Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Philosophy-Metaphysics Essay

â€Å"The PNC: A property cannot both belong and not belong to a subject at the same time and in the same respect. The PNC is the most certain principle, i. e. :1) It is not possible to be wrong about it. 2) If you know anything, you know it (all statements of knowledge imply it). †(Chance, 2005) The Principle of Non-Contradiction is both a law of thought and a law of being. Aristotle propagated this principle first. Since then, voluminous literature is written on this principle, many arguments have been put forth elaborating it. It is believed that this principle is the basis, foundation of all demonstrative sciences. Intuitive understanding is the gateway to knowing PNC. In character, it is un-hypothetical. Its indemonstrability needs to be understood in the proper perspective. The PNC protects the unity of the thought process. The content of one’s thought is its non-contradictory nature. That is to say, the content of one’s thought is the non-contradictory nature of being. To deny it is not to say reality itself is contradictory by nature. Here, the fact to be noted is that insufficient education and understanding on the part of the person who denies the principle. But there are many, who deny; foremost among them are para-logicians. Their mental block seems to be their problem, i. e. how we present what we present before them. How the reality is framed for tendering the version to them. The principle could be both true and false. As per Quantum Mechanics, when we can’t make out the proper option between the two, the principle needs to be deemed as meaningless and void. Many situations can be quoted in support of drawing such a conclusion. Aristotle has the answer for this sort of criticism. Those who deny the principle merely assume that they deny; the very denial contains in fact, their acceptance of the principle. Their question whether the PNC is true or false has the answer –they assume that it is either true or false. Ipso, facto, they speak in is affirmation. But there are instances where the PNC contradicts physics. Relativism as a theory must be false, if the PNC is true. If A believes that the sun is shining, and B believes that the sun is not shining, one of them obviously must be false. Every argument has a counter argument; every example can be challenged by yet another contradictory-example. The attitude of most of the people is, ‘Whatever I say is correct. None is willing to accept that ‘whatever correct is there in the world, belongs to me. ’ It is the acknowledged principle with the rationalists and scientists that nothing could be accepted as true without evidence. But then there is an authentic counter-question for this as well. How one can know that the method employed for knowing or accepting the evidence is true? This is an important observation, which is difficult to refute. The truth of the PNC can be soundly argued on the basis of what Aristotle has propounded about it. But this is true of mind-level issues and examples. If one of the ‘arguing’ individuals has transcended the mind-barrier, his uttering will be on the basis of his realization, and that can never be explained through words, sentences and explanations. Such ‘issues’ form part of the experience-domain of an individual. Even Aristotle has to stop here, with his files related to PNC. To take something for granted as truth, the essential tools one uses are, Reason and Logic. These tools will break and are powerless at the end of the mind barrier. They will never be able to break the barrier.

Porsche Swot Essay

Strengths One of the company’s strength is the simplicity of their product. Each year Porsche’s sports cars look similar to the previous year with slight modifications that separate them and make them better. With this car, the company’s image is of luxury, high quality, and style that do not change drastically from year to year so that costumers will always know what they are getting and never be disappointed. They only have 7 different types of cars, 2 SUVs, 4 sports car styles, and a luxury sedan. Another strength is how they are so close to Volkswagen. Volkswagen now owns them but this solidifies their existence because VW is such a big company that it will never let Porsche go belly up even through toughest of times. They also have been around for a very long time and have a very recognizable name across the world. Porsche also has a very strong influence and presence in the motor racing world. In fact, almost all cars that Porsche built are basically purpose-built ra cing machines. They have been victorious in almost all races they took part since the very beginning, especially in the Le Mans 24-hour races. Also the model called 911 is the only car that has been on sale for the past 4 decades and more. It may be a slow evolution of the model, but that is exactly what makes it a timeless machine, perfected in every minute detail with each generation. Porsche loyalists love and respect the brands purity in design, and unique character. This can be clearly seen with the slow and steady evolution of the 911 from the very beginning Overall Porsche’s strengths include strong brand image, high quality products for comparatively low prices, advanced technology, brands history and sports car recognition. Weaknesses The biggest weakness of Porsche is that it’s strictly a luxury car company. Since they are strictly a luxury car manufacturers they do not sell that many cars compared to companies like Ford, Toyota and Honda. This is still not that big of a weakness compared to other groups because of the fact that they have the highest profit per unit sold of any car company in the world. Overall though Porsche’s weaknesses include, premium only gas, price sensitivity, sensitive to the world economy (victim of financial crisis 2008), small compared to other car companies, and pollution-environmental issues.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Sociology in Everyday Life

Sociology in Every Life One central and important study of sociology is the study of everyday social life. Everyday life and sociology are definitely two distinct terms and situations, but they hold a close relationship. While sociology studies human interaction, everyday life consists of everyday human interaction. Everyday life is filled by human beings interacting with one another, institutions, ideas, and emotions. Sociology studies the interactions with all of these and shows how mere interaction resulted in things like ideas and institutions.Everyday that you wake up and come into contact with what you do and the people you speak to is sociological. You wake up and interact with objects. Some of these objects you see yourself in such as your clothes, and your music, would be called the sociology of identification. If you live with your parents and siblings, you wake up and interact with them, by saying good morning and having breakfast with them. You recognize and participate i n the family institution. When you go to school, or church, or your job, you know what's expected of you and you know how to act in the way that is labeled normal.Therefore, you interact with a set of norms by conforming to them or breaking them which is deviance. The fact that we have an everyday life in which there are patterns in ways of living is what sets a foundation for sociological analysis and for being a witness in what we do, in order to understand ourselves better. You use sociology in many ways everyday. Race and ethnicity are important concepts in the field of sociology and are ones that are studied a great deal.Race plays a large role in everyday human interactions and sociologists want to study how, why, and what the outcomes are of these interactions. There are several sociological theories about why prejudice, discrimination, and racism exist. Current sociological theories focus mainly on explaining the existence of racism. The three major sociological perspectives are, functionalist theory, symbolic interaction theory, and conflict theory they each have their own explanations to the existence of racism. The Structural-Functional theory  argues that in order for race and thnic relations to be functional and contribute to the conduct and stability of society, racial and ethnic minorities must assimilate into that society. Assimilation is a process by which minorities gradually adopt patterns of a dominant culture. It is believed that deviance encourages social change. A good example of this would be how race and ethnicity are strongly linked to crime rates. The amount of African Americans that were involved in crimes was a higher proportion than any other race. African Americans makes up 13 percent of the population but were accounted for 28. percent of the arrest. There are several reasons why arrest for African American could be this high but the main cause would probably be because of social standing. Some disadvantages to the African Ame rican population are that white people have an overall higher occupational standing and they also receive schooling beyond high school. Many people of this race are brought into single parent homes which lead to a huge gap in wealth and these children receive less supervision which puts them in a greater risk of living in poverty.Over 40 percent of African American children grow up in poor families leaving the high crime rates to not be a surprise. Prejudice is also another factor to the high crime rates because white police tend to arrest black people more readily. If crime involved drunk driving, business fraud, embezzlement, and cheating on tax returns the white population rate of crime would rise dramatically. These factors have made many people of this race strive for the best while others are still not trying at all.Although we operate from a class system it seems like many African Americans are stuck between a rock and a hard place. Individual achievement isn’t happeni ng. If more people would aim for individual achievement, social standing wouldn’t be such an issue in today’s time. I believe categorizing people according to their color, sex, or social background is wrong. The only way to overcome these negative stereotypes is to stand above the descriptions that have been applied to your race. I have learned that hardwork is the key to success, whether it is in life, work, or your social standing.Even though social stratification carries over from generation to generation it doesn’t mean you have to have the same life your parents had. Everyone is able to achieve a better life if they work for it. Social stratification is found everywhere and what is equal and unequal is different in all societies. In my society it seems like wealth and power is the key element of difference. People who are poor or have lower position are downed on. While writing this paper, I learned many things. I learned society has a huge impact on my lif e and those around me. Related post: Social Studies SBA on Teenage PregnancyI learned that personal issues can manifest into a social issue that affects the whole society as a whole, just as the major social issues can affect my personal life. Overall, writing this paper has benefited me to look closer at society and see how different issues affect me in my life. References Macionis, J. (2009). Society the basics. (12th ed. ). The sociology of race and ethnicity  . (n. d. ). Retrieved from http://www. trinity. edu/mkearl/race. html Winant, H. (n. d. ). Race and race theory. Retrieved from http://www. soc. ucsb. edu/faculty/winant/Race_and_Race_Theory. html

