chronic illness, improve wellbeing, promoting self-sufficiency of individuals. In conclusion the holistic assessment and health promotion and belief models have worked well for the patient. It allowed the multidisciplinary team to put together an effective care plan. The nurses involved with Janes care gave lots of encouragement and advice to Jane and because nursing staff followed the care plan Jane began putting weight on. Although the reason why she needed to do so and the reassurance that she would not become overweight had to be explained to Jane continually because of her short term memory problems. The effectiveness of the care plan is apparent as despite NICE bringing in Providing nutritional support for adults guidelines and the introduction of specialist nutrition teams, being brought in over the last twenty years there are still patients who are somehow being missed and are under-nourished (Holder 2009). Additionally NICE guidelines (2006) state that knowledge of causes, effects and treatment of malnutrition among healthcare professional in the UK is poor. It goes on to say that all health professionals linked with patient care should be trained in knowing how to provide ample nutrition for peoples needs. This can be seen to still be a major factor in the improvement of nutrition for health. Holder (2009) asserts that nurses need to be aware of all initiatives nationally, regionally and within their own trust so they are able to provide better nutrition for their patients. 1943 words
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
American football Essay
Actuality There are so many scenarios in life that are made out to be completely different than they actually are because of media. Movies and shows make everything seem like something is one way and then in actuality itââ¬â¢s nothing like it. Throughout movies from scene to scene things are dramatized, over exaggerated, and made out to be better or worse than the situation or things really are. As a child I always watched movies and was deceived by them without even realizing it. I always enjoyed football movies most because I could relate to most of the things and could compare things in the movie to my actual life. They have always drawn my attention and I usually was misled by the way they made the sport in general seem. I wanted to play football at a young age but was always mistaken on the way the game actually was. It was made out to be way harder and worse than actuality. Friday Night Lights and Remember the Titans are two movies I always referred to. Throughout the years of playing football from elementary school to being a college athlete now these movies are the ones that stood out to me. In Friday Night Lights and Remember the Titans the teams have many similarities: The atmosphere isnââ¬â¢t just anà ordinary family, its boys that love each other and play like no one is different. They act like they have grown up together on the field and off and have a bond that canââ¬â¢t be separated even when itââ¬â¢s a tough game or things are falling apart. The teams have a passion for the game and get emotionally invested in it. Practices always came off to be miserable and extremely tough in movies. The drills they run through and exaggerate make football seem really intense. The coaches are very into every second of the practices with little down time and a lot of things to be covered. Theà practices are long and drawn out so there is no room to screw up or mess around. The coaches show the passion for the game by the way they get into the practice and are tough on each player. Although they are tough, they build very personal relationships and bonds with each of their players. The coaches in movies seem to be a father figure and a great example to all the players. The relationships show in the games and when they are playing as they lead each other to have selfmotivation and push not only one another but themselves as well. My real life experiences with football haveà been very opposite to the way movies portray these instances to be. I had always thought practices and the sport would be painstaking because of the movies and in reality it was completely wrong. I went into high schools nervous and worried that the first practice would be intimidating and eerie as I would wait for the bell at the end of each day and dread the fact that now it was time for football. What I mean by that is I would sit in my desk and repeatedly think of getting killed by the bigger kids. I would continue to look at the clock and every minute felt like 30, I was just scared andà nervous. I soon began to realize and understand that it was just the way the movies make things seem. Practice was not actually full of the coaches yelling and making us do drills that were unbearable. It was all made out to be something it was not. In reality the team isnââ¬â¢t bonded and nearly as close as the movies make them out to be. Some people get along and some donââ¬â¢t, football is not the only reason for everyone to get along. Maybe it was where I went to school but I just couldnââ¬â¢t compare much to the movies. Drills in the movie would last hours and throughout my life of playing football my drills would be short. The drills wouldnââ¬â¢t take your breath away and you wouldnââ¬â¢t be at a loss of energy. In the movies you have coaches in your ear yelling at you, grabbing your facemask to get your attention, and every time they got close to your face their spit would go all over you. Throughout my life coaches were not physical, they wouldnââ¬â¢t grab you, pull you, or throw you around. Practice would consist of cone drills, where you had to set up cones in different areas and run full speed. Another drill we did was seven versus seven, which consist of 7 offensiveà guys and 7 defensive guys with no line men. There would be four receivers sometimes five depending on the formations, a quarterback, and a running back also with two occasionally. The coach would call a play and you would have to try and move the ball down field only by passing the ball. Another drill we would do as a team consisted of all eleven players on both sides of the ball in a game-like situation. Everything in the movie seemed to consist of screaming, drills that would look like it could almost kill you, and coaches just all over you every time you made a mistake. It seemed like you just couldnââ¬â¢t catch a break. They really are great, inspirational movies. I even sometimes wished my school was the way movies were. Most people can relate if they play football and have seen either two movies. If you are a high school freshman or student athlete they can really make you nervous and scared to go and play. Maybe it was my school, but most people I have talked to can relate and have the same opinion. That is why I always thought playing football was going to be miserable and harsh but I have now come to the realization in my own life that it is nothing like I had ever expected.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Relation between Economics and Law Essay
