Monday, September 30, 2019

Jim Porter

Discuss the character of Jimmy Porter in Look back in anger explaining how you feel about him as we move through the main action of the play. Have your ideas changed about him by the time we reach the play’s final scene? Jimmy Porter is the play's main character. He is the â€Å"Angry Young Man† who expresses his frustration for the lack of feelings in his placid domestic life. Jimmy can be understood as both a hero for his unfiltered expressions of emotion and frustration in a culture that propagated unemotional resignation.He can also be considered a villain for the ways in which his anger proves to be destructive to those in his life. All of these characteristics are shown as the play moves on. A play like  Look Back in Anger  creates a world which, in essence, is familiar to, reality, rather than an imaginative  dislocation  of reality, and it becomes easier for the mind to sidetrack onto an element which may be more pleasing to it than the main theme of the play.Constant reference is made, even by people who liked the play, to Jimmy Porter's self-pity, his  neurotic  behaviour, his  cruelty  to his wife. This makes nonsense of the play; Jimmy Porter is devoid of any neurosis or self-pity, and the play is summed up in his cry against a negative world, â€Å"Oh heavens, how I long for a little ordinary human enthusiasm. Just enthusiasm—that's all. I want to hear a warm, thrilling voice cry out Hallelujah! Hallelujah! I'm alive. †¦ Would  Look Back in Anger  have been the success it was if people had been forced to listen to this damning indictment of themselves as dead souls, instead of being allowed to stray into less dangerous channels. (pp. 45-6)Tom Milne, â€Å"The Hidden Face of Violence† (originally published in Encore,  Vol. VII, No. 1, 1960; copyright  © by  Encore),  in  Modern British Dramatists: A Collection of Critical Essays,  edited by John Russell Brown, Prentice-Hall, 1968, pp. 38-46. This criticism I find to be true, Jimmy as a character does not dwell in self pity or apathy, but instead see’s the world as unjust as a whole.His use of the term Enthusiasm is a response to his yearning for positivity, as he simply feels none from Alison. His endless efforts for discussion turn in the end into frustration, which inevitably evolves into confrontation. His endless scanning of numerous newspapers is evidence of this, as he tries to get a sense of the unjust world of his eye’s, to in all hope develop a series of discussions to exercise his mind, which is normally diverted by Alison and Cliff, which leads to his quest for confrontation.Jimmy as a character appears to be destructive to those in his life, but in contrast, there is the argument to be made that his destructiveness has its origins in Alison’s and Cliffs inability to level with his Ideas and opinions, which they rather continually ignore or shadow with Cliff’s immature comm ents, leading to Jimmy’s frustration through the lack of ability for discussion of the day’s affairs. An example of this comes in page 3, Jimmy †we’ll, she can talk, can’t she? You can talk, can’t you? You can express an opinion†¦.. This quote from the start of the play indicates Jimmy’s frustration at the quality of discussion, which evolves in his intimidating questioning of Alison’s and Cliffs ignorance towards his attempts to start discussions. Evidence of Alison’s torment of jimmy is shown straight away by her reply, â€Å" I’m sorry. I wasn’t listening properly. † This shows Alison’s ability to tease and cause Jimmy’s destructiveness as she in a phrase pokes the bear, as she is well aware of the odds being favourable for a bitter response from Jimmy, and her reliance upon Cliff to defuse any altercation between her and Jimmy. Look back in anger† was also bringing class a s an issue before British audiences. Through Jimmy as the voice of the lower-middle class, Osborne is blaming, amongst other things, the upper class for the country's miserable situation. Jimmy uses Alison's brother Nigel as a symbol for the privileged, and therefore despised, upper class's members who fill important positions regardless of whether they are talented or not but merely as a result of their connections. â€Å"He’ll end up in the cabinet one day, make no mistake.But somewhere at the back of that mind is the vague knowledge that he and his pals have been plundering and fooling everybody for generations. † Jimmy’s character is built upon his view that the world around him is unjust and his further comments on Nigel reflect this further, â€Å" the only thing he can do- seek sanctuary in his own stupidity. The only way to keep things as much like they always have been as possible, is to make any alternative too much for your poor, tiny brain to grasp. It takes some doing nowadays. It really does. Jimmy means by this that those who hold high places in society do so not through ability but through ancestral beginnings, which he fairly see’s as being inept and obsolete towards forming a society that he believes should exist. When he say’s â€Å"it really does†, he is saying that the task that Nigel takes is becoming more difficult as more of the population is becoming more and more educated by the year, which he sees as being the form of a future revolution resulting in the expulsion of Nigel’s class and ‘pals’ from guarding high positions of government from the lower class’s.It is significant that, although Jimmy studied at a university, he runs a sweet stall. This could be considered to be a sign of rebellion. But in truth it is a sign of his character that he is idle in his lack of drive to change society through his own effort, instead he prefers to be bitter and awaits other†™s to make the changes he seeks. Jimmy’s character, changes once Helena arrives, He becomes a show off but the most important change is when Alison leaves. He appears to feel free.This is because Helena is able to level with him, in conversation and confrontation. Before Alison leaves, we see Jimmy testing Helena, â€Å" I hope you won’t make the mistake of thinking for one moment that I am a gentleman†. The fact that Helena can converge in discussion with Jimmy delights him as he feels he is performing before an audience. Someone who he feels is listening to his every word with intrigue. He even say’s, â€Å"I think you and I understand one another all right. This is the first indication of Jimmy’s character showing mutual respect with another character apart from Hugh’s mother. Once Alison leaves, and Act 3 begins, it is apparent that Jimmy is in a better place. His questions once deflected by Alison are now responded to by Helena, ther e are no long rants to restore order and no raised voices enforcing his will to be heard. Helena is open to activity, unlike Alison. For example on page 83, Jimmy â€Å"†¦.I was thinking we might work it into the Act†, to which Helena replies â€Å" good idea†. The fact that Helena is open to activity show’s us a characteristic of Jimmy we did not see early on in the play when living with Alison, he appears to be happy and jubilant on occasion, because of his thoughts and ideas are being responded to positively. In the play we see many sides of Jimmy’s character at different stages of the play, at the beginning he appears as a dreamer, who see’s the world as unjust but not full of self-pity.He becomes confrontational when frustrated by his wife and friend, who he feels trapped with in a dialogue dead setting. Were he see’s no escape and feels a wasted talent. But in truth is not prepared to take action on behalf of himself. His connecti on with Helena appears first as one based on hatred on the backdrop of difference in class, but he shows characteristics towards her, that of mutual respect, and eventually one of lust. Resulting in him having a sense of freedom and dialogue he has longed for throughout the play.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Perception and Societal Factors

Serenity In Joss Hoedown's â€Å"Serenity' and â€Å"Firefly', the human race used and polluted the Earth until it could no longer support life. In order to survive, humanity had to leave Earth- That-Was and find a new home. Taking place 500 years in the future, the Chinese and Americans were the main cultures that have survived centuries of time and light- years of travel, they have blended into one culture where speaking English can suddenly give way to speaking Chinese as if they were one language. Stereotypes and rejoice were mostly observed in Alliance vs..Brownout scenes, and by Jane (Adam Baldwin). The solar system that Serenity takes place in is made up of central planets governed by â€Å"The Alliance†, essentially THE government. Some people didn't want to be governed by The Alliance while others welcomed the idea. Thus a war began. Malcolm Reynolds, Captain of the ship Serenity, fought on the side of the Brownouts. The Alliance won the war and maintained control o f the central planets while the Babel â€Å"Brownouts† typically settled on the outer desolate American old-west type planets, poor, lawless.Ethnocentrism can probably be observed in the crew of Serenity, they've become a family, weary of outsiders. The Verse is a dangerous place. The Alliance and all their riches have built the biggest cities, the biggest buildings, the biggest army, and best technology including weapons and ships. The crew of Serenity tends to stay clear of Alliance considering the Jobs they take are often illegal. The Alliance is the Role of Power.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Brand Loyalty - Thesis Proposal Essay Example for Free

Brand Loyalty – Thesis Proposal Essay Loyalty (12) , interesting proposal (5) company About StudyMoose Contact Careers Help Center Donate a Paper Legal Terms & Conditions Privacy Policy Complaints The current financial crisis has spread around the world and no consumer has stayed untouched. In economic downturns, consumers are trying to better manage their expenses due to uncertainty for the future. In such cases, their brand loyalty might be shaken. Especially for UK consumers, whose purchasing power is lower than the other nations, the situation in the beginning of 2010 seems to be much more difficult. Hence, the purpose of this research is to investigate the impact of the current recession on UK consumers’ brand loyalty. A quantitative method will be employed and the empirical data will be collected through questionnaire survey with a sample of fifty UK consumers from the area of Thessaloniki. The questionnaire survey will be distributed to different people regardless of age and demographic characteristics, backgrounds and attitudes. The results of the study will aim to show that not all consumers’ brand loyalty has been shaken the same by the recession but some types of consumers were more affected compared to others. Furthermore, the research will aim to indicate that brand loyalty varies over products so some product and service categories lost a big part of their market share. The findings might be interesting and useful to several companies that would like to be aware both of the profiles of the customers that are more likely to switch to cheaper brands and the products that will easily lose a part of their market share during a recession so that can formulate the appropriate marketing strategy. In the highlighted part right the name of the area where it will be easier for to distribute fifty surveys and get them back. What Influences brand loyalty towards cigarette brands in the UK market? Brand loyalty has been a one of the biggest issues in the world of marketing over the last years. The two topics of brand loyalty and cigarette smoking have rarely been linked. A possible reason for this is that researchers might feel that it is in some way unethical to provide managerial suggestions for tobacco producers. The aim of this study is to clarify that matter and get knowledge about which product-related, psychographic, health-related and demographic factors influence the brand loyalty among smokers and to what extent. By examining brand loyalty towards cigarette brands, those factors which in fact decrease brand loyalty can be identified. In the literature review, the necessary background will be referenced to answer the research questions. The research will be conducted on a quantitative basis. The main research method used will be questionnaire survey. It is the researcher’s belief that this study will provide new and interesting perspective on the topic of brand loyalty, as well as the researcher hopes that the results will be beneficial for social marketers in their fight against cigarette smoking. What effect does sponsorship have on brand loyalty: A case study of Vodafone customers An increasingly larger marketing budget is allocated to sponsoring in companies. This has triggered the attention of the academics to research what the exact effects of sponsorship on a sponsoring brand are. This study fills a gap in the sponsorship literature by focusing on both current customers and looking at sponsorship from both negative and positive perspective. It researches what the effects of sponsorship are on brand loyalty for current customers concerning a sponsored party. Prior literature on both sponsorship and brand loyalty is explored to establish a sound theoretical reference. The review will demonstrate that negative and positive incidences as the context has a negative and positive effect respectively on attitude change toward the sponsored party, which in turn influences change in brand loyalty. The established theoretical reference is tested by means on a questionnaire survey. The sample will consist of Vodafone customers, which are tested on the change in attitudes toward the sponsored team (McLaren-Mercedes Formula 1 team for Vodafone) and on the change in attitudes and behavior toward the sponsoring brand. Brand Loyalty – Thesis Proposal. (2017, Jan 22). We have essays on the following topics that may be of interest to you