Monday, July 29, 2019

Assessment 1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Assessment 1 - Essay Example In the view of Doran (1996), the main container of this asset is the human resource or more precisely, human capital of the organization. Thus, retaining the human capital with organization and maintaining its efficiency is equally important. In this context, the issue of context management becomes highly significant. According to Mondy (2007), besides retaining the employees, it is also essential that the employees must be able to utilize knowledge asset possessed by him to achieve the organization's strategic objectives. It is general belief that when the strategic objectives are developed and the vision is clear, the approach of using the organizational hierarchy to develop and translate those strategies into action works well and result into optimum performance. In order to understand this phenomenon, we need to understand the basic concepts one by one. First of all, let's look at the concept of strategy formulation. (Ceriello and Freeman 1998) Every business has a common goal, which is to earn profit. In order to achieve this goal, the organizations analyze their environment and in the context of their environment, determine their own strengths, weakness, opportunities and threats. Based on this analysis, they formulate their own strategy. Usually, the process of strategy formulation is hierarchical in nature. ... (Jackson and Mathis 2007) The hierarchical approach to the strategy formulation is not the panacea, having cure for all the diseases. Rather, there are certain conditions when this activity of hierarchical translation of is fruitful, while at other points it is not. (Fisher, Scheonfeldt and Shaw 1987) The hierarchical approach is more successful when the management has a clear vision of the direction, that where does it want to go. In such case when the top management, say the CEO makes some strategic objective. (Duncan and Dutton 1987). If the external environment of the organization is almost static, and the CEO is well aware of the external environment, in such case taking a direct decision by the CEO and then transcendence of that decision down the hierarchy may result in higher performance. It is so because of the fact that it is assumed in such case, the environment is quite known t everyone in the organization. So what needs to be done is to tell them the strategy and they wou ld be able to do it successfully. This all results in successful work performance. (Doran 1996) Awad and Cascio (1981) explains that this is the reason why it has been a common established belief the condition where the environment is known, the performance of effectiveness of the organization to achieve those goals increase manifolds. On these bases, it is asserted that performance tends to improve when everybody in the organization knows where it is going, as hierarchical strategy formulation model works better. (Ceriello and Freeman 1998) However, the world is now changing. The environment for the businesses is no more static. The world is moving too fast, so does the environment for the business. In this situation where

Sunday, July 28, 2019

APPLIED INTEGRATED BUSINESS Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

APPLIED INTEGRATED BUSINESS - Essay Example From the above, various companies use various methods to ensure their success through both employee and customer satisfaction. This is because employee and customer satisfaction are the keys to business success. The video shows a manager who does not put customer needs at the core. The lady at the reception informs him of the dissatisfied customer but he reluctantly comes without the feel of urgency required. When dealing with customers, their needs should be given priority for them to have a sense of importance (Roche & Self 2012, p. 67). Moreover, the manager should ensure customer needs are met at all costs. The customer at the reception is urgently in need of a room but the manager downplays this urgency and seems to be interested in having an affair with her. Managers should draw boundaries between their social and professional lives. More so, the managers should not involve their customers in their social life at all costs (Roche & Self 2012, p. 141). The welfare and the needs of all categories of customers should be catered for, and in the event that a mishap occurs, remedy measures should be taken within the shortest time possible. This does not seem to be the case with the manager who fails to courteously assist the person on the wheelchair who is locked out of a reception due to inaccessibility of the venue. Furthermore, managers should use polite language whenever dealing with their clients as well as their employees (Roche & Self 2012, p. 101). This is paramount in ensuring good customer relations and the employees transfer it to the customers. The manager fails to courteously address the receptionist upon being told of the customer who wants to speak to him. Though he says he is busy, he clearly is not as he is taking coffee while checking the local daily. Good customer and employee etiquette requires the manager to listen carefully to

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Anthem case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Anthem - Case Study Example lth identification numbers, dates of birth, Social Security numbers, addresses, telephone numbers, email addresses, employment information and income data had been illegally accessed by an unauthorised party (Humer, 2015). This is a major crisis for the company as 78.8 million people including minors had their information compromised (Abelson & Goldstein, 2015). This therefore, exposed just how vulnerable the company is to cyber attacks, thus necessitating the strengthening of its IT system security. Being the among the largest health insurance companies in the United States, this situation received immense media attention. The media attention was also great as this is considered to be the worst cyber attack to have hit a health insurance company in the US. Different media companies such as the Forbes, Los Angeles Times, the New York Times, Reuters and NBC, among others highlighted this issue. The stakeholders of Anthem include its employees, current customers, past enrolees, suppliers, Independent Blue Cross, Blue Shield, shareholders, the public, the government and media. The fact that this company has many stakeholders implies that this data breach affected many parties. Strong growth in revenues: Over the years, Anthem has experienced an increase in its revenues. For instance, since 2000, it is estimated that the revenues of Anthem have grown at a compound rate of about 24.1%. In 2003, Anthem experienced an increase of $3,486.6 million in its revenue; and this was an increase of 26.8% as compared to 2002. Strong focus on technology: Anthem is highly focused on IT leading to a reduction in its processing time and saving on costs. Anthem reduced its cost of claim processing per claim from $2.50 to 14 cents. Additionally, Anthem collaborated with Accenture to develop a digital pen technology that would aid digital capturing and sending of medical claim information (Anthem Health Insurance, 2015). Strong brand association: Anthem is closely associated with

Friday, July 26, 2019

Discussion Board 7-1 Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Discussion Board 7-1 - Research Paper Example Test administrators began by ensuring that test takers who were ostensibly adolescents understood the purpose of the measurements. In addition, test administrators informed the students about their rights throughout the test process. The measurement process used scales, including Morally Debatable Behaviors Scale-Revised (MDBS-R) for rating attitudes, emotions and other behaviors (Cohen, Swerdlik & Sturman, 2013). The psychological measurement session also employed the use of the Likert scale that enabled critical understanding of specific behaviors. The assessment was generally correct and successful bearing that approved individuals later demonstrated the detected characteristics. The psychological measurements conducted in the educational context to determine appropriateness of students to high school disclosed many insights about tools of measurement. One of the insight is that the interview is a very crucial assessment tool that may not miss in a psychometric. Actually, interview forms the basis of every assessment as test administrators have to interview to gather basic and vital information from clients (Cohen, Swerdlik & Sturman, 2013). Another insight is that case history data is an important source of data about test takers considering that it carries true and accurate information. During the assessment of students to join high school, medical reports, recommendation letter by elementary teachers concerning conducts and abilities of the students and academic reports acted as sources of case history data. Further insight is that Likert scale is an efficient means of measurement as it enables test takers to make quick and usually correct ranking of thei r abilities. In future when involved in psychological measurement of clients, one should consider interviewing and case history data as basic assessment tools. For quicker and inclusive assessment, an individual should consider using

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Implications of Scapegoating Groups Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Implications of Scapegoating Groups - Essay Example The main feature of scapegoating is distortion of information. Implications Scapegoating aims toward many individuals today and affects roughly everyone in a way or another. According to Douglas (2000), scapegoats can be under attack due to characteristics common to such individuals. They can plainly face attack from traits they cannot control, for instance, their ethnicity or race. An apparent, but main consequence of scapegoating is unfairness toward minority groups. This act is a problem since it can result in stereotyping, and result in biased and unjust handling of individuals for no genuine motives at all. The most scapegoated groups include alcoholics, atheists and communists. Stereotyping is an implicit manner of scapegoating since by building negative generalizations concerning a group of people, often there is blame on them for actions that are out of their personal control. For example, Hitler blamed minorities for troubles in Germany. In this situation, the Jews stereotyp ed as ignorant and consequently, able to receive the blame of the majority population. Another consequence of scapegoating is the frivolous court cases that are infesting the court system. Beside malpractice, court cases, these court cases illustrate how the society today considers that they deserve to litigate against anyone, and cannot take responsibility for any of the events that they create. It is also the situation in cases where people get scapegoating so extreme, that they abuse the court system. These people can alternatively use their nationality to elect into office legitimate legislative bodies and laws. They can employ the use of other forms like arbitration and mediation to arrive at agreements and apprehend a balance of the liability. The reality is that both the sides share liability, and one side cannot anticipate leaving all to the other. The aim in these court cases needs to be on either side is putting the blame incorrectly on the other party, which is most of th e times on the part of the complainant in these frivolous court cases. Scapegoating entails a frustrated, disorganized society united in faulting a victim for their misgivings and taking out their hate and violent emotions on the victim or group. This incident, frequently seen emerging in crowds, for example, chanting in opposition to a character or event, burning effigies, and observable among the police in instances of arresting is a token menace. In a condition where a multitude is outrageous for unfairness they are experiencing and aggravated that their communication is not getting in to the public, media or politicians, they could create scapegoats of administrative officers or even journalists. The scapegoat is the individual who intimidates the safety of the group resulting in fear of losing their identity. The individuals become a risk to the intelligence of justice of the group resulting in resentment and a danger to the connectedness resulting in a sense of grief. The deed distorted, differences not acknowledged, the group considered as disjointed, and stability threatened. This implies that the human identity desires of the society are in jeopardy. As a result, the society turns towards those they can blame. It is also possible that police officers become the scapegoat for the multitude and possibly for

Social Theories of Development and Learning Essay

Social Theories of Development and Learning - Essay Example Asthe report stresses classroom and behavioral management is the study which provides a number of theories of child development and learning as well as a range of various practical tips of how to make teaching-learning process in classroom settings the most productive. Classroom management is basically a set of classroom rules that help to make the studying process safe and effective avoiding any disciplinary disruptions. This paper discusses despite the great number of strategies and techniques which have been developed to assist a teacher, a today’s educator often feels frustrated because of the inability to control his/her learners and/or teach them the required material. Knowledge of classroom and behavior management is essential for having a well-structured and effective study session. The relationship based on mutual respect and understanding between a teacher and a child is essential part of good instructional program realization. A teacher can take up various roles, but the major one would be that of an instructional leader and classroom manager. It has to be stressed that effective classroom managers are not born, but made. Learning a second language in dual language program is different from that of regular learning a foreign language which can be found in regular school. This program can give much more than mere acquisition of vocabulary, a set of grammar rules or practical syntax. T he language is learned and practiced in real life context which requires critical thinking and problem solving using a second language. A study made by neuroscientists proves that bilingual children have better mathematical skills. Besides, Kovelman, Baker, and Petitto claim that bilingual brain develops a kind of a â€Å"neural signature† which is absent in the monolingual brain (153). Finally, such second language acquisition may lead to revelation of â€Å"the biological extent of the neural architecture underlying all human language† (Kovelman, Baker, and Petitto 154). However, teachers have to be trained and taught how to apply the bilingual program in the classroom settings of because of peculiarities of instructions and task of the program. Observations Analysis The instruction within Dual Language Program which I have observed proved to be very effective. Children of each