The study of Law without the knowledge of other related social sciences i.e., Political theory, Sociology and Economics, etc, is incomplete. In any law curriculum the study of Economics and Law and their interaction is increasingly found necessary. As Law influence Economics, Economics also influence Law. As a matter of fact Economics forms the basis of the study of Law. Economics reflects the socio-economic ethos of the country in particular and world in general. It becomes out of date and misleading if the Economic ethos change. But it was proved to be wrong by Dalton. The organisation, industrial structure and performance have changed in the thirty years. E.g.: policy goals, policy instrument, Economic institutions. Economics derives its aims and objectives from the study of man and must derive at least a large part of its methodology from a study of Nature. Legal Economics is a vital part in understanding the interactional dimension of Law and Economics, i.e., how modern Economics can be used to illuminate a number of legal problems. It is not sufficiently realised that the economic analysis can aid our understanding of the Law and how economic factors limit and shape the operation of crime control and legal systems. Economic considerations have varied and widespread effects on the costs and benefits that prospective offenders may expect from crime, on decisions to litigate or to settle out to court, on the significance of legal costs the practical problems of legal administration and the provision of legal services. Law and legal policy help to determine the behaviour of the economy. There are extensive legal constraints on the allocation and the distribution of resources and on labour and hou sing markets. The social functions of Law are broadly classified into three: (1) Encouraging good behaviour and discouraging bad behaviour. (2) Facilitating the people to transactions among themselves in organised legal system. (3) Distributing and re-distributing goods and services to the people. Law normally enters the scene in two guises; as public law, and as private law. The range extent of state intervention depends on the socio-economic ethos of each country. Western countries for a long time believed in laissez faire position, i.e. State interference in the economy will lead to misallocation of resources, economic inefficiency and a net wealth loss. Areas of law such as contact, tort and consumer protection legislations have obvious effects on financial dealings. In this changing scenario, there is need for guidance on the economic policy decisions by the legislature and courts which are increasingly involved with policy questions. Policy making courts need a behavioural theory of predict responses to change in Law and to evaluate these responses systematically according to normative standard. Ours is a market-oriented economy based on private enterprise. This implies two conditions- first, that all property can be privately owned and second, that people are economically free, i.e. subject to obedience to the law, they are free to use their time and means as they like. This is however, subject to the laws and regulations made by the society for the general good, otherwise it will lead to social cost. The classical economists, such as Adam Smith and his followers Marshall, Ricardo, Marthus, etc, believed that in a market economy perfect competition operates and through price mechanism (invisible hand) supply and demand of goods and services will reach equilibrium. Therefore, any interference in the market mechanism by the State will lead to economic waste and result in the economic inefficiency. Perfect competition operates only if the following conditions are satisfied: (1) Too many buyers and sellers,. They are price-takers and not price-givers; (2) Full knowledge of the products transacted in the market; (3) Homogeneity of products (product differentiation is not possible); and (4) Nil or negligible transaction costs. However, due to rapid economic development after the Industrial Revolution, the conditions mentioned above did not operate resulting in World Depression and complete collapse of the market system (in 1930ââ¬â¢s). In these circumstances, J.M. Keynes, a well known economist propounded a new theory. He said the invisible hand relied upon by classical economists had developed arthritis and the visible hand of the Government was needed to correct the malady. He, therefore, advocated limited State intervention to correct the defects in the market mechanism so that the market operations can be revived and equilibrium achieved. He had faith in the market oriented economy. Later it was realised by the welfare and the third world economists that limited State intervention will not work and full intervention is necessary for the following reasons: (1) Steady increase in the divergence between private goods and social goods, i.e., economic development results in rapid industrialisation which in turn increases the tempo of urbanisation. (2) Rise of monopolies lead to distortion of the price system in the market economy through manipulation of supply of products and selling standard products, etc. (3) Rise of advertisement and propaganda (4) Steady increase in the divergence between private cost and social cost. Therefore, the introduction of a number of laws to protect environmental pollution (air, water and sound) has become necessary. The second feature of the market economy is the protection of property. Possession and ownership of property has been justified in economic theory because it is productive and contributes to economic growth. Propery rights are one of the incentives for efficient resource use. If there are no property rights, only commonà rights, then economic behaviour takes a new form. Due to technological revolution and growth, the intangible, aspects of property surfaced