Friday, September 27, 2019

Understanding lab tests Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Understanding lab tests - Essay Example Every Year nearly 1.5 million individuals in the U.S. suffer a heart attack (Acute Myocardial Infarction) and of these approximately 500,000 die. Ischemic Heart Disease is the principal cause of death in the U.S."This can be achieved by adding cardiac biomarkers in the artillery. ECG is the primary diagnostic tool which is nearly 100% specific but sensitivity is only63-82%. Gold standard of investigation for detecting Acute Myocardial Infarction is CK-MB; Cardiac specific Troponin can be added to this for better results. Coronary artery disease to a major degree is due to atheroma and its complications mainly thrombosis. Elevated LDL cholesterol is the single contributor of atherosclerosis LDLc, gets deposited in subendothilial layer of intima of the artery. This deposited LDLc can be removed from the site by HDL. But when triglycerides increases it is associated with decrease in HDL, this decrease in HDL cannot effectively remove LDL, thus helping atherosclerosis.LDLc as such cannot initiate inflammatory response. It needs to be oxidized, which is .brought about by free oxygen radicals. The rise in oxidized LDL in sub -endothelial layer increases the oxidized LDL in the blood and is a highly sensitive index of atherosclerosis. Oxidized LDL causes release of Vascular Cell Adhesion Molecule from endothelial cells. This causes adhesion of monocytes to endothelial layer. Oxidized LDL also causes release of Monocyte Chemo Attractant Protein1 (MCP1) which facilitates entry of monocytes into sub endothelia l tissue. Here they converted into macrophages .They absorb cholesterol to form foam cells. The oxidized LDL also gets absorbed on to the surface receptors of the scavenger cells. These foam cells accumulate beneath the sub -endothelial layer of the arteries to form fatty streaks. The foam cells then liberate some factors which cause migration and proliferation of smooth muscle cells; these surround the foam cells and induce formation of collagen. The foam cells eventually die off liberating cholesterol in the cavity. Thus atheroma has a central core of cholesterol with a fibrous cap. The free oxygen radicals cause endothelial dysfunction by inactivating released nitric oxide and inhibiting nitric oxide synthesis. The endothelial dysfunction contributes to atherosclerosis since normal endothelium releases nitric oxide which in turn inhibits VCAM. Diabetes, smoking, hyper tension, hyper homocysteinemia and increased LDL cholesterol all contribute to oxidative stress. Thus atherosclerotic artery disease begins with a fatty streak on the blood vessel surface which may enlarge to form fatty plaque. The subsequent narrowing of the arteries may eventually lead to disruption of the plaque and to thrombus formation with further reduction of blood flow, thus paving the way for acute myocardial infarction. Complete obstruction of blood results in myocardial necrosis within 20 minutes with maximum irreversible injury occurring within 6 hours. So the restoration of blood flow to the damaged myocardium within two hours but not later than 6 hours can salvage it. Lipid profile Lipid profile is a group of tests to find out the level of LDL, VLDL, HDL, Triglycerides, Total Cholesterol, and T.Cholesterol / HDL ratio. This is used alone or in combination with other risk factors like age, gender, BP, smoking in Framingham score or along with other biomarkers in predicting the risk of a/c Myocardial Infarction. This is a simple blood test .Patient is advised to come on empty stomach

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Factors leading to the collapse of Northern Rock and their current Dissertation

Factors leading to the collapse of Northern Rock and their current position - Dissertation Example After that it started to adapt aggressive steps in order to move high. The slowdown in the housing price inflation and an increase in the interest rate, Northern Rock issued warning regarding the profit of the bank. Soon the liquidity of the bank started to dry up and eventually pushed it towards collapse. The study tries to find out the factors that are responsible for the collapse of such a huge bank that was showing good business. At the same time it also focuses on the present condition of the bank. Table of Contents Abstract 2 Table of Contents 3 Chapter 1: Introduction 4 Chapter 2: Collapse of Northern Rock 5 Before Collapse 5 Reasons behind its collapse 7 Current Position 11 Chapter 3: Conclusion 12 REFERENCES 14 Chapter 1: Introduction The subprime mortgage financial crisis caused a steep rise in the subprime mortgage market of United States that started in the fall of year 2006 and became the cause of global financial crisis on July 2007. The newly-popular adjustable rate mo rtgages suffered an increase in the monthly payment due to the rising interest rates. Moreover the demise of the housing bubble caused the value of the property to suffer major decline leaving the house owners unable to meet their financial commitment and the leaders without any means of their losses. This financial crisis resulted into severe credit crunch, intimidating the solvency of many marginal banks and other financial institutions (Jansen, Beulig and Linsmann, 2010). Northern Rock was one of such banks that were severely hit by the waves of financial crisis. Among the entire spill over effects of the subprime crisis in US, the collapse of Northern Rock was the first in UK and was considered to be the most visible and perturbing for the authority of UK. This collapse exposed the tension that the central banks need to take some more stringent steps in order to enhance the liquidity support facilities. It also highlighted on the inherent difficulties that lay with the tripartite arrangements made to deal with the banking crisis, the deficiencies in the banking supervision and regulation in UK and the flaws evident in the deposit protection arrangement of UK (Hall, 2008). It also revealed the fragility of the banking system of UK, by shaking the complacency of the regulators, politicians and bankers, undermining the confidence of the general public on the banking system of UK and creating a calamitous effect on the economy of UK. All these reasons make it important to understand the situation that led to the collapse of Northern Rock. Hence the study highlights on the causes of collapse of Northern Rock and its current position. Chapter 2: Collapse of Northern Rock Before Collapse Northern Rock was the eighth largest bank of United Kingdom (UK). At the beginning of the year 2007 it was riding high and in June 2007, the share prices of the bank were seen to touch 1,000p and at the same time it announced that it has sold mortgage worth ?10.7bn, which was 47% higher than the figures of 2006. After it was demutualised in the year 1997, Northern Rock started growing rapidly in order to become the fifth largest mortgage lender of UK. The aggressive expansion of Northern Rock was funded by heavy reliance on unsecured and secured borrowings. About 50% of the funding came from securitization through a special purpose vehicle called Granite. The funds and retail deposits were seen to fall from 62.7% in

International human resource management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1

International human resource management - Essay Example As a function of understanding the list of complexities that must be entertained, this brief analysis will count the following as the main determinants that must be engaged with in order to effectively set wages for multinational employees: level and types of skills required, the overall supply and demand dynamics of the labor force, geographic considerations, employment setting, compensation philosophy, employment stability, tenure, and governmental regulations. It is the hope of this author that be analyzing these key determinants, the reader will be able to draw a further level of inference upon the key dynamics that define the means by which any large multinational firm must engage upon the issues of wage setting and salary concerns with international partners. The first issue that any firm or organization must integrate with is the kinds and level of experience that they require. One can understand this as a simple function of asking whether or not the jobs that are being offere d will require a high level of education or prior experience or whether they can easily be filled by any number of individuals (Winkler et al, 2013). As such, with regards to the British expatriate managers and engineers, the salary determinations can and will be effectively straight forward as they will reflect a slight and/or nominal increase over the rate of pay they received in England due to the fact that they will now be required to move to location and be remunerated based upon the additional strain and hardship that such a lifestyle and location change necessarily portends (Simpson, 2007). Conversely, the externalities of skill necessarily dictate how the local employees will be salaried and to what extent these salaries will be commensurate with or far below the same levels of expertise offered elsewhere in the world. The single most important determinant of labor and the rate at which it is paid is of course the supply and demand ratios that exist within the given system. This can be understood through a situation in which a given economy may have 1000 workers who specialize in the labour fields of A, B, C but only have 5 employees that specialize in labour field D. As a function of this low level of representation within the labour market, these individuals necessarily command a premium; both in the country in question as well as likely within the world at large (Songstad et al, 2011). The supply and demand for labor within a given market is one of the reasons that many firms have sought to export and/or relocate talent acquisition portions of their business to different regions around the globe. In hopes of saving money and finding the cheap and extant talent that can further drive their firm or organization, many entities have sought to merely move operations to where the labor specializations are highly concentrated; albeit not always necessarily cheaper. This is done as a means of providing a base of production and specialization that can be dra wn upon for many years into the future. With regards to the salary concerns for those individuals that will be brought into the given system as expatriates, again concern should be given for these individuals that they are paid commensurately with the specialists in their field at home as well as commensurately, and likely higher than, those individuals who specialize in their own field within the nation in question (Ployhart