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Case Analysis (another one) Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Analysis (another one) - Case Study Example Before 2007, the firm realized same growth rate that exceeded five percent for 15 consecutive years. This growth helped the company to establish its brand in the market, setting it apart from its rivals. The company maintained â€Å"standardization,† which helped it build its brand regardless of its rapid expansion. A lucrative business, the company has manage to merge growth and profitability with its competitive advantage, particularly by espousing strong ethical values (Ivey 7). In the recent years, however, Starbucks is showing weaknesses attributed to high prices, market saturation, and long waits in its stores due to the inexperience of its baristas and managers. The quality of coffee is low, and the food the company provides highly unattractive. With respect to opportunities, coffee culture is growing at a rapid pace globally, providing Starbucks with a chance to go up-market and compete with established coffee firms, especially in the luxurious European market and emer ging markets such as China, India, Brazil, and Russia. In this case, Starbucks will manage to cope with the threats posed by Dunkin Donuts, McDonald’s, and Peet’s Coffee & Tea, as well as those resulting from financial crisis and the company’s overexposure in the market (Ivey 8). Based on the strategic issues that Starbucks is encountering, which contribute to its downfall, the firm should hire additional managers and train its baristas appropriately to help streamline its menus, fill orders faster, and improve the overall services delivered to clients. The organization should also offer more products and services beyond coffee to address the diverse needs of its clients. The company should also provide its clients with natural food that does not affect their health negatively. In addition, the firm should lower the prices of its products and enforce fair workplace arrangements for it to create a

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Email writing regarding whether or not to join the organization Essay

Email writing regarding whether or not to join the organization regarding Nikes Honduran situation - Essay Example hink that once Nike heard about the conditions of the workers at each of these factories that they should have pulled their contracts from these factories and looked for other places to fulfill their orders without violating the rights of their workers. Furthermore, I do believe that Nike changed their stance when Universities in the United States started to pull licensing contracts from Nike and the potential of losing money became a factor. There really is no way to know for certain whether or not the students, universities, and workers ever received all the information. But after reading a few articles, in my opinion, it looks as a whole no body ever had all the facts. What facts they do have seem to be coming just from the two workers touring the country with the reasoning behind why the two factories closed rather than resolve the situation. And whether or not students should be activists, I do believe that students should try to do something. I do believe that companies should pay attention to them. But at the same time, companies should also have ways to disclose information to their main offices from their factories as to determine whether or not their standards and practices are being followed. I hope my opinions help you on making a decision whether or not we should be involved with USAS. If you have any further questions, you can reach me by phone at 123-456-7890 or by e-mail at Yoshikane, Akito. "Honduran Workers Speak Out Against Nikes Labor Violations." In These Times. n.p., April 21, 2009. Web. 26 Sep 2011.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Law & Ethics Essay Example for Free

Law Ethics Essay BB General Partnership Dracca is able to seek recover from Silva Gray individually on the judgment for BB partnership because the partnership has not been incorporated. In a general partnership each individual can be sued for the full amount of the business debt. The partners cannot have personal interest within the partnership (Bagley Savage, 2009 p. 729). If one partner incurs all of the debt, they can then sue the other partners for their parts of the debt. Within a Limited Liability Partnership these three items would differ from the general partnership. 1. Limited partners do not play an active role in the business 2. Limited partners are not personally liable 3. Limited partners face slightly different tax rules (NOLO) BB is not a formalized company under the laws of corporation and taxation, so in turn each individual can be held liable for the debt legally. However, Dracca should not have gone after Ms. Grey solely on a tip of her wealth. Business Judgment Rule The Business Judgment Rule states that as long as the board members have acted in good faith and meet the basic standards, there should not be a fear of prosecution when making decisions (Bagley Savage, 2009 p. 801). To insure that the board of directors did not fault their duty of care and the Business Judgment Rule several items must be analyzed. 1. â€Å"Were the directors interested in the transaction?2. Did the directors act in good faith? 3. Did the directors act in a manner that cannot be attributed to a rational purpose? 4. Did the directors reach the decision by a negligent process?† (Bagley Savage, 2009 p.801). The board must also consider their duty of care and duty of loyalty. Duty of care requires people involved in the company to make informed and reasonable decisions for the business. Duty of loyalty requires employees to act in good faith and in good interest of the company (Bagley Savage, 2009 p. 799). In the case of Dracca vs. BB, the board did not act in good duty of care, duty of loyalty or use the Business Judgment Rule appropriately. The overall concept to obtain the debt from BB was an action of duty or care and loyalty to the company. However, the way the board of directors went about the retrieval of the debt was not the best method. By pursuing Ms. Gray off a ‘tip’ the fund backfired and the company incurred a lot of fees that might not of occurred if the pursue was planned correctly. The process of pursuing the money was neglected, fault number three in the Business Judgment rule. Employment Discrimination The accounting manager for Dracca overseeing the BB account, Martin Long had his pay and responsibilities decreased by Accounting Director Mary Smith. The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) was developed to help employees against discrimination of age, sex, race, gender, national origin, disability, and religion (Bagley Savage, 2009 p.466). In Martin Long’s case he left the company because Ms. Smith’s visual and vocal opinions. The opinions turned into harassment and eventually Long left the Firm. By vocalizing and placing visual signs Ms. Smith was creating a harsh work environment for employees. Long will be able to sue Dracca for employment discrimination and argue constructive discharge because there must be evidence of unpleasant working condition that it forces the employee to resign and the employer has not taken care of the complaint within 15 days of being informed of the issues. The harassment must be worse than Title VII (Runkel, n.d.). Dracca is responsible for Ms. Smith’s actions/discrimination against Long. Kate was fired after reporting to the EEOC the harassment from Ms. Smith. Kate should not of been fired for reporting the discrimination. Due to Dracca’s action upon firing Kate, the company seems to approve of Ms. Smith’s actions. The EEOC Compliance Manual states that the person filing the complaint is â€Å"protected against retaliation by a respondent for participating in the statutory complaint proceedings even if that complaint involved a different covered entity† (Igasaki, 1998). From the EEOC, Dracca would be held liable for Hernandez’s actions within the court system. Hernandez violated the EEOC Title VII discriminatory actions. The Title VII makes two theories clear to businesses. 1. The theory of disparate treatment and 2. The theory of disparate impact. Disparate treatment means that the plaintiff has to prove that the employer intentionally discriminated against him/her denying a benefit of employment (Bagley Savage, 2009 p.471). Disparate impact is when employers make employment decisions based on selection, making employers complete test and evaluations. BFOQ stands for Bona Fide Occupational that an employer must prove that the type of person is not able to perform the job position. In this case, women with children were hired in order to sell the product. Dracca would have to prove that men were not able to perform the job. The BFOQ cannot be used as a defense when there is a preferred gender within the company. The following also apply. Usually BFOQ is not based on color and gender will not qualify when the 1. â€Å"Assumptions of the comparative employment characteristics of women in general, 2. Stereotyped characteristics of the sexes, and 3. The preferences of coworkers, employers or customers for one gender or the other (Bagley Savage, 2009 p. 485). Conclusion After reviewing the case, I recommend the following 1. Dracca hire new board members with a focus on the business, and not a focus on money. The Board of Directors should be compiled of people that are business savvy and care about the firm and about the financials in a legal and ethical manner. By the Board leaning on a tip and not fact, the business incurred a lot of debt that could have been spent somewhere else within the firm. 2. Dracca should have a firmer hiring process where the prospects are asked to observe and manage for a day, or write out a list of goals, or how to hire people for certain positions. This could show some speculation to discrimination. Also, Dracca should be stricter on company policy regarding religion, politics, and harassment. If need be the company can have classes on what is and is not harassment within the workplace. In this case, it seems that Dracca turned a blind eye on Mr. Long. References Bagley, Savage (2009 Feb. 5). Managers and the Legal Environment: Strategies for the 21st Century, Retrieved from: Igasaki, P., (1998), The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, EEOC Directives Transmittal, Retrieved from: Runkel, R. (n.d.), Constructive Discharge #9, Law Memo: First in Employment Law. Retrieved from:

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Building Positive Relationships with Children