and they had to be protected for economic development. Therefore, the definition of property has been widened to include not only physical property but also the intellectual property (i.e. goodwill, patents, copyright, etc). This wider definition of the property is attractive to economists and predates modern work on Demand Theory which in fact focuses on the characteristics of a ââ¬Ëgoodsââ¬â¢ rather than the ââ¬Ëgoodsââ¬â¢ it. The third feature of the market economy is contract. Under the classical concepts, contract between the two parties are binding and no third party can interfere. This, of course is subject to the exceptions provided in the Contract Act (i.e. contact by minors, lunatics, idiots, etc. Contracts obtained by fraud, coercion, undue influence are all void contacts). In India the sanctity of contract has been given go-by. The Supreme Court in many cases held that court can interfere in the contractual relations. For e.g., Justice Hidayatullah held that: ââ¬Å"Social justice is not based on contractual relations and is not to be enforced on the principles of contract of service. It is something outside these principles, and is invoked to do justice without a contract to back it.â⬠The right to personal security under the welfare State has been given more social interpretation which includes: (1) the right of the worker to be protected against the risk of sickness, unemployment and old age, (2) his right to be protected by social insurance, and (3) His right to enjoy the necessary services of Government loosely called ââ¬ËSocial Servicesââ¬â¢. Another area in contract law which made inroads in the concept of ââ¬Ësanctity of contractââ¬â¢ is consumer protection law inasmuch as changed role in freedom of contact is viewed as one of the foundations of a well organised society. Broadly, there are four reasons for the use of consumer protection laws: (1) The doctrine of ââ¬Ëcaveat emptorââ¬â¢ does not make sense in the modern world since information is asymmetrically distributed. (2) The free market system does not lead to optional use of resources. (3) The value judgement implicit in the ââ¬Å"devil take the hindmostâ⬠attitude to the parting of money from a fool is now much less widely held. The economic consequences of consumer protection laws are- the legislation produces a different outcome with respect to resource allocation, prices and income distribution to that which would otherwise occur, and it results in the companiesââ¬â¢ devoting more resources to quality control or even withdraw from some markets resulting in higher market prices and different resource allocation. INTERNATIONAL DIMENSIONS OF LAW AND ECONOMICS The marrying of Economics and Law is not new. According to Posner, much of the common law can be explained in economic terms and all branches of common and statue law has been examined in the light of this theory. Empirical research has proved that law has developed according to the economic structure of the country. Economic analysis is part and parcel of several law courses. Besides, there are many courses directly on Economics and Law (Legal Economics). At present it is probably fair to say that most lawyers find it quite difficult to see how they can make use of or even sense of such of the work done by economists on lawâ⬠¦ however, there are increasing signs of legal writers taking explicit account of economic arguments. There remains however considerable scope for further work on bridging the gaps between the disciplines. The high flown values that legal principles express are examined by legal economists in the light of their efficiency and their social effect and not just their self defined moral content. WHAT IS LAW? : In laymanââ¬â¢s language law is the definition and enforcement of ââ¬Ësocial normsââ¬â¢. WHY LAW? : To maintain ââ¬Ësocio-economic equilibriumââ¬â¢ in the society. If viewed in the static sense, then the preservation of the existing rights in the society is the purpose of the law. That is why positive law defines and defends existing rights in the society. There are three models followed by the non communist countries, i.e. (1) Pure capitalist model in a market economy where the State plays no role and market forces decide how the market operates (2) Mixed Economy model with capitalist orientation, where state plays a minor role, corrects failures in the market operations and leaves the rest to the market forces, and (3) Mixed economy with socialist orientation, where the State plays a major role, i.e., interferes in the market operations not only to correct market failures but also to social justice, not because states are richer, but people have a different concept and expectations from the State. The economic analysis of law is concerned with ââ¬Ëefficiencyââ¬â¢, i.e. rational allocation of scarce resources with lest cost to attain maximum satisfaction. In law, people are concerned with justice only and not about its cost. If there is conflict between efficiency and justice, the nature of trade-offs can be illuminated by economic analysis and since the attainment of justice involves the use of resources, the economic approach can contribute to normative discussions by providing information on the costs of justice. Use of Economics does not predict the impact of law, but to describe and explain the law-to provide it with an economic rationale. The third important feature of economic analysis of law is the resurgence ofà Neo-Institutional Approach by making not the transaction, the basic unit of analysis. THE BROAD CHARACTERISTICS OF NEO-INSTITUTIONAL APPROACH (NIA) ARE: (1) It is Taxonomical. It lists a set of economically relevant categories that are useful for examining the law; (2) It is more micro-analytical. It focuses on the details of the environment in which the transaction takes place and suggests an empirical approach that requires the collection and compilation of relevant data; (3) It rejects market equilibrium analysis and instead places emphasis on the adaptation to disequilibrium; and (4) It investigates specifically institutional phenomena and uses these to develop conceptual categories. Our Constitution works on an economic system and not in vacuum. Ours is a market oriented economy where efficiency is the sole criterion and it has no place for a non economic input like social justice. Thus, there is a conflict between equality and efficiency. In a market economy where efficiency is the sole criterion, law plays