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Cold War Years Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Cold War Years - Essay Example The strength of the country is based on its alliance with the United States, which has to be sustained in order to continue strengthening its position in the region (Forsberg 3). As a capitalist country that pursues a free market, it is essential to note that its alliance with the United States has helped it stem any potential aggression towards it from the Soviet Union. Japan has the advantage of having a ready market for its products in the United States and this has enabled it to ensure its continued economic growth while at the same time helping it stabilize it after the Second World War. As a result of its alliance with the United States, Japan has once again come to attain a preeminent role in the world and this is no mean feat considering the dire conditions in the country after the war. Japan has numerous threats both domestic and external that have a potential of undermining its position. Among these is the increasing aggressiveness of the Soviet Union in the Asian region. The Soviet Union shares a common border with Japan and this has a potential of conflict taking place as a result of a possible violation of its borders. Furthermore, Japan might end up being a target of the communist regimes that are springing up across the region as seen in Vietnam and North Korea, at the instigation of the Soviet Union. The history of Japan and neighboring states such as Korea and China prior to the Second World War has left these countries with a sense of injustice and hatred that might result in their choosing to attack Japan as a means of exacting revenge. It has therefore become essential for Japan to take swift action in order to safeguard its interests against those who would seek to undermine it. Currently, Japan does not have any conflicts with any other country in the region and the government should strive to ensure that the situation remains the same. Among the most

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Horizontal Violence in the Workplace Research Paper

Horizontal Violence in the Workplace - Research Paper Example Conclusion A. Analytical summary B. Thesis statement reworded C. Concluding statement Horizontal Violence Definition: Horizontal violence is defined as the antagonistic behavior by an individual or people towards another individual or a group of people. It is can be classified as an act of bullying, which is today reported to be extensive among the nurses and health care professionals. According to Yildirim (2009), it is an unacceptable endemic present in the workplace culture. Yildirim’s view is that all members in organizations should address this issue as a group in order to eliminate this detrimental behavior. Additionally, it can be viewed as an inter-group conflict at work which may be manifested in concealed or unconcealed hostile behavior. When the term â€Å"horizontal violence† is applied in the nursing profession, it thereby defines a nurse to nurse aggression. This violence may be in the form of nonverbal or verbal behavior. Vartia (2001) states that it refe rs to situations where an individual is subjected to a recurrent and long-lasting hostile act which is oppressing. Those who are targeted have low self confidence as compared to those who are not targets. Thesis statement: From a principled outlook, tolerating bullying behavior is wrong and it violates the basic oath of keeping patients safety. Workplace Perception of Bullying There are numerous views that exist at work regarding why some workers are bullied and why people bully others. The perceived notion at work is that those who bully do it because it promotes their individual feelings. Bullies perceive that they can use their positions, for those in power, over those who may be weak. The perceived control of the bully over the victim may be the key to this act. An individual perceived by other people to be different may be exposed to some form of bullying acts. In cases where an organization or certain individuals perceive others as a threat, there are increased chances of bull ying. Additionally, perceptions of bullying or horizontal violence at work may also be under the influence of the culture in the organization. When an organization’s culture is positive, workers adopt proper behavior. However, when the culture in the firm is negative, workers’ attitudes towards new and different individuals are inappropriate. Signs of Work Place Bullying The detrimental effects of psychological cruelty may begin to appear as a result of collective injuries that may progressively build up in an individual, in this case a nurse. These are signs that bullying is taking place at work, among the health professionals. Among the nurses, signs of bullying range from nurses finding their tasks extremely difficult, low self esteem, to nurses with poor goals (Vartia, 2001). According to Yildirim (2009), signs of a bullied worker or nurse include: reduced motivation at work, low productivity, reduced concentration span, poor commitment to work and their relationsh ips with the managers, colleagues and patients are extremely poor. If these signs are not identified earlier, they are most likely to spill over to other nurses at work, thereby corroding a peaceful workplace environment for all health-care professionals. The anger that a nurse may feel towards a colleague who bullies may be channeled to actions that are not constructive. Thomas (2009) states that fatigue, depression and physical health problems are some of the signs depicted. Through his research, he also found that among

Sunday, September 22, 2019

International Relations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

International Relations - Essay Example This would involve the Americans thinking the worst about Iran and to act out of self-interest. This probably would mean that Iran would be bombed. The second approach could be a liberal one which would involve the U.S. acting within the bounds of the international system. Both of these approaches will be explored in this brief essay. Realism involves looking at the political system in a way that takes self-interest as the paramount motivator for actors. There is not really any such thing as altruism in this theory, only power and efforts to accumulate power. In order to have power, a country must have security (Bell, 2008, p. 25). For the United States, Iran represents a serious security threat to the world order it has established. Iran threatens Israel and to a less extent Saudi Arabia. A lot of the rhetoric from Iran is poisonous and also suggests Iran is a threat. Washington can only take Iran at its word when it says that it wants to destroy Israel, America's ally. The way that Iran treats its own people lends all of this credence too. Because of these factors, the United States should act decisively. Clearly, negotiation has not been successful. For many American realists, the only thing that Iran will understand is force. Following this theory through to its conclusion, it seems necessary for America to bomb Iran. Politicians like Dick Cheney might be described as realists.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Curriculum Alignment Research Suggests That Alignment Can Improve Student Achievement Essay Example for Free

Curriculum Alignment Research Suggests That Alignment Can Improve Student Achievement Essay Alignment is a match between two categories and Curriculum describes what gets taught (Squires, 2012). Curriculum alignment attempts to put to maximum effect the relationship among three categories; namely the taught curriculum, the written curriculum, and the test curriculum. It shows how the above can be used to improve student achievement thus explaining how the design for a curriculum can be aligned to state standards and state specifications for effective instructional process (Squires, 2012). This article serves to provide a backup into a curriculum design that makes sure what is tested gets taught. It also shows the difficulty that is encountered in in having numerous assessment standards and seeks a way to eliminate the challenge and secondly a specific curriculum can be potentially aligned to more than one standard. From this article, we get to find from Balance curriculum that when a curriculum is properly aligned, student achievement and performance improves. According to Squires (2012), when taught curriculum is aligned to written standards, there is increased, strong and positive student achievement. Squires (2012) showed textbook studies fostered a limited range of learning strategies such that the emphasis is frequently on problem solving rather than learning by reading, discussion and argument in order to acquire the knowledge to solve a problem of one’s own choosing. Squires (2012) showed that textbooks may not be well aligned to state tests and it would be prudent for the school districts to identify the gaps and provide the teachers with materials to cover the gaps. In order to align the state tests (test curriculum) to state standards (written curriculum), Marzano came up with a benchmark for comparing all state and national professional association standards to each other and created a website where the same could be achieved for instance, Archives ( provided four criteria for alignment of textbooks to standards that are; content, performance, level of difficulty and balance and range. From above we also find there is constraint in testing time where only a limited number of concepts can be assessed effectively (Squires, 2012). From (Third International Mathematics and Science Studies) TIMSS study findings, it is significant to note that the content of a country’s’ curriculum affects student achievement and that for student learning, the extent of opportunities to learn will depend on the time the teacher spends on the topic which translates to greater performance. A district must control time and content covered at a specific time if the results are to improve of which it is the function of the curriculum. The districts can assist in aligning, structuring, implementing and assessing the curriculum (Squires, 2012). Reference Squires, D. A. (2012), Curriculum Alignment Research Suggests That Alignment Can Improve Student Achievement, London, Routledge. Source document