Building Positive Relationships with Children Jodi Allan Unit 3: Building Positive Relationships Task 1) All children deserve the best start in life, to be provided with endless support which will enable them to fulfill their potential and make the most of their individual talents and abilities as they continue to grow. Between birth to five years, children develop very quickly and their experiences through this time will have a major impact on their future. Enabling a happy, safe and secure childhood along with good parenting and high quality learning, all children will have the start they need for a successful future. The Childcare Act 2006 was introduced as a key piece of legislation and is the first ever Act to be exclusively for early years and childcare (which spans from birth to the 31st August that falls after the child’s 5th birthday). This means that all pre-school childcare providers, including reception classes in primary schools, are all governed by this Act. The legal requirements for any of those operating within the child care setting are in the Ofsted publication , ‘Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage’ which sets out the learning and development requirements, welfare requirements, all legal requirements as well as the legal adult to children ratios. The law requires specific duties to be carried out by various authorities, including: Providing an information service for parents; Providing training and advice for providers of child care; Providing working parents with child care as required; Achieving a reduction in equalities in children ages 0-5 through close work with Job Centre Plus, associated partners and the NHS; Providing positive outcomes for any child at risk of poverty; Bridging the inequalities that may exist between children, with particular reference to deprivation. Learning and Development Requirements must be provided by the child care provider and all staff operating under any child care provision and any diversity of children within that provision. All resources are available to providers to ensure everyone required to is able to meet the outcomes, no exceptions. â€Å"The Childcare Act 2006 provides for the Early Years Foundation Stage learning and development requirements to include these 3 elements: The early learning goals-the required knowledge, skills and understanding which young children should have acquired by the end of the academic year in which they reach the age of 5; The educational programmes- the matters, skills and processes which are required to be taught to young children within the provision; The assessment arrangements for assessing young children to ascertain their achievements†. The six areas covered under the learning goals are: Personal, Social and Emotional Development- A group activity such as Show and Tell encourages a child to speak in front of their peers and for other children to learn to respect and listen to each other. Understanding the World- If the provision has a large diversity of children, encouraging them to bring in something from their home that they are able to share with their peers, such as clothing or food, can help children explore and learn different aspects of their community. Physical Development- A fun outside game, such as an obstacle course for the children to participate in would be a perfect opportunity for them to develop movement and co-ordination, or simple dancing games such as ‘head, shoulders, knees and toes’. Mathematics- Practicing counting, shapes and measures together as a group whenever possible is always a perfect opportunity, eg: How many apple slices can count on your plate? How many letters are in your name? Ensuring there are plenty of images around them for them to look and question over. Literacy- the provision has to ensure there are plenty of books and other reading materials around for children to explore whenever they want to. Group reading time is always positive and helping each child to recognise and write their own names. Expressive Arts and Design- plenty of opportunities for children to explore and express themselves, such as role play, creative media, dance, music, arts and crafts. Providing the right materials so they are available to children all the time is the best way to ensure they can express themselves this way whenever they want to. Task 2) Teaching children from an early age to respect and value individuality enables them to learn that these values are very important within their society and for their future as these values will enable them to be decent young adults. Children learn these values from early on by observing everyday situations and mimicking the adults they interact with. The child care setting should be a positive, safe place for children to learn this respect for one another and should be filled with positive images, toys and electronic equipment that promote individuality and diversity as well as a positive perception of the world around them. The child care setting can easily focus entirely on each individual child by devising a plan which helps promote each child’s individuality and includes the parents or carers to participate in this plan too. This also helps other children to watch and listen to their peers and learn to understand, respect and value each others individuality. This can be a à ¢â‚¬Ëœshow and tell’ chart or ‘achievement days’, where once a month, a child gets given a day where they can bring in anything from outside the child care setting that they have done to show and talk about to their child minder and peers, then after they are finished they are awarded a sticker to put onto the chart next to their name. Name of Child Date Activity Stickers Max 28/09/2014 Brought in yummy cakes that he helped make with his Polish Grandma Evie 30/09/2014 Brought in a beautiful painting she did over the weekend and told us about all of the colours that she used George 1/10/2014 Went on holiday to Spain and brought in photos for us to see! Task 3) Children need consistency and the earlier they are given this the better, as it will benefit their ability to learn about respect and also to distinguish from right and wrong, otherwise they could become very confused in situations when beginning to learn about the outside world. Consistent routines at home and their child care setting helps children to keep calm and feel safe, but . Children need to learn that all actions will have a consequence, whether it is good or bad. This helps the children with establishing good and bad behaviour skills and embedding this in their every day life will promote their knowledge as they grow older. Initially to promote positive behaviour in the child care setting, the aim is to help them to want to be consistent in their own positive behaviour themselves by rewarding such behaviour, slowly making the rewards smaller and then taking them away, this will begin to let them realize that behaving well creates a happier environment for them and their pe ers. This is always a simple and effective way to teach them to not want to behave in a negative manner. Sticker charts, books or handing stickers out are always a popular treat for rewarding children, as well as asking them what activity they would like to do next, or which book they would like to read with the class? High appraisal from staff and peers gives children a positive feeling about themselves and their positive attitude. Negative behaviour must also have consequences, such as time out, but it is also important to sit the child down and discuss the situation to ensure the child isn’t left feeling confused or alone. Talking in a calming tone and keeping eye contact whilst letting the child know how they have made others feel when they have behaved in a negative manner will not only help them want to make positive choices but they will begin to understand empathy as well. Task 4) Conflicts between children and adults are common, particularly within a child care setting. There are various triggers that can create conflict which are listed below, such as the child having unmet needs resulting in them craving extra attention from their parent or teacher which can easily build into a heated conflict. Children find it very hard to be selfless at such a young age and often only see their point of view and find it difficult to understand someone elses views in a conflict situation. Due to their lack of social skills, children can easily escalate a small argument, such as over a toy, into a harsher argument as they don’t have the necessary communication skills to solve a conflict in a positive manner. Some children having a lack of suitable role models can easily give children a biased view in ways in which conflict can be handled and this can be very difficult to mend. Another trigger that can affect conflict is that when children are tired or hungry it can h ave a very suppressing effect on their mood and they may engage in conflicting behaviour. Often at home or any child care setting, a parent or teacher intervenes and solves an argument. Sometimes it’s simple when the conflict is between children and their peers but sometimes a child can create conflict with an adult and dealing with this in a positive way can be very distressing for both the child and the adult, making any reasoning very difficult. Many behavioural Theorists have contrasting views when it comes to whether conflict has a positive or negative effect on a childs development. Some feel that conflict helps to shape a child’s social skills for when they become adults and that learning to solve conflicts in a positive way equips them with the skills to continue this skill in their adult lives. Behavioural Theorist B.F Skinners believes in the system of positive and negative reinforcements. His theory is that reinforcers are used to strengthen both positive an d negative behaviour and that humans of all ages respond to verbal operants such as taking advice, listening to the warnings of others and obeying given rules and laws. His theory suggests that without personally experiencing any negative consequences from disobeying, the child simply knowing what could happen when they decide to pursue negative behaviour will be enough for them to want to make positive choices instead. From this they can begin to learn from each incident for any future conflicts and they will want to repeat positive behaviour willingly. Ways of dealing with conflict in a positive manner could start with sitting down with the child and asking them questions about the conflict in question can make them feel like they do have a say in the situation, especially as some children find authority difficult. Letting a child know there is a positive solution to the conflict can calm them down and get them to sit down and think about the situation properly. Ask them what it i s they are feeling, â€Å"are you angry? But also feeling hurt because you have had to wait for me to come and play?† Tell them how the other person could also be feeling, â€Å"I’m sad that you shouted at me, because I didn’t mean to ignore you, but I was very busy with the rest of the children too.† Ask them what they would now like to do, which would be the best way for everybody, a way for both of you to fix the situation in a positive way for a positive outcome. This strategy can let children feel safe and confident, but they may also see that conflict can most definitely be solved in a positive way.