a vital role in determining the efficiency of the economic activity it regulates. A law is ââ¬Ëgoodââ¬â¢ if it guarantees and promotes economic efficiency and ââ¬Ëbadââ¬â¢ if it impedes or disrupts it. The common criticism levelled against this approach is that by concentrating only on efficiency, it ignores justice in the sense that market system by encouraging efficiency, tolerates inequality of income and wealth resulting in unequal distribution of economic opportunity, thus violating the core objectives of our Constitution. However, there is a second meaning of justice i.e. in a world of scarce resources, waste or misuse of resources is considered as immoral and good law can prevent the misuse of resources and achieve efficiency and justice. In this approach, both are complementary. As Posner observes, ââ¬Ëthe demand for justice is not independent of its priceââ¬â¢. A major contribution of economics is the framework that it gives the lawyer systematically to evaluate legal policy, reveal important trade-offs and interrelationships between legal goals and trace through the probable effects, costs and benefits of different laws. The economic approach not only provides an integrated treatment of the side effects but been responsible for drawing attention to the more subtle and hitherto unrecognised effects. Another contribution of economic analysis of law is that it treats legal rules as a system of incentives and disincentives which influences the actions of potential litigants. The law is seen as guiding the behaviour of groups or individuals and on the assumption of economic rationality the economic model is able to predict the direction of the response. Thus the economists tend to focus on the general effects of law such as the impact on trading behaviour of different contract remedies. This emphasis differs significantly from the way most lawyers are accustomed with grievances and of resolving individual disputes peacefully, fairly and consistently with legal doctrine. Law has also influenced socio-economic policies. ââ¬Å"Laws and legal policy help to determine behaviour of the economy. In this context, Prof Barker observes that, ââ¬Å"If Economic factors and economic interests have partly determined the legal framework, it is even more true that law has furnished the whole general framework of rules within which and under which the factors and interests of economics have had to workâ⬠. Legal Reform Legislations, Trust Law, Abolition of Bonded Labour (Art 23(1) of the Constitution), etc. are classical examples of how law has influenced the economic behaviour in the market economy. Legal constraints on the allocation and distribution of resources and on labour and housing markets which affect the economic activities in the market. These aspects have become vital in the globalisation of the economy and revival of the markets with privatisation as the focal point. Prof Paul Burrow said that, ââ¬Å"Economics and Law can provide insights in places where traditional legal analysis fails to penetrateâ⬠. It is essentially nature of the two disciplines that makes us optimistic that collaboration between lawyers and economists will be increasingly fruitful in the future. TORT LAW The first topic of our study on the Economic Analysis of Law will be Tort Law because torts were one of the first bodies of Common Law to which formal economic models were applied. The broad features of tort law are: (1) It deals with civil offences only, i.e. trespass, nuisance, defamation, economic loss, etc. (2) it is judge-made law and therefore is flexible (unlike criminal law) (3) Tort Law aims at compensation as opposed to criminal prosecution which aims at punishment. There are three elements in torts: (a) Breach of duty owned to the plaintiff by the defendant; (b) Harm suffered by the plaintiff; and (c) The breach being the immediate or proximate cause of the harm. Breach of duty must give rise to measurable damages, valued in terms of money or moneysââ¬â¢ worth. The four possible bases of the action for damages are: (a) Appeasement; (b) Justice; (c) Deterrence; and (d) Compensation. (1) APPEASEMENT: The objectives of both tort and criminal laws are to encourage good behaviour and discourage bad behaviour. The victim receives money as appeasement and he is pleased that aggressor is discomfited by being made to pay. By this means, the victim is induced to let off stream ââ¬Ëwithin the law rather than outside itââ¬â¢. (2) JUSTICE: two variants of this theory are: (a) The principle of Ethical Retribution: the pavement of compensation is an evil for the offender and that justice requires that he should suffer this evil. (b) The Principle of Ethical Compensation: this looks from the point of the victim. The payment of compensation is a benefit to the victim of the wrong and justice requires that he should receive compensation. (3) DETERRANCE: the action in tort is a ââ¬Å"judicial parableâ⬠designed to control the future conduct of the community in general. According to Austin, the proximate end of evil action is redress to the injured party; but its remote and paramount end is the same as that of the criminal sanction, the presentation of the offences generally. (4) COMPENSATION: Compensatory or reparative theory demands that one who has caused injury to another must make good the damage whether he was at fault or not. It justifies strict liability. Be that as it may, we are concerned as students of Legal Economics with economic efficiency objectives of tort law. Before that we will discuss briefly the legal objectives of tort. Holmes and later others are of the opinion that tort law has no interests in shifting the loss from the victim of an accident to others unless this serves some special objective, ranging from vindication, preserving the peace by ââ¬Ëbuying offââ¬â¢ the victims, desireà to retaliate, ethical retribution, compensation and deterrence the connected question is whether Common Law imposes liability for failure to resume. This concept has been rejected as not practicable since it is difficult to set limits of social interference with individual liberty. ECONOMIC EFFICIENCY: it is not concerned with morality or social purpose, etc, as in legal objectives of tort liability. It requires the minimisation of three costs: (a) The losses due to accidents; (b) The cost of preventing the accidents; and (c) The costs of administering a system of accidental law. In the light of the above discussion, we can safely conclude that the Tort Law, in India, is out of date, costly and reliefs meagre. As a result, it is economically inefficient, apart from special injustice caused to many of the victims of civil offences. CONTRACT LAW In a market oriented economy, the core concepts are property and contacts. These are basically, economic concepts, but law regulates them, contracts are devices for facilitating trade and economising costs of making transactions. By trading in promises for future delivery, traders can reduce uncertainty about the future. This requires adequate legal safeguards so that both the parties to the contract are secure and pan their activities accordingly.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Should Be It Legal to Sell the Marijuana in the United States