Friday, September 20, 2019

The Likert Scale and Manipulation Checks in Research

The Likert Scale and Manipulation Checks in Research The independent variable is the status and the dependent variables are rule compliance and hierarchy-enhancing beliefs. The study collects the data through an online survey, uses a likert scale, and incorporated manipulation checks into its experimental design. It is a between subject design. Its weakness lies with its lowered external validity. Firstly, the survey was conducted online. Hence, the computerized system would be able to manage the order in which question were shown, controlling the questions in which it was being answered (Wan, 2014). This also eliminates the need for researchers to code their answer into a format that can be analysed by statistical program which could sometimes results in mistakes when transferring the data from paper to software. It is also impersonal and can help decrease the effect of social desirability as compared to a scenario in which the survey was administered by the experimenter (Wan, 2014). Secondly, the study uses a likert scale. Dependent variables are measured with the use of a likert scale instead of a simple dichotomous categorical answer. This allows the researcher to measure the degree in which a particular construct is felt rather than it just being felt or not. This is important as the hypothesis wants to measure not just the presence of rule compliance and hierarchy-enhancing beliefs, but the level (â€Å"lower† vs â€Å"stronger†) of it. Items on the measurement scale were being reverse coded and can help to counter acquiescent bias (Wan, 2014). The effect of acquiescent bias can be measure on a bipolar scale such as what was used for measuring the hierarchy-enhancing beliefs, from a â€Å"strongly disagree† to a â€Å"strongly agree† (Hinz, Michalski, Schwarz, Herzberg, 2007). However, the scale testing the rule compliance construct is unipolar. It also uses multiple item scale. This helps to average out participant random error within a scale, making it more reliable (Wan, 2014). The scale that was used to measure the hierarchy enhancing beliefs was used in past research to measure the same construct, increasing the confidence we have that they are more valid than other measurements of hierarchy enhancing beliefs (White McBurney, 2013). While the odd point likert scale has its advantages, it also has drawbacks. By doing using an odd-point scale, researchers did not force participants to take a side. Participants could clearly state that they feel neutral about an item rather than choosing one mild directional response over the other when they do not really feel that way. This will enable the scale to reflect what the participants really feel. However, the interpretation of mid-point is entirely up to the participants as there are only two anchors on the extreme end of the 5-point scale. One participant’s interpretation of the mid-point might not be the same as another participant. For example, one participant might choose the mid-point if they do not have an opinion about it, but another participant could also choose the mid-point if they do not want to think about it or just want to finish the survey faster. This could affect the reliability and validity of the instrument and result. The researchers could ha ve put an anchor for the mid-point as well so that all participants can see the mid-point in the same way. The participants could also use the mid-point as a way of avoiding decision. This is especially so since the scale measures hierarchy-enhancing beliefs and rule compliance, both of which could inflict a certain extent of social desirability on the participants. Furthermore, the scale was put on a survey which essentially is a self-reported measure and they can choose whichever choice they feel like (Wan, 2014). This will make the effect of social desirability even stronger. The scores measured might not be a representation of what they actually feel, but a reflection of what they feel is morally right. Thirdly, a manipulation check was done as they asked participants to â€Å"describe what happened and how they felt in the situation†. This can help provide evidence for construct validity of manipulation and help make sure that status have indeed been manipulated (White McBurney, 2013). This will help ensure that the status manipulation has been properly executed, and the results had been obtained in the presence of successful manipulation and not due to chance. This is especially important for participant manipulation as the manipulation might not have the intended effect on the participant as it is subjected to the participant’s interpretation (Gravetter Forzano, 2011). Fourthly, as participants are only being manipulated to experience one condition (either a high status or low status condition), the study uses a between subject design. Researchers can be sure that the scores will not be influenced by factors like sensitization of knowing what is being measured and as a result, the possibility of having a good-subject tendency (Wan, 2014). Participants will also not experience the effects of order effect such as carryover of perceived status as compared to a study that uses a within subject design. However, as the individuals cannot act as their own control as they can in a within subject design, the study is subjected to individual differences such as family upbringing, emotions and personality, all of which can influence the result (Wan, 2014). Individual differences can produce high variability in the scores (Gravetter Forzano, 2011). They can also become confounding variables (University of Arizona, 2006). The study limited the confounding thro ugh randomization (University of Arizona, 2006). The participants were randomly assigned to either of the two conditions. This helps to reduce or eliminate the systematic differences between the two groups, achieving group equivalence. Hence, the internal validity of the study, which is important for the study as it is trying to establish relationships between two variables, is increased (White McBurney, 2013). Furthermore, two dependent variables are being measured in one study. The effect of manipulation might have worn off or be diminished by the time participants answered the second survey on hierarchy enhancing beliefs. The order in which the surveys were given and filled up might have been important in the degree to which participants agree or disagree with the items in the survey. However, the external validity might have been lowered as the study might have a biased sampling frame and the method of selection of participants was not mentioned. Firstly, the study could have a biased sampling frame. Unless the market research firm has a wide reach of participants that spread across the country, they had only sampled from a small set of cities and towns in the whole of America. By systematically excluding all US working adults who lives in other parts of United States of America (USA), valid generalizations about the entire American population could not be drawn from this data and results (Wan, 2014). This is assuming that the population that the study is investigating is the whole of USA. The assumption was made as the hypothesis did not specify the population it will be investigating. By stating â€Å"people†, it could mean people around the world, people in America, or people in a specific state. Secondly, random selection of the sample was not mentioned. Hence, it might not be representative of the population, lowering the external validity of the study (Wan, 2014). However, this might not be that important as the goal of the study was to establish a relationship between the two variables and not to generate a result that could be generalized across the population. Since, there might be limited resources, it is wise to only choose one validity; internal validity was more important than external validity in this study that investigates the relationship of variables (Wan, 2014). This weakness will not affect the conclusion that much. In conclusion, the use of online survey, likert scale, and manipulation checks had made the study better. However, the reduced external validity might make it difficult for the results of this study to be generalized. Tan Jun Xuan References: Gravetter, F., Forzano, L.-A. (2011). Research Methods for the Behavioural Sciences. United States of America: Cengage Learning. Hinz, A., Michalski, D., Schwarz, R., Herzberg, P. Y. (2007). The acquiescence effect in responding to a questionnaire. Psychosocial Med. University of Arizona (2006). Ch8 Between-subjects design [Powerpoint slides]. Retrieved from: Wan, C. (2014). HP1100 Sem1 1415 Week 2 Slides [Powerpoint slides]. Retrieved from: Wan, C. (2014). HP1100 Sem1 1415 Week 3 Slides [Powerpoint slides]. Retrieved from: Wan, C. (2014). HP1100 Sem1 1415 Week 4 Slides [Powerpoint slides]. Retrieved from: White, T. L., McBurney, D. H. (2013). Research Methods. United States of America: Wadsworth, Cengage Learning.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Rizal the Subversive :: essays research papers fc

Rizal as a Rational Thinker   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  During his life, Jose Rizal was described as a heretic and subversive, an enemy of both the Church and Spain. He has made tremendous contributions to the progress of the Filipino society. His political works and essays, being anti-clerical and anti-colonial, frankly aimed to expose the maladies of his time and cure the Philippines of what he calls â€Å"the social cancer†. Rizal had been the progressive radical thinker, and promptly answered the ailing call of his Motherland, who cries for a cure.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Rizal had been a subversive in his own time. The Church had him excommunicated, and the Spaniards had him imprisoned, and then executed in Bagumbayan. However, that does not mean that he will always be a subversive, provided that he lives in a time aside from his, as if it really is his own identity, rather than an act or decision based on the call of situations and events. And in the first place, Rizal did not go to Europe just to harbor revolutionary ideas from the people there. He sought knowledge in foreign lands, so that he may use it and the Filipinos may benefit from it. Rizal did not intentionally want to make waves or a revolution, at all situations and regardless of events. And if he really favored revolution, that would be because of necessity. Rizal is a rational thinker, will surely analyze the situations first, and then make decisions based on his analyses, just like what doctors do when treating their patients.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Throughout the entire article, one could often read the communistic word, â€Å"struggle†Ã¢â‚¬â€struggle against foreign tyranny, against the ruling class, etc. This was what Jose Ma. Sison was aiming at since the start. He believed that individual freedom can only be achieved through national freedom and that political unity could only be gained by removing all foreign threats to it. Then, he calls for a revolution, a Philippine Revolution, so that all the struggles that the mass is currently facing, according to him, will be finally put to an end.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Perhaps Sison is missing a point in this one simple thing: that this world is not perfect, and in every aspect of the society, there would always be a weakness. It is true that a revolution could end the situation, but how many revolutions? In this state of frailty and weakness, the Philippines could no longer afford another radical revolution.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Capital Punishment is Not an Effective Crime Deterrent Essay -- essays

While Capital Punishment has been one of the most feared things of our time, it is still being questioned if it is unconstitutional. The Death Penalty is being enforced in more than 100 countries in the world and are usually used in politically-related cases. Although it has been the case in many countries throughout the world it has been said that the Death Penalty is "cruel and unusual punishment" which is a direct violation to the Bill of Rights. Capital Punishment is a certain copy of the earliest days of slavery, when you had no rights or any different opinion, and like then, executions have no place in our civilized society. The Death Penalty, throughout it's years of existence, has always been against the views of the people, either because of it's brutality or because of it's lack of effectiveness. The Death Penalty has been opposed by the people since the beginning of it's era, which was around 1976, when the United States Supreme Court declared that the death penalty was not against the Constitution. But if read directly the Eight Amendment of the U.S. Constitution "prohibits cruel and unusual punishments" and not only that but abolitionists also think that Capital Punishment ensures Americans equality for all . The abolitionists also did a poll which ensured that there was "no support for the view that the death penalty provides a more effective deterrent to police homicides than alternative sanctions. Not for a single year was evidence found that police are safer in jurisdictions that provide for capital punishment" The highest homicide rates were also in Death Penalty states with executions: 9.7 homicides per 100,000 people... ...of the crime committed by the convicted person because it is judicial murder. Capital Punishment is a brutal act that does not enhance respect for human life, it cheapens and degrades it . Abolitionists also believe that "the state is a teacher and when it kills, it teaches vengeance and hatred. If the "barbaric practice of execution has been abolished in most major industrial countries, even in south Africa, so can the United States ("Death"2). "An execution is a dramatic, public spectacle of official, violent homicide that teaches the permissibility of killing people to solve social problems--the worst possible example to set for society" Will society put money into schools, rehabilitation, community services, and jobs, or will it bankrupt itself with more prisons and more victims? The death penalty is no solution to violence. Capital Punishment is Not an Effective Crime Deterrent Essay -- essays While Capital Punishment has been one of the most feared things of our time, it is still being questioned if it is unconstitutional. The Death Penalty is being enforced in more than 100 countries in the world and are usually used in politically-related cases. Although it has been the case in many countries throughout the world it has been said that the Death Penalty is "cruel and unusual punishment" which is a direct violation to the Bill of Rights. Capital Punishment is a certain copy of the earliest days of slavery, when you had no rights or any different opinion, and like then, executions have no place in our civilized society. The Death Penalty, throughout it's years of existence, has always been against the views of the people, either because of it's brutality or because of it's lack of effectiveness. The Death Penalty has been opposed by the people since the beginning of it's era, which was around 1976, when the United States Supreme Court declared that the death penalty was not against the Constitution. But if read directly the Eight Amendment of the U.S. Constitution "prohibits cruel and unusual punishments" and not only that but abolitionists also think that Capital Punishment ensures Americans equality for all . The abolitionists also did a poll which ensured that there was "no support for the view that the death penalty provides a more effective deterrent to police homicides than alternative sanctions. Not for a single year was evidence found that police are safer in jurisdictions that provide for capital punishment" The highest homicide rates were also in Death Penalty states with executions: 9.7 homicides per 100,000 people... ...of the crime committed by the convicted person because it is judicial murder. Capital Punishment is a brutal act that does not enhance respect for human life, it cheapens and degrades it . Abolitionists also believe that "the state is a teacher and when it kills, it teaches vengeance and hatred. If the "barbaric practice of execution has been abolished in most major industrial countries, even in south Africa, so can the United States ("Death"2). "An execution is a dramatic, public spectacle of official, violent homicide that teaches the permissibility of killing people to solve social problems--the worst possible example to set for society" Will society put money into schools, rehabilitation, community services, and jobs, or will it bankrupt itself with more prisons and more victims? The death penalty is no solution to violence.