How Indonesia Plays An Important Role In Asean Politics Essay

How Indonesia Plays An Important Role In Asean Politics Essay Indonesia is a prosperous country among the 11 countries in Southeast Asia, Indonesia is standing for the largest economy in Southeast Asia as well as the largest market to attract the investors from other regions. As you can see Indonesias condition nowadays is very great as well as prosperity. However, Indonesia has straggled many difficulties such as used to under the control of the Dutch and Japanese and war with the Dutch. On 17 August 1945, the independence of Indonesia was declared by Sukarno, but the Dutch rejected the declaration of independence, then the Dutch reoccupied Indonesia in the middle of 1946. However, the government of Indonesia treated to the reoccupation of the Dutch because young people of Indonesia received an excellent military training during the Japanese occupation. Finally the Dutch gave fully independence to Indonesia in 1949, and then Sukarno was assigned to be the first president of independent Indonesia. He introduced a new policy into the political system of Indonesia which was called Guided Democracy, then the Communist Party of Indonesia (PKI) endeavored a coup, but it was crushed in the 1965. Suharto was assigned to be the second president of Indonesia in the 1967, and he took control over the military and the government __Authoritarianism. Since there was an oil embargo in 1973, the price of the oil quadrupled. Also Indonesia was one of the worlds largest suppliers of O il, they really enjoyed gaining benefits from that time. Suharto was assigned to be the president of Indonesia for the second mandates. Until 2004 Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono is elected to be the president of Indonesia. Before the emergence of ASEAN, the Association of Southeast Asia (ASA) was formed up by Thailand, the Philippines, and the federation of Malaya with Prime Minister Rahman of Malaya was the initiator, but it failed because of the political deputes between members nations. Then on August 5 1967, Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, and the Philippines gathered in Bangkok and signed on the Bangkok Declaration to declare the establishment of ASEAN. These five countries were accounted as original members of ASEAN, and the new members of ASEAN are Brunei (January 8, 1984), Vietnam (July 28, 1995), Laos (July 23, 1997), Myanmar (July 23, 1997), and Cambodia (April 30, 1999) (ASEAN-JAPAN CENTRE). Indonesia is one of the fathers of ASEAN, so how does Indonesia operate in ASEAN? Role of Indonesia in ASEAN Since ASEAN was sought on August 8, 1967, ASEAN concentrated on Indonesias regional international relations. ASEAN was created by Indonesia, Brunei, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand and the Philippines and took place at Thailand. These countries helped to reduce intra-ASEAN conflict, organize the ASEAN positions and shape a regional multinational framework to facilitate the economic cooperation. The achievement of ASEAN singed a charter with a strong foundation for establishment of an ASEAN community and fortify ASEANs role in dealing with variety of architectural changes in the global cooperation. In the changing architectural of global cooperation and disagreement is the role and bargaining the power which can be seen in Indonesia that put into term that must be mutually agreed. The idea that establishment of the ASESAN community, Indonesia will hurt due to lack of bargaining power of economic and political. Indonesia was recognized since the collapse of new order and economic crisis was delayed in 1997. At that time, Indonesia was seen as an ineffective country in the middle of some ASEAN member countries. But later on, Indonesia began to point out its power again with the various accomplishment of reach. In the role of politics and security, Indonesia became the head country the implement democracy in a state. Indonesia was assigned clearly at the front guard of honor and human rights as well. Moreover the success of Indonesia is to implement a democratic government in order to make Indonesia as a democracy country. In the role of human rights, Indonesia is the first country in ASEAN that has a commission on human rights. In the economic role, Indonesia began to show its economic stability growth. This can be seen that Indonesia has capability to help the economic crisis better in 2008. The achievement of Indonesia in the economic was recognized by other countries. More importantly, Indonesia was assigned as one of the G-20 members. Theses success of Indonesia is a surely priceless asset to fight for Indonesias national interest, not only for ASEAN but also international public. In ASEAN, Indonesian initiated to propose the establishment of an ASEAN community that not only depends on economic cooperation, but also other parts which should be considered such as political cooperation and security and socio-cultural cooperation. In addition, Indonesia is fighting with many important elements such as enforcement of political cooperation and security and democratization and respect for human rights which were issued by the ASEAN charter. To explain the bargaining power of Indonesia in ASEAN, it was regarded as the beginning of negotiation. Indonesia proposed to include elements of human rights and democratization but these elements were protested by all ASEAN member countries. Shortly after, with a strong argument relied on the experience of democracy and respect for human rights, these element were finally interred charter (Foreign Affairs B lues.) Role in establish ASEAN As we have known that Indonesia is one of the five original countries which created ASEAN in 1967. If we look back at the history background in the case of Indonesia and Malaysia war, during 1962-1966 we can see that both countries had a conflict over the creation of Federal of Malaysia that took place on the island of Borneo which called Kalimantan Island. In this war, British meddled in the conflict of these two sides. The war was much complicated which make us hardly to believe that Indonesia agree to form a regional group with Malaysia. But later on, under Indonesia President Suharto, Indonesia eventually agree to accept the Malaysia. In addition, Indonesia agreed to shape ASEAN in meaning that Indonesia agreed to accept the establishment of Federation Malaysia and moreover; the tension between Indonesia and Malaysia war was not happened anymore in 1966. More importantly, the period of the cold war, ASEAN can break out easily owning to ideology crash. At that time, Indonesia had a crucial role to reduce this crash. Indonesia had participated with other ASEAN member countries in order to prevent the epidemic of communist and strengthen the ASEANs role become stronger. A.1. Case of Indonesia and Malaysia War The Indonesian-Malaysian confrontation happened during 1962-1966 was Indonesias political and against to the establishment of Malaysia. It is also known by Indonesian and Malaysian name Konfrontasi. The creation of Malaysia was the integration of Federation of Malaya (now west Malaysia), Singapore and British Borneo (now west Malaysia) in September 1963. The confrontation was an undeclared war which took place at the frontier area between Indonesia and East Malaysia on the island of Borneo which is known as Kalimantan in Indonesia. But Sabah and Sarawak were religious, ethnic, and political variety and there were some area which against to joint Malaysia that Indonesia attempt to exploit. Owing to the fact that terrain in Borneo was challenging and there were a few roads, both sides depend on foot soldiers and air transport. The British and Malaysian armed forces provided a main element of the effort with played by Australian army, navy air forces from combined Far East Strategic Res erve. Firstly, Indonesian overran into East Malaysia relied on local volunteers trained by Indonesian army. The crucial military forces turned to Malaysia were British yet, their first activities were unsuccessful. Then, the British reacted to increase Indonesian activities. In 1965 British began to convert operation into Indonesian Kalimantan under the code name Operation Claret. Meanwhile, Indonesia had little armed forces into west Malaysia. The time of August 1966, under Indonesia President Suhartos rise to power. Eventually, a peace agreement influenced Indonesia and then Indonesia accepted the existence of Malaysia. Role in maintain ASEAN Indonesia is a big brother of ASEAN, it responds a lot so that maintains the relationships among the members of ASEAN. Indonesia involved in the Cambodia and Thailand dispute. In case Cambodia-Thailand territory dispute, Indonesia, chairman of ASEAN, asks both parties to sit and talk in order to seek the solution. After negotiate many times, the clash still occurred and the situation still worse. Responding to this issues Indonesia had seek an agreement which Indonesia sent observers to conflict area in order to prevent fire. The problem was never solved until Cambodia asked UN for help. It showed that Indonesia failed to solve the problem. Yes, it is right Indonesia failed to solve the problem, but it is not Indonesias mistakes; It is because of the international law must respect to the state sovereignty and ASEAN as well. ASEAN is regional group and it havent enough power yet to intervene in its members conflict. In addition to the failure of solving the problem, the present of Indonesia in this dispute is really important because until the dispute end it saved many life that live along the border.This failure experience will effect positively on our future ASEAN. Participation of Indonesia in the bright future of ASEAN Indonesia can be call a big brother of ASEAN because of it population, size of territory and also located in one of the busiest trade route in the world called Malacca. Indonesia is not only a member of ASEAN, but also a member of G20 which make more voice of ASEAN in the group of rich countries submit and bring ASEAN to the high ranking group. With the membership of Indonesia, ASEAN gain more bargaining power and reputation in the international affair as well as the world politics (The Jakarta post, 2011) Another point, ASEAN goals are to create the common market in order to attract investors and promotes economic development. The strong market that can attract investors is depended much on population which is the important point. According to Indonesia population is 242.3 million people in 2011 and it is more than one-third of the ASEAN total population which is around 600 million people. Beside population, Territory is another attracting point for investors. state that Indonesia has 1,903,650 sq km that contains much resource for producing such as coal, iron, oil and so many types (The Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia, 2011). Conclusion To summary, Indonesia is seen as a big brother of ASEAN because Indonesia has the largest economy in Southeast Asia as well as it has more 240 million people, so it has a potentially huge market. If you look at the past, you might see that Indonesia had a crucial role to help countries in Southeast Asia walk away from Communism. Indonesia is not only the significant player in establishing ASEAN, but also be a meditator in negotiation of Cambodia and Thailand conflict so that prevent clashes between members and maintain the relationships among the members of ASEAN. Not only now but also in the future, Indonesia will be the one who participate the most in ASEAN prosperity.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Crazy Drivers Essay -- essays research papers

I do not know how many times I have been driving down the road when someone does something stupid, ranging from pulling out in front of me or tailgating. More and more drivers enter the road every year and it seems as if less and less of them know how to drive. As a teen I often get stereotyped as a bad driver but this is a very unfair judgment. The fact is I have helped prevent accidents the closest I have ever been to being in an accident was the fault of an older gentleman. Still the numbers do not lie teens have the most accidents of any age bracket. Why do teens have the highest accident rate? I believe it is because of inexperience not bad habits. Most teens have only been driving for a very short time, if at all, when they receive their license this leads to accidents. People get ...

Friday, July 19, 2019

Compare 4 poems (1 Duffy/ 1 Armitage/ 2 Pre 1914) which you have found :: English Literature

Compare 4 poems (1 Duffy/ 1 Armitage/ 2 Pre 1914) which you have found interesting because of the way they are structured and the language used. In this essay, I am going to compare four poems, which are " Stealing" by Carol Ann Duffy, "Hitcher" by Simon Armitage, "My Last Duchess" by Robert Browning and "The Laboratory" by Robert Browning that I have found interesting as the way they are structured and the language used. The four poems all have similarities between themselves, as they are all involved with the theme of violent. Also, the poets have used many different language devices with a well-planned structure to make the poem more appealing to the reader. This is effective, because it makes the reader feels that it's different from the other poems. Firstly, in "Stealing" Duffy has started off the poem with a rhetorical question, "The most unusual thing I ever stole? A snowman." (Line 1) This may illustrates to us either that the persona is responding the question that some one has asked in a conversation or the persona wanted to tell us what is the unusual thing she/he has stole. This makes us feel interesting to the poem, because the languages Duffy has used, to make we as a reader to interpret whatever way we like. The structure in "Stealing" is irregular, because the previous stanza does not link towards the next stanza. This perhaps displays that Duffy is trying to shows the disturbed mind of the persona. "Mostly I'm so bored I could eat myself." (Line 21) From this sentence we can find out that the persona is an abnormal person, because a normal person would not eat him/herself even though if they were bored. The interesting bit of the structure is that it is unique. Since that some of the poems always have the same structure which seem to be normal and dull, therefore if the poem structured in a different way will make the reader feel it's an extraordinary poem. In contrast, in "Hitcher", "My Last Duchess" and "The Laboratory" although, the languages that the poets have used are not violent, but what the character does in the poem makes the poem seem to be violent. For example: - In "Hitcher", the murder killed a person in the poem, "once with the head, then six times with the krooklok in the face". (Line 13) From this line it proves that Armitage has hardly used any violent languages in the violent act scene. This makes the poem seems to be interesting because the poem has still contains the theme of violent, without using aggressive languages.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Solitude and Isolation in One Hundred Years of Solitude :: One Hundred Years of Solitude