Should Be It Legal to Sell the Marijuana in the United States Abstract Nowadays American society faces a number of questions and debates that considerably influence living conditions and safe future. The use and necessity to legalize marijuana is considered to be one of the most burning and important questions to deal with. One nation that is eager to achieve the same objectives and meet personal needs is divided into those who support and argue the idea of marijuana legislation in the United States. In fact, it sounds alerting.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Should Be It Legal to Sell the Marijuana in the United States? specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More A number of sources are devoted to the theme of marijuana and its impact on human health and lives. It is not always easy to give one clear and definite question whether marijuana legislation is necessary for the American society or not, this is why the main purpose of this paper is to investigate the current state of affairs and clear up really obligatory and strong reasons of this legislation process. It is high time to enforce a controlled ban on that marijuana selling; however, the idea to create a strict quota basis for actual users for medical self-consumption against the prescription of certified medical practitioners who are mandated to prescribe such drugs for ailing patients has many unclear points. If the concept of marijuana could be changed over time from a commercial drug to a pharmaceutical drug, it could go a long way to ensure its judicial success. In this paper, the evaluation of available sources that contain clear information about marijuana, its process of legislation, and peopleââ¬â¢s attitude to this drug will be given. With the help of personal knowledge, thorough analysis, and constant investigations of the subject, it is possible to realize the reasons to make use of while marijuana legislation process. Among the variety of such reasons, the idea to legalize marijuana under strict conditions and restrictions sounds rather persuasive and clear to help people improve their lives and choose the safest methods. What I Want to Know and Why The question of marijuana legalization has been discussed in many countries for a long period of time. Those people who prefer to use this psychoactive drug try to find out as many reasons as possible in order to protect the use of marijuana and prove that its legalization is a perfect step up for many people. And those people who cannot realize why so many people agree to use this drug and become dependent on its power do not want to accept the idea of legislation and insist on establishment special norms according to which the use of marijuana may be controlled.Advertising Looking for research paper on ethics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More In my opinion, in order to give a clear answer to the question whether it is urgent and necessary to legali ze marijuana in the United States, it is very important to say unbiased and be able to gather as many different sources as possible and define both weak and strong sides of the issue under discussion. What I want to know is the reasons of why so many people use such serious psychoactive drug as marijuana of their own accord and do not want to pay special attention to their activities and the outcomes of their activities and why so many people prefer to stop using marijuana and blame marijuana smokers for inability to think about future, safe, and sound of human generation. In fact, marijuana use is considered to be less harmful in comparison to other drugs. This is why it is very important to compare the effects of marijuana on peopleââ¬â¢s health, define its possible medical benefits (if there are some), and clear up what makes people strive for marijuana legalization in the United States of America. It is also possible to evaluate two types of the situation: one is when marijua na is legalized; and another is when marijuana is prohibited, and its users undergo certain punishment because of its selling and using. After such evaluation is made, the answer to the question whether marijuana legalization is worthwhile or not may be given. Search for Information and Focus One of the first sources by means of which I get to know about marijuana, its effects, and the peculiarities of use was television. My passion to movies and the variety of themes touched upon there usually help me recognize the main aspects of American style of life, peopleââ¬â¢s preferences, and challenges to overcome. Requiem for a Dream is probably one of the most serious and provocative movies about the use of marijuana (cannabis) and many other drugs which influence human perception of the world, human possibilities, and dreams. Other movies like American Beauty or Alpha Dog are also good sources to comprehend why some people cannot accept the idea of marijuana use in everyday life and why many people still find some kind of help that comes form marijuana (that is usually relief, satisfaction, relaxation, calmness, or vice versa obligatory drive). However, movies are not the only reliable and helpful sources to realize the necessity, effects, and legalization of marijuana.