Macbeth :: essays research papers

Historical MacBeth compared to Shakespeare's MacBeth Although most of Shakespeare's play " MacBeth " is not historically accurate, MacBeth's life is the subject of the tragedy. There are characters and events that are based on true events and real persons but, Shakespeare's "MacBeth " differs significantly from history's MacBeth. The first example of a difference between the Shakespeare "MacBeth" and historical MacBeth is the death of Duncan I. In Shakespeare's " MacBeth ", Duncan I was murdered by MacBeth. A prophecy said to MacBeth by one of the three witches "All hail, MacBeth, that shalt be King hereafter1 ." was what prompted Gruoch, MacBeth's wife to plot the murder of Duncan I as he slept in their castle. In history, MacBeth established himself as the King of Scots after killing his cousin Duncan I, in battle near Elgin not as in Shakespeare's play by killing him in his sleep. Duncan I was killed on August 14, 1040. MacBeth then reigned as king for seventeen years. As previously stated Duncan I and MacBeth were cousins, a fact not brought out in the play. Shakespeare loosely based the play," MacBeth " on events he found in Raphael Holinshed's Chronicles of England, Scotland, and Ireland. " Raphael Holinshed's Chronicles of England, Scotland, and Ireland, are the materials that furnished Shakespeare with his plot2. The chronicles were an account of the history of the country of which they came from. Another major difference, is that Duncan I was not the ageing and respected king Shakespeare makes him out to be, In real life, Fiona Summerset Fry author of History of Scotland says " He was actually an impetuous and spoilt young man whose six years of kingship brought glory neither to Scotland nor to his family3." In the play's last scene, McDuff kills MacBeth and automatically becomes the new King of Scots. In actual history MacBeth is killed by Malcom III but Lulach, MacBeth's stepson, becomes the king after the noblemen of Moray fight for his succession. Lulach reigned for seven months and was then dethroned by Malcom III of Caenmore. MacBeth is presented in the play as clumsy and unorganised. In reality though, he was one of the best kings that Scotland ever had. " During his reign, he went on a pilgrimage to Rome for several months4." His kingdom was in well enough order and he was in high enough regard with his nobleman that he could leave for a long period of time. Another way you could tell that MacBeth was a good

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

The Last Rajah Ratan Tata Case Study

Among Asia's business titans, Ratan N. Tata stands out for his modesty. The chairman of the Tata Group — India's biggest conglomerate, with businesses ranging from software, cars, and steel to phone service, tea bags, and wristwatches — usually drives himself to the office in his$12,500 Tata Indigo Marina wagon. He prefers to spend weekends in solitude with his two dog sat a beachfront home he designed himself. And disdainful of pretense, he travels alone even on long business trips, eschewing the retinues of aides who typically coddle corporate chieftains.But the 69-year-old Tata also has a daredevil streak. An avid aviator, he often flies a corporate Falcon 2000 jet around India. And in February he caused a sensation at the Aero India 2007 airshow by co-piloting Lockheed (LMT) F-16 and Boeing (BA) F-18 fighter jets. Tata's business dealings reflect the bolder side of his personality. In the past four years he has embarked on an investment binge that is building his gr oup from a once-stodgy regional player into a global heavyweight. Since 2003, Tata has bought the truck unit of South Korea's DaewooMotors, a stake in one of Indonesia's biggest coal mines, and steel mills in Singapore, Thailand,and Vietnam.It has taken over a slew of tony hotels including New York's Pierre, the Ritz-Carlton in Boston, and San Francisco's Camden Place. The 2004 purchase of Tyco International's(TYC) undersea telecom cables for $130 million, a price that in hindsight looks like a steal,turned Tata into the world's biggest carrier of international phone calls. With its $91 million buyout of British engineering firm Incat International, Tata Technologies now is a major supplier of outsourced industrial design for American auto and aerospace companies, with 3,300 engineers in India, the U.S., and Europe.The crowning deal to date has been Tata Steel's $13 billion takeover in April of Dutch-British steel giant Corus Group, a target that would have been unthinkable just a f ew years ago. In one swoop, the move greatly expands Tata Steel's range of finished products, secures access to automakers across the U.S. and Europe, and boosts its capacity five fold, with mills added in Pennsylvania and Ohio. Now, a new gambit may catapult Tata into the big leagues of global auto manufacturing: The company is said to be weighing a bid for Jaguar Cars and Land Rover, which Ford Motor Co. (F)wants to sell. On top of all this, the group plans $28 billion in capital  investments at home over the next five years in steel, autos, telecom, power, chemicals, and more.â€Å"We rescaled our thinking in terms of growth,† Tata says over tea at Bombay House, the group's headquarters since 1926, a tranquil oasis with well-worn marble floors, a vast collection of modern Indian art,and staffers who circulate with bowls of vanilla ice cream every day at 3 p.m. â€Å"We just forced and cajoled our businesses to make this happen.The forcing and cajoling has worked brillia ntly.The market value of the 18 listed Tata companies has swelled to $62 billion, from $12 billion,since 2003. Group sales and profits have doubled, to $29 billion and $2.8 billion, respectively.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Principle Agent Moral Hazard

The major issue was that the commercial banks overstressed in such mortgage backed securities. Another part of the story Is that Basel I accords are credited with giving seeds to the idea of all things that could lead to recession and Basel II Is credited with magnifying Its Impact. Formed In 1988 and adopted by 1992, Basel I accords were a set of rules and regulations, to be adopted by GIG countries, that allotted different risk ratings to various types of assets held by banks. Assets, here, referred to bonds, mortgages undo etc.It took a long time for the economies to realist the problems associated with such types of system. For example, in such a framework a commercial bank was permitted to keep aside no liquid capital if it had all government bonds or gold as assets. This was so because such assets were considered safe. Further, it was required of them to keep aside small percentages of capital for every mortgage, commercial loan or bonds they Issued. With the introduction of Ba sel 2, the list was expanded to bonds backed by debts like ar or property loans and yet had to keep only a 2 percent of spare capital.Flip side to this was that the bonds ought to have AAA or AAA credit ratings from the government. Statistics tell that Just prior to the recession, 81 percent of all Mortgage backed securities held by the commercial banks had AAA credit rating. Further, 93 percent of all mortgage-backed securities held by these banks had AAA credit rating or held bonds Issued by a government-sponsored enterprise. Now this Is where the role of moral hazard comes Into play.When Basel I and abstinently Basel II accords were Introduced, the primary aim of the developed economies was to encourage consumer spending and Investments by the banks. It was not completely unforeseeable for everyone to realize that backing debt or junk manipulating credit ratings, economies tried to create a self-fulfilling system that provided for feed as well as fed upon its own. The bankers wer e in turn incentives to take risks of high magnitude, with all the depositors' money in hand, believing that there is a government always backing them.Soon the entire system gave away. This created a bigger moral hazard. How to minimize such problems? TO reduce such a problem of Principal Agent problem leading to recession, it is imperative that the regulators are on their toes. In USA, SEC did not take proper steps to ensure that the Rating agencies don't rate securities high without any strong backing to do so. Also the FIDE, the Fed, the Comptroller of the Currency, and the Office of Thrift Supervision relied blindly on the ratings given by the Credit rating agencies.Therefore, all rules and regulations given under law should be implemented properly and Justly by the regulators. The government should also ensure the timely passage of relevant legal provision and bills. Also, although Basel Ill accords have been adopted and implemented by most of the countries and the deadline is 2019 for it, the present market conditions show that the Minimum Capital requirements need an overhaul as well. Hence, Basel 4 could be started to be worked upon with refined changes and the governments should follow the rules under such requirements.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

The Pantheon: Temple Dedicated to All Gods

Pantheon, temple dedicated to all the gods. The Pantheon of Rome is the best-preserved major edifice of ancient Rome and one of the most significant buildings in architectural history. In shape it is an immense cylinder concealing eight piers, topped with a dome and fronted by a rectangular colonnaded porch. The great vaulted dome is 43. 2 m (142 ft) in diameter, and the entire structure is lighted through one aperture, called an oculus, in the center of the dome.The Pantheon was erected by the Roman emperor Hadrian between AD 118 and 128, replacing a smaller temple built by the statesman Marcus Vipsanius Agrippa in 27 BC. In the early 7th century it was consecrated as a church, Santa Maria ad Martyres, to which act it owes its survival (see Architecture). The term pantheon also refers to a building that serves as a mausoleum or memorial for eminent personages of a country. The most famous example is the Church of Sainte Genevieve in Paris, designed (1764) in the classical style by t he French architect Jacques Germain Soufflot.It was later secularized, renamed the Pantheon, and used as a temple to honor the great of France. Built in Rome, AD c. 118-28, in the reign of Emperor Hadrian, the Pantheon is the best preserved and most impressive of all Roman buildings. It has exerted an enormous influence on all subsequent Western architecture. The Pantheon asserts the primacy of space as contained volume over structure in the most dramatic fashion.From the time of the Pantheon onward, Roman architecture was to be one of spatial volumes. The Pantheon was designed and built by Hadrian to replace an earlier temple established by Agrippa (the misleading inscription in the entrance frieze refers to this earlier edifice). The existing structure is an immense round temple covered by a single dome, fronted by a transitional block and a traditional temple portico of eight Corinthian columns carrying a triangular pediment.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Marketing Dunkin Donuts Essay

Dunkin Donuts builds long term customer relationships by being consistent with their marketing strategy. They have maintained an everyday value since they opened their doors fifty years ago. They have met their customers’ expectations by not changing recipes. The coffee tastes the same no matter what store you go into. Dunkin Donuts also has a lengthy training class so they can maintain their quality in the kitchen as well as customer service. Dunkin Donuts maintains customer relations by fully meeting the customers’ expectations. When a customer enters a store they know exactly what to expect, no surprises or disappointments. Dunkin Donuts value proposition is value and quality. Dunkin Donuts has always made their products a value. Starbucks has the expensive coffee; Dunkin Donuts has the value coffee. Dunkin Donuts has also maintained their quality as well. They have kept the same ingredients and recipes; everything tastes the same as fifty years ago. By maintain the quality and value the customer knows exactly what to expect when he or she walks through the door. Dunkin Donuts is growing its share of customers. Dunkin Donuts has maintained its coffee and donuts, but has also grown with the times to gain more customers. Dunkin Donuts now offers a variety of coffee drinks such as cappuccinos and iced coffees. The company also sells breakfast sandwiches and cookies too. The coffee is mostly what keeps customers coming back for more, but now there is more of a variety to please everyone.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Animals and the Myriad Ways They Can Kill or Heal Us Essay - 1