Solitude and Isolation in One Hundred Years of Solitude   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   "†¦Races condemned to 100 years of solitude did not have a second opportunity on earth."   These powerful last words of the novel One Hundred Years of Solitude ring true.   The book demonstrates through many examples that human beings cannot exist in isolation.   People must be interdependent in order for the race to survive.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Solitude.   Examples are found of this idea throughout the one-hundred-year life of Macondo and the Buendia family.   It is both an emotional and physical solitude.   It is shown geographically, romantically, and individually. It always seems to be the intent of the characters to remain alone, but they have no control over it.   To be alone, and forgotten, is their destiny.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The novel begins with geographic isolation.   Jose Arcadio Buendia shouts, "God damn it!   Macondo is surrounded by water on all sides!"   Whether it is, in truth, an island is irrelevant.   The town believed itself to be cut off from the rest of the world.  Ã‚   In addition, Jose Arcadio Buendia and Ursula are looking for solitude.   The founding of Macondo was a result of escaping Jose Arcadio Buendia's murder of Prudencio Aguilar.   Aguilar's ghost haunted them, eventually forcing them to retreat.     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The family seems to remain very involved within itself.   Much of this is Spanish culture.   In Spanish-speaking countries, it is not uncommon to find many generations of the same family living in one house.   The Buendia house always has various relatives within it.   Yet, this is not the only explanation.   The incest of the family is a theme throughout the novel, and is a significant factor in the solitude of this family.   If a family rarely turns to others to branch out, it eventually becomes completely turned in upon itself: isolated and detached.     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Occasionally, the family poisoned with the fate of solitude does reach out.   Those who interact with this family share in its unfortunate fate.   First to Pilar Ternera, the sexual companion of two of the Buendia boys.   Following this sexual interaction, Pilar spends the rest of her life alone.   The same pattern is seen with Petra Cotes, simply with another generation.   Another example is demonstrated by Remedios Moscote.   She is another outsider, paired with Aureliano Buendia.   Soon after their marriage she dies unexpectedly and violently. Solitude and Isolation in One Hundred Years of Solitude :: One Hundred Years of Solitude Solitude and Isolation in One Hundred Years of Solitude   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   "†¦Races condemned to 100 years of solitude did not have a second opportunity on earth."   These powerful last words of the novel One Hundred Years of Solitude ring true.   The book demonstrates through many examples that human beings cannot exist in isolation.   People must be interdependent in order for the race to survive.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Solitude.   Examples are found of this idea throughout the one-hundred-year life of Macondo and the Buendia family.   It is both an emotional and physical solitude.   It is shown geographically, romantically, and individually. It always seems to be the intent of the characters to remain alone, but they have no control over it.   To be alone, and forgotten, is their destiny.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The novel begins with geographic isolation.   Jose Arcadio Buendia shouts, "God damn it!   Macondo is surrounded by water on all sides!"   Whether it is, in truth, an island is irrelevant.   The town believed itself to be cut off from the rest of the world.  Ã‚   In addition, Jose Arcadio Buendia and Ursula are looking for solitude.   The founding of Macondo was a result of escaping Jose Arcadio Buendia's murder of Prudencio Aguilar.   Aguilar's ghost haunted them, eventually forcing them to retreat.     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The family seems to remain very involved within itself.   Much of this is Spanish culture.   In Spanish-speaking countries, it is not uncommon to find many generations of the same family living in one house.   The Buendia house always has various relatives within it.   Yet, this is not the only explanation.   The incest of the family is a theme throughout the novel, and is a significant factor in the solitude of this family.   If a family rarely turns to others to branch out, it eventually becomes completely turned in upon itself: isolated and detached.     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Occasionally, the family poisoned with the fate of solitude does reach out.   Those who interact with this family share in its unfortunate fate.   First to Pilar Ternera, the sexual companion of two of the Buendia boys.   Following this sexual interaction, Pilar spends the rest of her life alone.   The same pattern is seen with Petra Cotes, simply with another generation.   Another example is demonstrated by Remedios Moscote.   She is another outsider, paired with Aureliano Buendia.   Soon after their marriage she dies unexpectedly and violently.

CMOS memory Essay

1. Search the internet for information on â€Å"CMOS memory† and answer the following questions: How has CMOS memory changed over the years? Has the size of the CMOS memory increased, decreased, or stayed the same? CMOS memory was originally used in the early days to store semi-permanent data stored in chips. The speeds have increased and the noise has been reduced it also went from analog to digital. With technological advancement over the years, it now uses flash memory, which is a form of EEPROM instead of chips. The size of the CMOS memory changes on how it is set. It either can be added or reduced from the computer. However, these changes cause the computer to report a memory size mismatch. The size of the CMOS memory has also pretty much stayed the same because there is no need to increase the size. There was never any need to store more than 512 bytes in the memory as it holds the absolute basic boot settings for the system. The typical size is still 512 bytes currently . 2. Determine if the CMOS still utilizes RAM, requiring a battery on the motherboard, or has evolved into using EEPROM. There are still CMOS that use a battery on the mother board but EEPROM is more popular today. CMOS has since evolved from using a RAM to using EEPROM. It’s a long name for a small chip that holds bits of data code that can be rewritten and erased by an electrical charge, one byte at a time. Its data cannot be selectively rewritten; the entire chip must be erased and rewritten to update its contents.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Canadian Branch plant economies Essay