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Should Be It Legal to Sell the Marijuana in the United States? specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More A number of articles and booksââ¬â¢ writers pay special attention to the question of marijuana legalization. The possibility to find necessary sources online is good indeed: it does not necessary to spend much time waiting in queues or visiting the library that is far from your house. This is why all I need to find out interesting and reliable information is to look through my personal video collection, choose several provocative articles and books, and communicate with people. Communication with people who have different opinions, evaluation of politiciansââ¬â¢ positions, and focus on my personal attitude to the problem turn out to be helpful in order to develop the necessary research and give a clear answer to the question concerning the process of marijuana legalization. What I Learned Summary of sources. The vast majority of medical workers admit that ââ¬Å"marijuana-based medicines may prove helpful in treating a variety of painful symptoms associated with AIDSâ⬠(Mack and Joy 90). This is why it is easy to find out many positive feedbacks of marijuana use from a pure medical perspective and it is very important to evaluate once again the necessity of marijuana legislation under a number of distinctions, social norms, and legal restrictions. A captivating and meaningful observation that ââ¬Å"marijuana prohibition is unique among American criminal lawsâ⬠¦ no other law is both so widely and harshly and yet deemed unnecessary by such a substantial port ion of the populaceâ⬠was introduced in one academic journal that meets my eye (Nadelmann 28). I was so fond of information found there that made a decision to find out several more articles from academic journals to discover what other sophisticated people think about the idea of marijuana legislation and why this question is still open. It was discovered that the vast majority of governmental representatives still forbid doctors promote the use of marijuana even if it is medically useful (Kreit 1795). However, the movies prove that people continue selling and using marijuana without considering whether it is legal or not. People truly believe that they can reach their dreams and become more important in this world. For example, the main character of Requiem for a Dream says, ââ¬Å"Iââ¬â¢m somebody nowâ⬠¦ Everybody likes me. Soon, millions of people will see me and theyââ¬â¢ll all like meâ⬠(Requiem for a Dream). It is also necessary to admit American Beauty (1 999), when the main character start using marijuana to change his mood and become closer to his dreams and ideas, and Alpha Dog (2006), where almost each character is connected to marijuana by means of its selling, buying, and using.Advertising Looking for research paper on ethics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Legalization of Marijuana Selling: Advantages and Disadvantages. Drugs like marijuana are indiscriminately used for pleasure or commercially distributed for profits and quite capable of causing major short-term detriment both to the bodies and to minds of its users. If it is used over some period, the outcomes connected to health hazards may become irreparable. Thus, it is necessary to admit that government continues taking considerable actions against such occurrences in the interests of public good in order to ensure concrete health standards of the public especially among young people who may not be fully aware of the threats that are caused by constant consumption of non-medically prescribed and supervised marijuana. Besides, there are also concerns that if and once legal precedents have been set regarding these drug groups, it would be difficult to allow similar cases in future indeed. I also learned that the medical aspects of the drug groups have to be differentiated from its commercial and economic elements. There are also issues concerning some medical aspects that are disassociated with others. On the one hand, the medicinal use entails growing, cultivation, marketing, and distribution of these lethal drugs without prejudice to its content and consumption values. The supply chain management and logistics for medicinal use may not be different from that of commercial use. On the other hand, Customer Marijuana ID permissions and quota restrictions on case-to-case basis could be manipulated and used by drug groups that lead to real fears through arm-twisting and malpractices. To comprehend clearly why marijuana legalization has still to be justified, it is possible to compare it to some other types of drugs and means people prefer to use to relax, feel relief, forget about challenges of reality, and enjoy this life. In comparison to alcohol and cigarettes which may cause death very often (more than 100,000 Americans die from alcohol use, and more than 4 00,000 Americans dies from tobacco use), marijuana users are not under a threat of being dead. Of course, the idea to overuse marijuana, inability to control human desires and demands may be fatal for the vast majority of people without consideration whether this drug is legal or not. The threats of marijuana are also evident: its use may lead to short-term memory loss however, it occurs only in case of considerable influence. Long-term memory cannot undergo considerable changes and damages because of marijuana use. However, again in comparison to other drugs like alcohol, it is possible to drink a lot, not notice danger, and be injured. Human experience proves that marijuana does not influence the work of brain, does not damage either genetic structure or the immune system. Alcohol in its turn influences considerably the work of brain and may lead to serious dangers. Smoking cigarettes leads to numerous health problems such as lung cancer, and the use of marijuana is possible by me ans of food so that marijuana does not have serious damages connected to human health. The point is that more experienced people who get a clear idea of what the possible safe doze means and how dangerous the use of drugs is are able to evaluate the situation and use marijuana in order to get pleasure and be satisfied. Solution. As it has been mentioned above, it is quite possible to legalize marijuana under a number of restrictions, and one of them is the process of marijuana taxation. However, in 1937, the Marijuana Tax Act has been already adopted and proclaimed that any user of marijuana had to pay taxes in order to get a legal permission of having this drug. However, within a short period of time, the federal government argued against this act and the results were terrible: more than 500,000 Americans continued to be arrested annually (Goldberg 74). Young people and children do not understand how to use drugs properly and forget about all possible precautionary measures, this i s