Animals and the Myriad Ways They Can Kill or Heal Us - Essay Example With treatments of this manner, it is fascinating therefore to learn how medical scientists have managed to turn the deadly poisonous venoms to medicine for treating various ailments in human beings. What then is poison or venom? Though used interchangeable, warns Dr. Vernon (2012, 1, paragraph 2) the two are different in meaning and are distinguished from one another in the method of delivery. Poison, he writes, is absorbed, ingested or inhaled while venom is injected. This resonates with Gibbons et al. (1990, 273) argument who define venom as a toxin produced in certain glands of one animal and mechanically transmitted by biting or stinging. This provides the hypothesis that all venoms are poisonous, but a poison is not necessarily venom. The King cobra is an example of a venomous snake and provides a perfect specimen for this study. Allow me to introduce to you the deadliest snake in the world; The King Cobra, also known as ophiophagus hannah or the snake eater. Named so because o f its dietary habit of preying on its ‘kin’s’ (feeds on fellow snakes). ... It has a broad and flattened head with the neck having a narrow hood which can be extended when threatened (WildScreen, 2013, 1, paragraph 2) .A single bite of this snake can easily kill a human. Worse still, a full- grown Asian elephant can die within a time limit of 3 hours if bitten on the trunk by this dangerous snake. In addition to the above features, most snakes normally produce a hissing sound in response to threat; however, this cannot be said of the King Cobra which makes a distinctive growl emanating from the throat and deepens as it grows. Dangerous as it is, this snake species is harvested for its meat, skin and bile which are used in traditional medicine (WildScreen, 2013, 1, paragraph 12). What type of Venom does the King cobra posses and how does it work? There are three different types of venoms namely; Hemotoxic, (attacks the cardiovascular system), Cytotoxic (targets specific muscle groups) and Neurotoxic (attacks the brain and the nervous system) venoms. Some snak es combine the venom types while others carry specific form of venom (WiseGeek, 2013, 1, paragraph 2). Ophiophagous hannah is one such which exhibits a combination of the three, but is predominantly Neurotoxic venom (Dr.venom, 2010, 1, paragraph 2). In the same line of reasoning, Corporation (2004, 273, paragraph 2) provides corroborating information which marries with that of WiseGreek. He posits that neurotoxins attack the nervous system, preventing the impulses from controlling the muscles thus paralyzing the victim. He adds that snake venoms are formed from enzymes, which are protein in nature. More so, different snake species have different cocktail of venoms which either work individually or in groups to achieve the desired end; neurotoxins, myotoxins and hemotoxins. Most

Thursday, September 12, 2019

TV Journal Entry Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

TV Journal Entry - Essay Example As the discussion declares the author's hard work and determination can be seen in the course of my academic journey. One of his proudest milestones was to graduate with honors in high school despite his language limitations and to gain acceptance to the University of Minnesota. While attending the University of Minnesota, he was honored by belonging to the National Society of Collegiate Scholars. he was recognized by the National Name Exchange Program based on my demonstrated academic merit. He has been honored by the Multicultural Center for Academic Excellence. During my undergraduate studies, the author has worked extensively with Dr. LaDora Thompson. This paper stresses that the author has volunteered in Vietnam over the summer. He worked in the internal medicine department at the pharmacy clinic where my relatives work. His duties included helping patients walk after a surgery and assisting them to the bathroom. He has worked at the Snyder Drug Emporium. He was able to assist my aunts while they counseled their patients about the side effects of the drugs. His direct contact with patients, pharmacists, doctors and nurses enabled me to gain valuable experience. The influences of the author's childhood, academic background, volunteer and research experience have combined to instill in him a passion for my decision to become a doctor of pharmacy. He feels that his background has made me mentally and emotionally prepared to commit to the pharmacy profession. If he is admitted to your school it will be another step in carrying out the author's dream.

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Crime 200 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Crime 200 - Essay Example In fact statistics reveal widespread use of marijuana in the US and across the world. Given that the government has made little success in its efforts to eliminate its use for over 40 years now, pundits predict that the future might compel governments to legalize it. With this prospect in mind, it is prudent to understand the impact such a move would have to the society so as to lay sufficient ground beforehand. In this respect, this paper examines the impact of marijuana with focus on Colorado – which together with Washington have been viewed as experimental labs. Marijuana is a soft drug made from dried leaves, flowers, stem and seeds of the Cannabis sativa plant. Its key component is a psychoactive chemical delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and is used for recreational, medical, religious and spiritual purposes (National Institute on Drug Abuse). This drug is known to have both positive and negative effects to its users and the society at large. To a user, weed, as marijuana is christened, causes memory impairment, distortion of sight, loss of motor coordination and with long term use individuals may develop, testicular cancer, cardiovascular and respiratory complications. On the positive effects, it has been found to be therapeutic helping reduce pain and anxiety ( However, this article does not pursue the health and psychological effects of marijuana use, rather it focuses broadly on the implications that legalization of marijuana has on the society. The fight towards legalization of marijuana in the US began with the 1970 presidential commission that â€Å"called for federal decriminalization and eventual legalization, regulation, and control of marijuana† and recommended that marijuana be decriminalized (McVay, 1991). This move came about consequent of the relaxed attitudes toward marijuana, the apprehension of a significant

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Positioning Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Positioning - Term Paper Example Thus, it can be said that positioning is the way to stimulate customers’ awareness regarding a brand and place a rich, exclusive, and beneficial insight for the brand in the mind of people (Oxford University Press, 2011). Why Organizations Opt for Market Positioning A successful organization must be aligned closely with the target customer segments in the existing markets as well as in the emerging markets. Organizations which can forecast the market tendencies and form positioning strategies accordingly possess the best prospect for long-term success. The prime reason for an organization to call for market positioning is to achieve competitive advantage by creating a favorable base of rivalry. Through positioning organizations can encourage customers’ awareness and belief regarding a brand and make a clear understanding about the benefits and worth they will get for purchasing the brand. Thus, companies can create competitive advantage over the competitors through effe ctive implications of positioning strategies (Njuguna, 2009). The other reason for market positioning is that, it can help to differentiate the product by communicating some unique benefits over the similar products served by competitors. Thus, other competitors and people will view the product as innovative assisting the organization to express itself as unique and dissimilar from other organizations. Subsequently, the organization shall attain higher competitive advantages through brand recognition. Therefore, the objective to attain competitive advantages over the rivals can be termed as one of the major and core reasons for organizations to implement this strategic alliance (Sengupta, 2005). Successful Market Positioning Market positioning denotes how customers consider a product and its contribution in contrast to other products. For making a successful positioning there is need to recognize the way for changing customers’ awareness through improving, strengthening, or p rotecting the position of organization in the market. Market positioning must be addressed appropriately because it is the only method to stabilize the misconception produced by ineffective communication channels. A complete message given in right time and in right place is a beneficial way for successful positioning of an organization (Perreault & McCarthy, 2006). Positioning in organization begins with product. Positioning becomes much vital when two or more brands in market look similar to each other. For instance, several customers believe that there is little difference in the LED television models of different brands. While, Sony wants to generate awareness in the mind of customers to consider that their LED television provide clear, lively and detail picture compared to other brands by their unique ‘X-Reality pro Engine’ (Sony Electronics Inc, 2011). On the other hand, Samsung wants to position their LED televisions with the features of innovative picture quality , consumer of lesser electricity and equipped with internet connectivity features by their unique ‘Backlight Technology’ and higher processor speed (Samsung, 2011). Communication ensures to create a positive image about a brand in customers’ mind. Positioning must be combined with the activities of market segmentation because it lets for more laborious tactic which

Monday, September 9, 2019

Property Crowdfunding Position Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words

Property Crowdfunding Position Paper - Essay Example There are three types of crowdfunding, which include donation, debt and equity. Donation crowdfunding is mostly related to noble causes, where most people decide to invest simply for they believe in the purpose of Crowdfunding. Similarly, debt crowdfunding is based on the concept of peer-to-peer lending process (Mollick, 2014). In debt crowdfunding, the entire process revolves around lending money, wherein the investors expect to receive their interest on their invested amount and thus, gain profits. In this case of debt crowdfunding, along with the financial returns, investors also aim at gaining the benefit of contributing to the success of a particular purpose, which they believe as worthwhile. Additionally, in the case of equity crowdfunding, people invest in exchange for equity. Fundamentally, here the money is exchanged with the shares. Correspondingly, it can be stated that when the funding is successful, the community’s share value goes up, and vice-versa (Bradford, 2012). It is worth mentioning in this regard that both debt crowdfunding and equity crowdfunding can be related to property crowdfunding concepts, wherein investors tend to buy a real estate in order to sell it or let it out in order to obtain profits or returns. Aimed at elaborating on the context of property crowdfunding, the discussion henceforth will elaborate on two main themes, which are property or real estate and crowdfunding. In the view of today’s competitive global business world, crowdfunding in real estate has emerged as a new investment option with secured high returns for many. It was following this augmentation in the rate of property crowdfunding that the Jumpstart Our Business Startups (JOBS) Act of 2012 was brought into effect in the US. This new rule was intended to allow all the investors from every income level to gain direct access to the real estate market with the help of crowdfunding.