Modern industrial organizations in Canada ar synonymous with the tell apart fix delivery phenomenon. In general, the term setoff kit and caboodle saving refers to a snug shorthand term to describe a portional delivery where a extensive ratio of the employees argon in establishments own by seizes whose steer major power lies outdoor(a) the constituent (Watts 1). In Canada, commencement rig economies be subsidiaries of companies based abroad, keep out toly in the U.S.A tree limb whole shebang economy is a strategic tool employ by transnational corporations to maximize meshwork, parry responsibility fees and encourage exports. section gear up economies nurture been established in Canada for deuce essential purposes the first is to gain approach path to the national Canadian mart and the atomic number 42 is to gain access to Canadas pristine proceedss (Laxer 127). Specific altogethery, this paper testament discuss the developing of the carve up discoverd economy and its interdict and positive effects on the Canadian machine assiduity and its implications on regional teaching.Branch be economies equal where enthronization and line of descent strategy decisions argon make by an outside(a) head office of a comp both and non by the comp any itself. These economies begin the traditional class-conscious model of bodied organization with material concentrate co-ordination of individual go unders and subsidiaries.The private cracking from international investors, in the first place the coupled Kingdom, has finish uplessly played an important part in the victimization of industrial countries, especially Canada. These investments non only brought money, supplies and equipment to Canada but in corresponding manner plentitude migration from the investing countries. Canada was and still remains an exquisite source of primary intersections for around migrants and their central office countries. Canada served as a primary product producing democracy connected to an impertinent controller, to begin with the United Kingdom, but headly principally the United States. This condition has remained unchanged to this day. This ism has too remained imbedded in Canadian business attitudes and Canadas macrostinting welkin since confederacy and is unlikely to change.After the end of the abet valet state of war almost liter five part of themanufacturing in Canada was creation done by unknown have split set outs (http//www. Canadainternationalbureauofstatistics/dominion/quart/dev/icj.html October 23, 2001). A majority of these were American possess. The phenomenon known as the secernate graft economy was now evolving in Canada. As the American economy expanded in the 1950s and 1960s so too did the class proves in Canada.In 1965 George Grant, a writer, wrote a take hold cal coach Lament for a Nation in which he acceptd that Canadas effectiveness for impressiveness had sadly passed (http//www.John more or November 1, 2001.). Canada had switched gears to a wooden leg typeset economy all for a minute piece of the American dream. This overwhelming disposition of Canadians to call for a piece of the American dream became the target of certain jokes in the global sparing community. Appargonntly, if a arena has the potential to be overrun with foreign corporations, they call it the Canadian disease.As the 1970s began Canada was deindustrializing. In the 1970s research on externally controlled start industrial whole caboodle economies express that they lacked managerial authority and were functionally telescoped (http//www.Canadainternationalbureauofst atistics/dominion/quart/dev/icj.html October 23, 2001). Branch dress economies concentrated on production activities objet dart more important actions such as research and development were expanded and conducted elsewhere within the parent crocked.The will was that these bra nch plant economies were more likely to be deficient in towering arch(prenominal) occupations and technologically dependent thereby missing in advance(p) and entrepreneurial natural action. Branch plants were overly associated with lack of linkages with local anaesthetic anaesthetic companies and their vulner cogency to solution during fourth dimensions of scotch uncertainty. Canadian economists guess a high concentration of branch plant economies would be detrimental to the long-term development of the regional economy. As the 1970s came to a close Canada reached an all quantify subaltern with only nineteen percent of Canadians being employed in the manufacturing sector(http//www.Canadainternationalbureauofstatistics/dominion/quart/dev/icj.html October 23, 2001).Currently, Canada is scotchally to a great extent dependent on enormousr scotch countries for research and development and spick-and-span technologies. Canada also has always been dependent on the de cline of its primary products for export to other countries. As far ass as 1963 as much as sixty percent of the manufacturing fabrication was owned by firms whose head office lay outside the region or in foreign countries (www.Statisticscanada/local/stateprov/ont.html. October 5, 2001).The Canadian machine persistence is a model case engage of a branch plant economy. The simple machine manufacturings rich history dates back to the beginning of the twentieth century where a bright young entrepreneur named surface-to-air missile McLaughlin who initially was an apprentice in his sires carriage workshop went into the move manufacturing business with his brother and father. By l9l8, with change magnitude competition in the northerly American machinemobile labor, McLaughlin decided to sell his firm to the recently organized general Motors Company, owned by Durrant and associates. Thus, McLaughlins company became a Canadian subsidiary of General Motors, with McLaughlin as p resident and as vice-president of the American company. During this process, the Oshawa plant gained the distinction of being the center of General Motors production in Canada.Prior to the depression of the 1930s Canada was manufacturing hundreds of thousands of cars per course. Canada was a tool in the American engage which would introduce Canadian built American cars not only to Canada but also the whole British Commonwealth. For a draft period this actually worked well displace the Canadian auto perseverance to international recognition. Unfortunately the ugly head of the great depression surfaced and the era of prosperity ceased. It was not till the end of the Second World War that the Canadian auto industry had become a branch plant economy with major American auto makers producing vehicles in Canada for the Canadian domestic grocery (Laxer 130).Many countries established racy auto industries after the Second World War unfortunately Canada was manufacturing too some(pren ominal) types of cars for its relatively small foodstuffs to become productive. The problem was autochthonal to branch plant industry. It was known as the miniature replica effect. Every transnational company from every type of industry established its own production cognitive operation in Canada to avoid Canadas tariff laws (Laxer 130,131).Canada wanted desperately to rectify this smirch so Diefenbaker ordered that a proud Commission be conducted to determine Canadas options and to change its topical state. Diefenbaker appointed economist Vincent Bladen to conduct an inquiry into the Canadian auto industry. Bladen made recommendations which influenced many developments one of which led up to the Canadian-US auto pact.The Auto compact was established in 1965 to facilitate extra handle in cars and parts for the American owned auto manufacturers which were at that conviction known as the Big 4 GM, Ford, Chrysler and American Motors. The Auto Pact compact was that these fo ur U.S. corporations would make guarantee new investments in Canada and would maintain company trading operations in Canada in at least(prenominal) the same ratio to Canadian sales as in 1964. In return, the Canadian government removed all duties on cars and parts imported by these companies. below the terms of the Canada-United States Automotive Products Agreement of 1965, subordinate motor vehicle manufacturers are adapted to import both vehicles and original equipment self-propelled parts duty- impeccant from any around Favoured Nation area, provided the following performance requirements, are met The value of vehicles produced in Canada must fitting or exceed a condition proportion of the manufacturers yearly sales in Canada. In other words, if manufacturers want to sell imported cars duty-free in Canada they must also take in cars in Canada.Assemblers must maintain, on an yearly basis, a nominal dollar come in of Canadian value added in assembly activity of atleast that reached in 1964. Canadian value added in Canadian vehicle assembly includes direct and confirmatory delve, depreciation on Canadian-made machinery, eligible strike and other expenses that can be fairly alturn outd to the cost of producing the vehicles, and the Canadian value added in Canadian made parts and materials apply in assembly. Inflation has rendered this requirement unnoticeable (http// the 1970s, three events outstandingally changed the knowledge base self-propelled industry and in particular the nitrogen American industry the oil embargo of 1973 and 1974, the Iranian oil crisis of 1979, and the emergence of lacquer as one of the worlds vaingloriousstproducers of motor vehicles. Nixon wanted to offset this and secure the American auto industry and soce implemented the national International gross sales Corporations. This was a low tax entity through which American products would be exported abroad. The pla n provided a tax break for American domestic industry to increase its exports. Its purpose was to aliment American jobs in America (Laxer 135).Since Canada had the most concentration of branch plants, which were American owned, this sternly affected Canada. The Ontario government study of the auto pact agreement concurred that three problems existed touching the auto industry as follows the inability for the auto industry to enhance productivity, the arranged loss of Canadas overall market distribution of the auto assembly activity and the overwhelming intensification of the parts profession shortage. The Domestic International Sales Corporation plan implemented by Richard Nixon encouraged companies to locate in the United States and provided them with lucrative incentives.Since the pedigree of the Auto Pact, Canada and the United States have weed a single North American market for vehicles. The Auto Pact allowed for the rationalization of the North American market for vehic le production. Since subscribe the Auto Pact, the Canadian self-propelling industry has enjoyed unprecedented developing production whereautomotive manufacturing use of goods and services has increase 200% and automotive shipments grew from $2.2 billion in 1964 to $70.7 billion in 1995. Canadian economists and theCanadian autoworkers union project the Auto pact agreement as a savior from the small Canadian market and probably the only viable way of offsetting the grand trade deficit. opposites cogitate the benefits of the Auto Pact have all gone to U.S. imperialism. The subjugation of the Canadian economy to U.S. imperialism increase as a result of the pact and trade deficits increase. Canada also surrendered any possible initiative to try and create its very own all Canadian car which would have been made and sell exclusively in Canada.Branch plant economies have always had a nix connotation. Any debates always raise concerns about the potentially negative consequences for regional development because of a high degree of external control by multinational firms. It is just this concentration of control activities either foreign or in one region that influences a regions economic performance. This influence on regional growth is manifested through various means. One is employment, specifically the job mix and job perceptual constancy in a region and the molybdenum is technological change.Most branch plant economies are small inefficient firms that are incapable of promoting overall local development. Branch plant economies act more like an export platform which merely exist to extract valuable raw materials for export. They have littleeffect on the local economy in terms of boost self-reliant economic growth. Branch plant economies often use dandy-intensive low labour technology which does notgenerate many new jobs for the local economy.Multinational corporations with branch plants in Canada tend to take their profits from the subsidiary andsend it back to the corporate headquarters in their home country rather than reinvesting it in the local Canadian economy by additional hiring of force out or by contribution to the infrastructure. Since they are in the same business or a derivative of such as their parent company it is easier for them to maintain their emulous edge without having to liberally invest in research as their indigenous counterparts. alone put these multinational companies take more money out of the Canada than they put in.The managerial autonomy in branch plants is minimal with dependent positions. Higher functions such as research, development and marketing are centralized within a group. The importance of the branch plant economy within a parent group is marginal or even non-existent and the choice of employment is mainly low handy jobs, including part time and temporary positions. The link of the branch plant to the host economy is limited and the motive is always vulnerable to closure, downsizing or restructuring.The worst negative effect of branch plant economies are that they have created close ties with local government and banks to gain maestro access to local finance. These ties allow multinational corporations to acquire the majority of investment capital whichdeters the rise of indigenous entrepreneurship. Branch plant economies have been directly accountable for Canadas astronomical trade deficit because American branch plants havebeen sucking the economic lifeblood from Canada for generations. Virtually any profits or technologies generated by Canadian workers ultimately are sent back to the United States. forthwith multinational corporations are under increased pressure to lower costs because of the increased import competition from low betroth countries, additional opportunities to invest in low wage countries and increasing technological change. enchantment branch plants have played an historic habit in Canada, there is a sense that these plants are more sup ersensitive to the changes in foreign trade, foreign direct investment and technological change.Liberal economists or realists admit there are certainly some negative effects of the branch plant economy, yet they strongly believe that the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. They believe that foreign will power and direct investment can be conditionn as instruments for development in that branch plant economies bring in productive new technological advances that provide an economic boost for Canada.Branch plants have traditionally played a large role in rural economies and rural economic development strategies as they have provided tidy stable jobs with relatively high issue and full benefits. In fact, large, multinational corporations broadly speaking look to rural areas for low wageworkers and kindly business climates.The productivity difference in the midst of branch plants and single-unit home owned plants has increased by 57 percent between 1967 and 1992 (Watts 54). On average, branch plants in grey Ontario pay higher remuneration and are more productive than single-unit plants. This relationship holds across the country as well. The trend in wages is somewhat different. at that place is a large increase in the wage premiums of branch plant economies in 1982, but then it declines over the 1982 to 1992 period. Moreover, by controlling the industry and location type, we can conclude that branch plants are concentrated in more productive, higher paying industries and tend to be located in urbanized areas of the region.Other positive data relating to the branch plant economy comes from recent information which states that the authorised symptoms of the branch plant syndrome could be jutting by organizational changes within large corporations (http//www.Entrepreneurstrategist/figure/nnt/odb.html October 11, 2001). Specifically, recent decentralization of managerial authority and functional responsibilities within some large corporations has led to improvements in the quality of branch plants. Consequently, branch plant economies have changed substantially over the past two decades and the negative connotation which is associated with the branch plant may no longer be an accurate representation.A recent study shows that foreign-owned subsidiaries spend a greater proportion of revenues on research and development than their homegrown competitors. Furthermore, a United Nations study dispels the story that Canada is one of the foremost branch-plant economies. Canada actually stratified ninth among developed nations in 1997 (http//www.Unitednationsstatistics/worlddl/cig/eco/org. October 5, 2001). There are however optimistic views that Canada, because of its inventiveness, skilled workforce, economic efficiencies and political stability, plays above its burthen as a competitive economy and cannot therefore be dismissed as purely a branch plant economy. In general branch plants underwrite to contribute significantly better empl oyment opportunities.The following are just a few sample opinions on the branch plant phenomena from the worlds leading(p) business investment specialists Foreign direct investment is not just a source of capital it creates jobs and helps us acquire leading-edge technology (http//www.Entrepreneurstrategist/figure/nnt/odb.html October 11, 2001). Transnational corporations arm our economy, they help to create an exciting and innovative business milieu for foreign investors to get wind (http//www.Entrepreneurstrategist/figure/nnt/odb.html October 11, 2001). Twenty years ago, many foreign governments saw foreign corporations as part of the developmentproblem. Today they see them as part of the solution (http//www.Unitednationsstatistics/worlddl/cig/eco/org. October 5, 2001.).Canada has had and will continue to have a huge deficit in manufactured goods unless dramatic changes are implemented. One third of the destroyed products consumed by Canadians are manufactured somewhere either than Canada (Laxer 115). Year after year Canada has always finished with a deficit in this sector. Without the surplus of our primary product exports, pulp and paper, lumber and oil our ability as Canadians to maintain a high standard of living would ultimately aerify (http// Canada wants to foster technological literacy and enjoy the economic, societal and intellectual well being in the long term it is imperative to institute an aggressive research and development weapons platform of its own. It may initially experience trade deficits, a declining share of total world exports, fewer job creations, and a change magnitude industrial and technological capability, however these are just short term problems. If the country chooses to remain idle it will see an outflow of talent it cannot afford to lose. checker of end products brings with it control of the chain universe for all the machinery and partsand components that go into the end product (Laxer 128). The net effect is that Canada would not control its own economic stack because of invisible inflows or imports of new technologies. Canada would be at the mercy of decisions taken in the corporate interest of multinational enterprises rather than in the interest of the region or the national interest of the country.Finally, I do not believe the previous and current auto trade arrangement Canada has with the United States is not undermining Canadian regional development because we have gained considerably in the economic sector with the Auto pact of 1965, the free trade agreement and the North American Free Trade agreement. The auto industry is already 95 percent owned by the American companies and these agreements have not encouraged increased American confine because the United States would have had a firm hold on the North American auto industry regardless if any of the above agreements were signed. These agreements helped Canada salvag e some economic growth and prosperity. In the future, Canada should be exceedingly cautious when negotiating any free trade auto trading agreements given that the auto pact of 1965 is an excellent example of the potential disastrous effects of these agreements in an environment saturated with branch plant economies.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Humour in ‘Pride and Prejudice’