why even Vitamin C may be dangerous in childrenââ¬â¢s hands. This is why when the questions of marijuana legalization is raised, the following clarifications have to be mentioned: Age restrictions (they may be even the same which are inherent to cigarette smokers); Attention to driving and the use of marijuana (drunk people need to pass through numerous tests and pay fines; the same should be used in regard to marijuana smoker-drivers); Appropriate taxation (this method prevents easy possibilities to find marijuana); Proper advertisement (if marijuana legalization is possible, the conditions under which it is promoted to people should not be different in comparison to other drugs advertised); Development of special centers (marijuana users should have a chance to drop this habit and have the place where to go and share personal worries). Each drug has a number of harmful outcomes but some of them are still legal. This is why it is useless to forbid the use of marijuana. Medic al experiences help to realize that marijuana has the same or even less harmful outcomes for human health. Not long time ago, it was difficult to imagine a young lady smoking because this activity is harmful for female health and influences the functions of reproduction. However, nowadays, many women continue smoking and drop this habit in case they are emotionally ready for it. Marijuana does not influence any reproductive functions; it helps to relieve pain and decrease the level of human suffering. Those people who still cannot agree to the idea of marijuana legalization should evaluate their opinions and ideas once again and conduct a number of researches which help to compare how dangerous legalized marijuana can be, smoking is, and the use of alcohol is. Importance of marijuana legalization. Observations show that our society is divided into those who support the idea of marijuana and those who cannot realize its necessity. Numerous debates, quarrels, and fights take place in order to prove each position. However, smokers and non-smokers do not use the same methods to prove their rights. Legalization of smoking and alcohol decrease the level of violence caused by the necessity to prove something. In its turn if the use of marijuana is legalized, people should not care of necessity to prove their rights. They are all equal, and people have the right of choice. Those who want to use marijuana are able to use it, and those who do not find it necessary are able to avoid this habit. However, any person will be able to prove his/her rights and opinions as for marijuana by means of power and law. Government should take care of its citizens, and if marijuana legalization may lead to better understanding of human needs and interests, this chance should be used. I think that after this drug is legalized, all problems and misunderstandings around this question will disappear. Those people who use marijuana are able to find it whether it is legalized or not, this is why governmental bans do not support the idea of safe and sound present and future but create a number of obstacles for citizens. Smoking and alcohol is prohibited in public places; the same should happen to marijuana. Under such conditions, American people get one more chance to feel the taste of freedom and its beauty. American civilization is smart and strong. People will hardly harm themselves without proper reasons and grounds, and marijuana is not the reason to worry about. When it is legalized, the problems of marijuana will be solved, and government as well as American citizen will get more time and efforts to pay attention to other burning problems like terrorism, obesity, violence, and kidnapping. Self Evaluation It is a shame to admit but it was unknown for me that the use of marijuana may be justified from the medical perspective. If I was deeply informed about all these medical issues and the use of marijuana, the research concerning its legalization could be focused m ore on the ideas on how to legalize its use and explain other people the necessity of this legalization. There are so many drugs which are used by people legally and which lead to negative outcomes and threats for health. But still people continue using different dangerous drugs, taking extreme actions, and thinking that everything is not as dangerous as many people think. In fact, marijuana is not the worst and harmful in comparison to alcohol or cigarettes. And people get used to think that if it is not legalized, it is more dangerous for health and do not want to pay attention to current achievements and human personal experiences. It is widely known that any forbidden fruit is sweet, and those who cannot reach the desirable object legally make numerous attempts and invent a number of ways to achieve this purpose. And if a person gets the right to use marijuana legally, it may become even boring with time. This is why it is better to make marijuana available for all people and le galize it under concrete conditions. In case marijuana is legalized, more time may be spent on solving other problems. And I cannot comprehend the reason of why so many sophisticated people cannot define the necessity of marijuana legalization at least to decrease the level of violence and quarrels which happen between supporters and opponents of marijuana. I think it is still important to continue this type of investigation in order to find out reasons that are more powerful and prove that marijuana is not the most serious problem to deal with, and its legalization has many positive aspects that have to be explained to people. Alpha Dog. Dir. Nick Cassavetes and Paul Ralph. Perf. Bruce Willis, Justin Timberlake, Emile Hirsch. 2006. DVD. American Beauty. Dir. Sam Mendes. Prod. Bruce Cohen. Perf. Kevin Spacey, Annette Bening, Thora Birch. Dreamworks, 1999. DVD. Goldberg, Ray. Drugs across the Spectrum. Belmont: Wadsworth, Cengage Learning, 2010. Print. Kreit, Alex. ââ¬Å"The Future of Medical Marijuana: Should the States Grown Their Own?â⬠University of Pennsylvania Law Review 151.5 (2003):1787 ââ¬â 1826. Mack, Alison and Joy, Janet, E. Marijuana as Medicine?: The Science Beyond the Controversy. Washington: National Academy Press, 2001. Nadelmann, Ethan. An End to Marijuana Prohibition: The Drive to Legalize Picks up. National Review 56.13 (2004): 326 ââ¬â 332. Requiem for a Dream. Dir. Darren Aronofsky. Perf. Ellen Burstyn, Jared Leto, Jennifer Connelly, Marlon Wayans. Artisan Entertainment, 2000. DVD.