Sunday, September 8, 2019

The Human Relations Movement Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

The Human Relations Movement - Term Paper Example Response Scientific management concept gave birth to the field of management about a century ago with pioneering work performed by Fredrick W Taylor during 1900s. The concept of management has, ever since, evolved and developed into a completely new framework that is based on quite contrasting factors described in scientific management, referred to as the human relations movement, after pioneering work of Elton May and colleagues through the Hawthorne experiments. While scientific management levied greater emphasis on the employer and the business, contemporary management levies higher significance on employees. However, both management concepts are focused on improving and growing business and reducing costs and wastage. Management specialists regard scientific management or Taylorism as the villain and the Human Relations Movement as the hero of present times. This discourse evaluates this comparison in lieu of current organizational challenges. In the process, it also evaluates va rious situations that continue to apply scientific management concepts and how these concepts continue to save organizations. At the same time, application concepts from the human relations movement are also analyzed. Scientific management was indeed first science applied to management in order to help the employer reap maximum benefits from his/her employers’ efforts. ... Taylor strongly believed that not all members of a group can be equally efficient or productive. In order to minimize inefficiency, he proposed principles of management based on a scientific study conducted in the manufacturing industry. Taylor believed that the principal object of management should be to secure maximum prosperity for the employer, coupled with the maximum prosperity for the employee (qt. In Schermerhorn, 2010). Scientific management or Taylorism is based on three core principles derived from three myths as considered by Taylor (2008).  Ã‚  

Strategic Analysis for Cathay Pacific Airways Dissertation

Strategic Analysis for Cathay Pacific Airways - Dissertation Example Cathay Pacific, during the global financial crisis in late 2008 and 2009, has incurred a record high of $ 7 billion loss (Cathay Pacific 2010). This is the first time that the company has ever experienced such a huge loss. However, by 2010, the company has reached an all time high of $14 billion profit (Cathay Pacific 2010). Although this turnaround is attributed to the continued growth and strong performance of the China’s economy, what Cathay Pacific shows is astonishing since the airline business, fundamentally, involves heavy investments, but relatively slow return on investments. Yet, Cathay Pacific has gained monumental profit during difficult economic times. In this sense, by looking into Cathay Pacific’s approach and strategy as the company surmounts the hurdle of the global financial crisis with excellent profit, one can learn from their experience as it provides a paradigm that can be used by most companies who are still reeling from the impact of the recent g lobal financial crisis. In this regard, Cathay Pacific strategic management offers alternative frames that can be useful for companies as they address the challenges and impact of the first global economic crisis of the 21st century. 1.1. Background of the Study The airline industry is one of the most dynamic and robust business sectors in the world (Meersman, Van de Voorde & Vanelslander 2008). Its business cycle is consists of ups and downs that continues to modify and restructure the demands and framework of the airline industry market (Uncles & Goh 2002). In this regard, it is significant to understand the important factors contributing to the robust nature of the airline industry. In addition, by looking into the elements modifying the structure of the industry, the approaches develop by the companies not only becomes contextualise, but it also affords the chance to apprehend what is the basic condition of the airline industry. One of the most important factors affecting not only the airline industry but all businesses and countries around the world is globalisation. Globalisation is the removal of trade barriers existing among nations. With this economic policy adopted by most countries around the world th e movement of goods, capital, services, products, culture and people has become freer flowing, thus allowing for exchanges to happen (Coatsworth 2004; Fougner 2006; Munck 2008). In effect, eco0nomic policies of governments have shifted from

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Post Merger Period of Fiat and Chrysler Essay Example for Free

Post Merger Period of Fiat and Chrysler Essay First of all, they wanted to further solidify their brand presence. Fiat has been successful in the European market but lacks visibility in North America; while Chrysler does not carry a strong dealer network in the European markets. What’s worse, historically, Chrysler was referred to the â€Å"Number Three† auto manufacturer and even today, it still remains as the â€Å"Number Three† after GM and Ford. This impression links to poor brand visibility and low customer royalty. In order to change the status quo, Chrysler focused more on brands differentiation. It planned to reposition itself as an upper scale brand. In 2011, Chrysler unveiled their new Imported From Detroit campaign. It defined itself as the â€Å"import-fighter† and focused on quality, technology, fuel saving and sustainability. As for fiat, they invited celebrities to advertise for them. For example, they invited American singer Jennifer Lopez. This offered them the opportunity of a 360-degree partnership, which triggered the greatest awareness growth ever. Without being shown on television or through the networks, it gained global attention. The second problem they have is labor issues. The relationship between Fiat and labor union has never been satisfying. It suffered from the large layoffs and rigid Italian labor laws. Also, FIOM (labor union in Italy) instigated strikes in the fear that Fiat might pull out from Italys employer’s association and Italian auto market. The disputes between Fiat and Italian labor union are still in heat even today. On the other hand, the UAW (United Automobile Workers), who is the part owner of Chrysler, used to provide cheap labor for Chrysler in order to profit from low production cost. However, this happened no more because their friendly relationship broke off as Fiat and UAW were sharply disputing over the value of Chrysler’s equity. During this argument, the US workers were also fighting for better treatment that further intensified the conflict. Additionally, one of the biggest problems they encountered after the merger was how to form a new and effective management structure. In Nov 2009, two companies announced their new plan for management structure. In detail, Chrysler is ready to break even operationally in 2010; net in 2011, nd repay TARP (Trouble Asset Relief Program) by 2014. (Chrysler had operational profits in the first and second quarters of 2010 and repaid TARP in 2011). Chrysler handles large displacement and hybrid engines, as well as â€Å"all cars above C size,† for Fiat worldwide. That implies Chrysler will engineer and possibly build mid-sized cars for exports (In progress). Quality improvements will continue and extend to dealer service (Quality confirmed; dealer service, likely to take many years). In these four years, Chrysler and Fiat achieved their alliance objectives in the areas of cost cutting, technology sharing, global integration, product rationalization, and RD savings. Furthermore, since this is a trans-Atlantic alliance, two companies would encounter problems caused by cultural differences along their way of integration. For instance, Italians are used to the typically relationship-oriented culture, meaning that â€Å"relationships† come before tasks and relationships are often pre-requisites for the concluding transactions. However, Americans tend to follow the rule of law and regard legal documents as binding. As another case in point, two cultures differ in their attitude towards time. Americans usually attempt to control time, view it as a limited resource, and value it for defining what and when things need to be done while Italians, see â€Å"time† as the context in which everything take place so that we never run out of it. In conclusion, two companies would have a hard time communicating and reaching an agreement when it comes to make strategic decisions.

Friday, September 6, 2019

Segment ideas for school brodcast Essay Example for Free

Segment ideas for school brodcast Essay 1) The segment would be interviewing people on their favorite movie. The segment is trying to show the different genres of movies people like. I would accomplish this by interviewing 10 people. I would put the segment together by interviewing the 10 people; do an introduction, and putting cool music in the background. This would be interesting to see because then people will have a good sense of what a good movie is and watch it. 2) The segment would be if people believed in unicorns or not. This segment would show how many people believe in unicorns. I would accomplish this by interviewing 20 people, do an intro, show 5 interviews, put music in the back and at the end say the ratio of how many people believe in unicorns. This segment would be interesting because students like to take a break from all the facts and listen to pointless things. 3) The segment would be a poem. This segment will show a something that inspirational. I would accomplish this by looking at poems, picking one, putting it on the screen and having the speaker read and explain what it means. This will be interesting because the students will have something to remember throughout the day to keep them working hard. 4) The segment would be a student comedy. This will show the students something that starts their day off good. I would accomplish this by videoing students doing comedy show. I would put the segment together by introducing it then playing the clip of the comedy. This will be interesting to students because in the mornings everyone is tired and laughing will wake them up. 5) This segment would be sports. This will show the students how good or bad our sports teams are. I would accomplish this by getting all the data of our sports teams and putting it in a chart. I would put this together by having a person read the sport data while the table is on the screen. This will be interesting to students because we don’t always have time to go to all the sport games to see who won, so this way we know if we won or not. 6) This segment would be videos of school events. This will show the school events and get more students to attend the events. I would accomplish this by videoing the events. I would put this together by editing the events, and putting music in the background. This will be interesting to student because they will be able to see what they missed in a one-minute video and want to come to the next event. 7) This segment would be an interesting fact. This will give students information that will stick in their brain. I would accomplish this by picking a fact. I would put this together by putting the fact on the screen and having someone read it. This will be interesting to students because they will learn something they didn’t know.