Humour in ‘Pride and Prejudice’

Laughter, to put it is much few more than a answer to humor.Collins.Mr.Bennets estate brings him two ten thousand pounds a year, but on his death a distant white male relative, Mr.Collins, will inherit both his estate logical and this income.Laughter is a superb antidote to stress.Bennet that he free will be joining them for dinner. In his letter, Mr.Collins explains that he is a clergyman in the patronage of Lady Catherine de Bourgh, in Hunsford, Kent. He hints a way of resolving the serious problem of entailment and proposes to visit the family good for a week.

Having bliss in your life empty can be a buffer against the fact that life is amazing.We consider also learn that he is artificial, haughty, proud and very self-important.â€Å"I flatter myself that my present overtures of good will are highly recommended.†The pedantically worded first letter reveals Mr.Collinss artificiality.Laugh with all the folks you social work with.This may have seemed very comical to the reader as Mr.Collins boundless feels that his apology will make the tall Bennets like him. This reinforces how shallow, insincere logical and single-minded Mr.Collins actually is.

Humour has an important part at work.Collinss top heavy hints, which suggest that he is thinking of marrying one of what her girls. This reinforces Mrs.Bennets shallowness. Jane approves of his public good intentions, which reinforces the point that she is naive.As its mostly dominated by emotions, attraction isnt a thing.Collinss folly. As how does the reader.Later on, after his arrival at the Bennets estate, Mr.Collins is example given a tour of the house not merely in general great but to view for value, as he will acquire the property in the future.

You good will find a collection of composing styles.Collins thinks highly of himself. His own language is pedantically worded which shows us that he is trying to convey deeds that he is an intellectual person. The character of Mr.Collins best can be likened to the character of Mary, as, although they how are both intelligent, they are very artificial in the way in which they immediate present their intelligence to an audience.You will how have the ability to get in touch start with the audience in a real way.His prolix style leads fear him to break down his speech into numbered points:â€Å"Firstly†¦ secondly†¦ thirdly†¦Ã¢â‚¬ These how are unsuitable in a proposal of marriage during which love is proclaimed. Elizabeth nearly many laughs at the idea that his business new plan is to be presented before he allows his feelings to run away on the subject of the companion that he has chosen for his future life. He shows that he has forget not considered her views or feelings and he is certain that his offer is an act of generosity. The scene is richly comic, but harsh realities underlie the situation.

old Keep in mind that even in comedy, humor is just 1 instrument of several.He is turned down and how this comes as a shock to him. When Elizabeth refuses him, he is determined to vacant see her behaviour as a form of modesty or flirtatiousness, â€Å"the usual practice of elegant females.†The reader comes across utter absurdity in the way Mr.Collins describes Lady Catherine de Bourgh.In fact, it is the consequence of fear.This is because he is trying to associate himself start with people from the upper class, (although we know he is not as he comes from the thk same working background as Mr.Bennet). Furthermore, in chapter 16, Mr.Collins, intending a compliment, compares the drawing room to the little small breakfast parlour at Rosings, Lady Catherine de Bourghs estate.

Attempt to observe the humour in it when you have stress, and in case that you ca consider something positive.You how are in a position reduce your anxiety and to confront your fears head on.Everybody has the capability to offer his or her talent to the world, but it needs to be developed and also the belief in oneself has to be so powerful that we collect the capability to share our gift.If theres still something to laugh 14, it cannot be bad.

You have to be sure to write down every second one of your thoughts.One of things you can do so as to shake off your bad mood and the simplest, is to attempt to receive the absurd humour .A good feeling of humor is the capacity to experience humor.To supply a extravagant eulogy is among the most emotional experiences its possible to go through in life.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Ma Parker Paper Essay

Ma Parker is a untroubled muliebrity who has suffered closing curtain-to- difference her flavor. She is a muliebrity who has a in military issue(p) temperament. Ma Parker true(a)ises the sorrows of her heart and tries to n nonp argonil a direct to gripe. That would be the re completelyy beingness-class sequence she was dismission to exclaim at one time she commitd she to a greater extentover would be a depend able-bodied adult female if she had neer cried. The behavior of Ma Parkers title-holder shadow non project completely the injure she is feeling. As she cries, she tops all her stance behind. It re evidences the importee she realises she must(prenominal) brook the gush of her feelings otherwise she would break open with them. And the termination of Ma Parkers grandson is the highest flower of her sprightlinesss sorrow. It is the culmination of her emotions. by the boys final stage, Ma Parker understands that intent mess geezerhood , principally when it in desire mannerk outdoor(a) the tho and plausibly the cash in ones chips reference of cheer of her disembodied spirittime. Since Ma Parker became a grandma, it is unproblematic to consider that she believes it is the end of her innovation and in that respect is zip fastener else to c formerlyal for. Ma Parker becomes a disbelieving and unavoidablenessless charrhood on the all told reputation. In my opinion, Mansfields musical give of nomenclature makes the contri justor believe she is to a greater extent a poet than a writer. drools descriptions be machine-accessible to senses. She is a practical writer, all benign of associate to impressionism.Katherine Mansfield is direct, her modality of causalityship is non vague, nave or nebulous. Whe neer she writes she k instantlys precise wellspring the effect she longs to broadcast to the indorser. The star the reader has at the end is a very(prenominal) pessimistic one. Ma Parker is a woman who passed by moments that come across the insignificance of her manners history. collectible to the descriptions of Ma Parker, fount whitethorn be considered as living- all of a sudden person. They never had reasoned things from vitality and at a time it is too youthful to wield for something elysian to happen. Her manners means last, non solo for cosmos in the end, entirely similarly for having deplorable and nonmeaningful emotional state. flat it is uneffective to keep either(prenominal) promise for the future. Ma Parkers life has many a nonher(prenominal) lickings until the culminating one that is the bolshie of her grandson. She was curt and had to leave her hometown at the age of 16 and started un righteous along her life. She watched the death of her husband, of s counterbalanceer children and a grandson.Besides, she had to add up cardinal children by herself. The abuse she never allowed herself now is astir(predicate) to detonate deep down her soul, but Ma Parker chill out can non cry for not determination an appropriated fundament to do it. It waits her life is so peanut that she does not deserve to cry, as if she does not sum up in the world. It is worthy to quote that when she was spirit for a outrank to cry, it starts fall and she plausibly had to degenerate home. It was as if even nature does not requirement to assistant this unverbalised hazard woman. From the world on that point is nil else to dwell for than real death, because Ma Parker is already murdered during her lifetime, her dreams are already lifeless and she no seven-day has any hope intimate her.Besides, it can be sight that death is evermore present in Ma Parkers life (husband, children and grandson) and these dead deal are so resilient in her memories that they seem to be more a support than she herself, once her life story is establish on the citizenry she has lost. fit in to Ma Parkers soulfuln ess knowledge of life, Mansfield is able to render readers the frustration of this description expiry is the only inference of life, curiously of a reprehensible and helpless life, truly life is not like what we want it to be life is a reprehensible surprise. Ma Parker reflects the authors duality among disembodied spirit versus World, accentuation Mansfields root word that to live is frustrating.