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Analyse Porphyrias lover by Robert Browning Essays
Analyse Porphyrias lover by Robert Browning Essays Analyse Porphyrias lover by Robert Browning Paper Analyse Porphyrias lover by Robert Browning Paper Essay Topic: Poetry The Secret Life Of Bees Porphyrias lover is one of the most dramatic monologues written by a Victorian poet. Many tried to grasp new concepts of sensuality and brutality but it was Browning who captured these themes perfectly. As the Victorian society developed its understanding on sexuality and morality, people realized how many problems they have to face due to the idea of bad and wrong. Consciousness was a new idea so many poets didnt look at the normal side of the society but tried to develop their understanding and reflection of the insane minds. Porphyrias lover is a great example of such a reflection. Through the monologue we are pushed to face the conflict within the mind, the most twisted endeavors of our souls and the tip of a huge mountain of insanity. The narrator of this great piece is a complex multi layered character who shows us the problems and conflicts within his mind. Browning unfolds the secrets of the narrator very subtlety. The murder is described with a passive and apathetic voice which makes this poem seem so unreal and abstract. The author touches the most delicate and dark sides of our mind and shows us what would happen if the was no conscious present or if it was understood differently. The narrator describes his actions as I found a thing, thing to do,( )and strangled her. This is a very passive description of a action. It tells us that the narrator believed it was a natural action; killing the girl. Her love was so dear to him, that he decided to keep it in her for eternity. This action could theoretically be considered romantic. However, isnt killing someone a brutal action. Here we are facing a great conflict. Were his actions romantic or rather brutal, is taking someone elses life a loving or a evil action? The narrator doesnt even see other possibilities. He is so satisfied with the love and compassion she is showing him ( happy and proud; at last I knew Porphyria worshiped me) On the other hand Browning tells us there was some questioning to his actions. No pain felt she, Im quite sure she felt no pain the narrator is reassuring himself that his actions were right and loving. This tells us that there was some rational thinking in his head. However, rational doesnt mean the same thing to everyone. There is no clear description of what is rational or not. If there is enough evidence to back up your action then it may as well be considered rational. The point is that the narrator does back up his actions with reasoning, unfortunately his reasoning and his action do not weigh each other out meaning that in our modern reality his mind is unbalanced and incorrect. To show the deep complexity of ones mind, Browning uses a very particular rhyme pattern through out the piece ABABB. The intensity and asymmetry of the pattern suggests the madness concealed within the speakerââ¬â¢s reasoned self-presentation. The speaker uses a few great metaphors. As a shut bud that holds a bee, I warily opened her lids. This could indicate the reflection upon his actions. As we know bees sting, the narrator doesnt want to feel the painful truth. A beautiful flower has died with his love hidden inside. It is now not visible so he opens her eyes again, afraid of what he might see; pain, horror, hate. Hes scared that once the bud id open his love will sting him and fly away. In the last line of the poem the author talks about the result of his actions, and yet God has not said a word. This tells us that the narrator knows his actions could be considered as bad but yet no one has done anything. No one stopped him from doing what he had done therefore it was right. This also indicated that our speaker is religious and is scared aware of heaven and hell, this could suggest that to hold Porphyrias love and passion was so dear to him it was worth more than being a good man or going to heaven.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Human production Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Human production - Essay Example Detection of the child abnormalities such as the heart defect is often enhanced by the use of the prenatal anatomy ultrasounds. Taking a sample of amniotic fluid also aids significantly in the detection of abnormalities such as sickle cell disease. However, most of the birth defects are identified certainly at birth. Various factors are associated with conceiving problems. Some of the main reasons for the problem include ovulation problems, endometriosis as well as quality and quantity of a partnerââ¬â¢s sperm. Solution to endometriosis is surgery that results in the removal of the endometrial tissue that grows outside the uterus. A solution to the ovulation problem which is as a result of variation in hormonal production is the intake of fertility drugs as well as IVF (Baggott 76). The quality and quantity of the sperm is often affected by the STDs, excessive use of hot baths, smoking, and drinking. This problem can be solved by treatment of the STDs as well as change of behavior and practices associated with the weakening of the sperm. Use of condoms, cervical cap, and contraceptive sponge are some of the birth control methods. Male condom prevents the passage of sperms to the woman vagina. It is the only method that protects a person from contracting. However, its usage is associated with the causation of irritation as well as allergic reaction. Cervical cap is 84% effective in barring the pregnancy. It is non-hormonal barrier method, effective and can be reversed without any delay. Cervical caps are inexpensive and can be used during breastfeeding. However, this method does not protect a person from contracting STIs. In addition to some women finding difficulties in inserting cervical caps, they cannot be used during menstruation. They can also come out during the sexual intercourse. Use of contraceptive sponge is also associated with the protection of a woman from getting
Friday, November 1, 2019
'Suddenly, Last Summer 'Film Review Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
'Suddenly, Last Summer 'Film Review - Essay Example The doctor realizes that Sebastian and his mother used to go everywhere together and as trendy jetsetters, they surrounded themselves with the same type of people. When his mother had a stroke, he starts going with Catherine on trips. She realizes that he likes men though it is never discussed and to say so seems like an insult to his character. It turns out that Sebastian had used his own mother and his cousin, Catherine, like bait, to lure in men he thought were attractive and then he used them for sex. While in Spain, Catherine and Sebastian were being harassed by a group of men begging for money. When Sebastian rejects their please, he takes off running and while Catherine tries to catch up to him, she finds that he has been attacked by the boys and eat him so like he was a man eater by finding men and spitting them out when he was through, the men that literally ate him, devoured him. This is common of Classic Hollywood because being homosexual was taboo. Sometimes there were even depictions of violence even though it was sometimes just playful. It is not surprising that a homosexual was basically ââ¬Ëpreyedââ¬â¢
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