Thursday, September 5, 2019

The Current Existing Strategy Marketing Essay

The Current Existing Strategy Marketing Essay Firstly, the Nyam Nyam product is produce by Arnotts company from Australia. Arnotts is a large food companies in Asia Pacific region such as New Zealand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore and Japan. The Arnotts company was grown up during the past 146 years ago. One of the company was invested to Arnotts company is Campbell Soup Companys and its iconic brands. So, the Campbell Soup Company as synonymous with Arnotts company selling the favourite biscuits and snacks. Besides that, Campbell Soup company are selling the Nyam Nyam product which is different types of flavor such as Chocoberry, Chocolate, Rice Crispy, Strawberry, Sugar Rice, Mr.Nyam Nyam and Teddy Chocochips. The Anotts company was created a good environment to identify opportunity for reducing water consumption and minimize the use of packaging material which can use recycled material. It also create a Arnotts Foundation to provide a donation to help poor children can study well. Besides that, I think that the Arnotts compa ny has done a good job to satisfy consumer needs and protect earth environment. On the other hands, most properly of the Nyam Nyam product imported from Australia as well as Indonesia. In Indonesia, the manufacturer to produce the Nyam Nyam product as a another franchise manufacture export to another countries. They also maintain the great tasting and quality biscuits to attract the target audience to buy it. It also consider a good choice for consumer to try for it. The Campbell Soup company no just selling the Arnotts product but also selling other brand which is Pergo, Kimball, V8, Cheong Chan and etc. They also leading company specializing in the manufacturer of the sauce and soup. The Nyam Nyam brand is just a categories from the Arnotts company. Arnotts is a brand name which subsidiary of Campbell company. Campbell Soup Company is the leader of maker and marketer of soup in the word. In their Asia Pacific region, headquarter of Campbells company is located at Sydney, Australia. Campbell produce soups, biscuits, beverages and sauces to Australia, China, Korea, New Zealand, Japan, Philippines, Malaysia and Singapore. Campbell brand portfolio includes Arnotts, Tim Tam, Good Time, and Nyam Nyam biscuits. Arnotts brand is Australian first choice biscuit brand which occupy 60 percent market share. Arnotts includes savory and sweet flavours, such as Tim Tam and Tiny Teddy. In 1865, a small bakery opened in Newcastle, north of Sydney. It produced bread and biscuits to local people as well as the crews of ships that docked at the port temporarily. From these small beginnings, a company whose name is synonymous with Australias most favourite biscuits and snacks is being roused up now. Arnotts is one of the largest food companies in the Asia Pacific area. For Australians, Arnotts is not only than a food enterprise, its a piece of Australias history and national icon. It has grown up with Australian over the past 146 years. More than 50,000 Australians work together with Arnotts since past decades. Arnotts also employs several thousand people among Asia Pacific countries such as New Zealand, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia and Singapore. Arnotts ongoing improvement has been supported by the Campbell Soup Companys investment. Arnotts exported products continue to increase. Australian-made biscuit has been shipped to over 40 countries around the word including USA, Indonesia, Malaysia and etc. As one of the largest food companies in Asis Pacific, Arnotts also involve in environmental policy to fulfill its commitment to run business in a method that respects and protect our family. Arnotts also put efforts on reducing energy consumption. The company is one of the signatories to the National Packaging Covenant. Arnotts intend to minimize the use of packaging material and ensure the environmental influences of consumer packaging waste are under control and minimized. Campbells Malaysia operating since December 1995, is an established multinational food company based in Malaysia with headquarters in the USA and regional offices in Australia. Campbells Malaysia is a world leading company specializing in the manufacture and sales of soup and sauces. Readers Digest recognized Campbells world-class portfolio with an Outstanding Brand Performance award in 2002. Also, Campbell has achieved many awards and certifications. Campbells Arnotts is Asia Pacific business, headquartered in Sydney, Australia, and supplies biscuits, soups, sauces and beverages to Australia, New Zealand, Greater China, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, the Philippines, and Singapore. The brand portfolio includes Arnotts, Tim Tam, Nyam Nyam and Good Time biscuits, Campbells and Swanson soups, stocks and sauces and V8 beverages. They have production facilities in Australia, Indonesia, and Malaysia. They also market and distribute such brands as  Kimball  sauces and  Cheong Chan  ethnic Chinese sauces in Thailand, Brunei, and Vietnam. Product Features The Nyam Nyam product has a different kind of categories of flavor such as Chocolate, Chocoberry, Strawberry, Rice Crispy and Mr.Nyam Nyam. The first of the Nyam Nyam product come out is Mr.Nyam Nyam and is a original taste of the product. After that, the another of flavor of the Nyam Nyam product was come out in the marketplace. Besides that, the important of the box design is differently. Some of the box design is half of the flavor taste and biscuits. For instance, the Chocoberry has three of the place to put the biscuits and chocolate strawberry taste. Furthermore, the box of Nyam Nyam have tall or big size design. Besides, they also using different of color to differentiate which one is the flavor of the product. But, one of the Nyam Nyam product is different from the another which is Teddy Chocochips. The Teddy Chocochips using small teddy design and put inside a chocolate chips. In addition, the Mr.Nyam Nyam and Rice Crispy are using rice crispy but the color are different wh ich is the all pink color and another is colorful rice crispy. On the other hands, they use the tiger as a mascot to represent the Nyam Nyam brand. Most properly of the children will like to eat the Chocoberry flavor because of two taste. Colourful and small size packaging has the qualification to let kids to love it. Vivid designs attract the kids easily from other similar products. The Nyam Nyam logo with rainbow background represents the vigor of small kids. Nyam Nyam offer variety flavours includes chocoberry, chocolate, rise crispy, strawberry and sugar rice. For boys, they may prefer chocolate flavor and for girls, strawberry maybe their preference. Nyam Nyam is the preferable snacks as it includes biscuits and sweets jam. There are two sectors inside the packaging. One is space to put long biscuit sticks and another one is hold the jam. Kids can choose whether they want to moist the sticks with big amount of jam or least. Normally, kids will eat until the jam finish with their dirtied fingers, but they are enjoying with the product. The personalized tiger is the symbolism of Nyam Nyam. Tiger always emerge at the packaging to rouse the kids about Nyam Nyam. We see advertisements with the tiger promote Nyam Nyam. The image of the tiger is affine and it able closer to kids. The tiger put up it thumbs to praise Nyam Nyam, and it is always the most simple way to tell a kid this is a good product for them. On the packaging, the product image is printed and it tells the kids what is inside the product. When kids see it, they know the sweet jam and the biscuit is their preference and they will grab one. Nyam Nyam also provides appropriate calories of one kids daily need. Nyam Nyam is under the brands Arnotts. The flavor included chocoberry, chocolate and strawberry. The packaging consists of the brand Arnotts, the logo Nyam Nyam, the tiger and rainbow. Overall the design is more on cartoon styles with lots of colorful features. The product type is biscuit, flavor is cream and texture is crispy. The size of the cup is suitable enough to fit in the palm with one hand holding Nyam Nyam one hand holding the biscuit. There are two parts inside, with one fills with cream and another fills with stick biscuit. From the information and images of the packages, customers can clearly know about the product features, it is very obvious Current Target Market The target audience of the Nyam Nyam product is children between 6-12 years old. This is because most of the children will like to eat snack and sweet. So, the Arnotts company was create a flavor biscuit in a different kind of box design. Its attract the kids to buy their product and try every taste of the Nyam Nyam product. Before that, the kids was liked the Mr.Nyam Nyam and Rice Crispy which are different of color and chocolate flavor. Nowadays, most of the children will like to eat the chocoberry, chocolate and strawberry flavor and biscuits. In the marketplace, the children have a lot of choice to choose different kind of brands. So, Nyam Nyam was using advertisement to reinforce and capture kids attention. The children may choose Nyam Nyam product. The Arnotts was consider the kids healthy and take action to significantly reduce the level of TFAs(Trans Fatty Acids) in their biscuits by replacing partially hydrogenated animal fats with vegetable oils. It can be lets the children safe to consume the product. With the dispute around advertising to children set to intensify, Arnotts iterate it commitment to not target product to kids who under 12 years old. Arnotts implement its marketing to Children Policy. This action is encouraged by health professionals, academics and consumers. Recently, Arnotts is target at young males. It developed a strategy to reflect guys life facing truth. What reason to make guys dream of stopping in his track and leaving work? Arnotts new advertisement campaign want to rouse guys to enjoy back their relaxing childhood. Arnotts target market is women aged 25-40. The brand was targeting a niche high-class market to perform quality and prestige. Successful women over 30 were included as target audience. Nyam Nyam is targeting kids market. With the increases of purchasing power of people, demand for biscuits has increased. Nyam Nyam is affordable to kids with their own pocket money. Compared with other similar products, Nyam Nyam is attractive with its colorful packaging. Color is a visual language, it encourage participation. Kids are usually attracted by its packaging at first sight. Besides, Nyam Nyam is place in the market with other kids targeting products. The placement of the product also influences the sales of the products. Nyam Nyam place with other kids targeting products mean that they will be able to grab the products easily as usually they will go directly to the part which attract them. Current Existing Strategy The Arnotts company was known that have a lot of competitor in the marketplace. So, they come up a strategy to attract kids to buy their product. They create a competition about correct the sticker can win a grand prize. It also using media to lets kids know about the competition. This kind of the strategy can lead the children to join this event and consume the product. Besides, the prize of this competition can lets kids feel have a chance to win grand prize which is PS3. On the other hands, the Arnotts company are discuss technologies role in menu development. Nowadays, the development of Smartphones and social media are growth up. So, they using Facebook or Twitter to get feedback for guide menu development and recipe development. For the instance, most properly of the children are using smartphones or social media such as Facebook and it can be get consumer feedback and information. Using this information, to reinforce the product features and improve product management. After t hat, Arnotts company has promote the Nyam Nyam product through the advertisement about the chocoberry. In malaysia, most of the kids will like to watch TV and saw the Nyam Nyam advertisement. They will try go to retail or shopping center to buy the Nyam Nyam product. Arnotts current strategy include reduce environmental impact of packaging. It follows the instruction of sustainable packaging guidelines. It tries to reduce the negative effects of packaging to achieve resource efficiency. The implementation of design and procurement starting form a simple and friendly environmental method. For example, Arnotts explore major pack and case optimization opportunities across the range of sweet biscuits. It aspires to optimize packaging without compromising product quality and safety. Arnotts also take care of consumers accessibility. It improve easy-open functionality of it product. With the improvement, consumer will not face the problem of hard to open the packaging and it save effort and convenient for them. The trend today is all about green environment. Arnotts focuses on efficiently collect and recycle packaging. Packaging is a process waste recovery system at all manufacturing sites. Many of Arnotts existing packaging materials already contain recycled material. In2010, 58% of all Arnotts packaging had a minimum of 95% recycle materials. It has built up Green teams at each site to help improvement of waste management. Arnotts also encourages with companies who buy cardboard cases directly as packaging rather than recycling again. It also training staff on the colour coded waste stream manufacture. Follow by the moral values principles, Arnotts shared responsibility throughout whole supply chain. It will review each packaging element and provide consumer the correct concept around the issue of recycling and disposal of packaging. Arnotts continue this plan to encourage anti-littering behavior. It company also have a no-plastic bag policy at staff sites. The company gives a free multi-use bag for every employee. This is used to remind the staff to consider the environment when grocery shopping. Arnotts has sustainability resources and the responsibility to identifying initiative of carbon footprint can be reduced. Campbells Arnotts has a core business strategy which is advance a powerful commitment to sustainability and corporate social responsibility. Therefore, it always abides by its promise. Campbell Arnotts only advertise food and beverage products to children under 12 years old if those products represent healthy dietary choices. Their advertising messages are in the context of a healthy lifestyle, designed to encourage the target audience. Since healthy lifestyles became common nowadays, advertising messages is important to influence the kids and also their parents whom educate them. Effective advertising messages are able to affect the brand positioning and brand loyalty in consumers mind.